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Flyinglady Registered user Username: Flyinglady
Post Number: 3140 Registered: 3-2004
| Posted on Saturday, December 09, 2006 - 8:10 am: | |
I remember reading somewhere in EGW's writings that we are not to spend sabbath afternoon sleeping. Please help me find that. I think I read it in a compilation for the Adventist home. I threw my EGW books away, never thinking I would like them for reference. Diana |
Jackob Registered user Username: Jackob
Post Number: 390 Registered: 7-2005
| Posted on Saturday, December 09, 2006 - 2:02 pm: | |
quote: None should feel at liberty to spend sanctified time in an unprofitable manner. It is displeasing to God for Sabbathkeepers to sleep during much of the Sabbath. They dishonor their Creator in so doing, and, by their example, say that the six days are too precious for them to spend in resting. They must make money, although it be by robbing themselves of needed sleep, which they make up by sleeping away holy time. They then excuse themselves by saying: "The Sabbath was given for a day of rest. I will not deprive myself of rest to attend meeting, for I need rest." Such make a wrong use of the sanctified day. They should, upon that day especially, interest their families in its observance and assemble at the house of prayer with the few or with the many, as the case may be. They should devote their time and energies to spiritual exercises, that the divine influence resting upon the Sabbath may attend them through the week. Of all the days in the week, none are so favorable for devotional thoughts and feelings as the Sabbath. 2 Testimonies, page 704
Flyinglady Registered user Username: Flyinglady
Post Number: 3142 Registered: 3-2004
| Posted on Saturday, December 09, 2006 - 2:54 pm: | |
Thanks Jackob. I appreciate this very much. Diana |
River Registered user Username: River
Post Number: 217 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Saturday, December 09, 2006 - 3:04 pm: | |
If man should sleep during the six he shall never have to worry about sleeping the Sabbath, for hunger willeth gnaw continuously at his innards and he will find no rest nor reprieve from it. 2nd River page one. |
Flyinglady Registered user Username: Flyinglady
Post Number: 3143 Registered: 3-2004
| Posted on Saturday, December 09, 2006 - 3:08 pm: | |
River, I am sitting here laughing. You do have a way with words. Diana |
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 5078 Registered: 12-2003
| Posted on Saturday, December 09, 2006 - 4:10 pm: | |
Amen, River!! Wow, that quote, Jeremy, contains ALL the usually unspoken subtext defining the Sabbath. This explains the oft-stated comment that God meets us in a special way on the Sabbath. He's there, and if we "show up" with Him, we'll be especially blessed. The Sabbath has a "divine presence", and we can hope to carry that with us, but it really is different on the Sabbath. I remember when I was an Adventist I used to wonder about that "God shows up in a special way on Sabbath" idea came from because I could find nothing in the Bible that suggested that. Of course, Ellen said it...! Colleen |
Jeremy Registered user Username: Jeremy
Post Number: 1640 Registered: 10-2004
| Posted on Saturday, December 09, 2006 - 4:39 pm: | |
(Colleen, I think you meant Jackob, above. Thanks for finding the quote, Jackob.) What really creeps me out is this sentence: "They should devote their time and energies to spiritual exercises, that the divine influence resting upon the Sabbath may attend them through the week." I believe that the SDA Sabbath is not even a "shadow of Christ," but is in reality a demonic holiday. That spiritual "influence" that Ellen speaks of is very real and I can remember that "Sabbath time" had that certain atmosphere/influence that attended it. This is why it is so necessary for those with Adventist backgrounds to break free from the "Sabbath influence" and quit keeping the "Sabbath." Jeremy |
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 5083 Registered: 12-2003
| Posted on Saturday, December 09, 2006 - 5:03 pm: | |
I am so sorry!! Yes, thank you, Jackob! And Jeremy, I completely agree that the Sabbath is not a shadow of Christ for Adventists. Yes, Adventists do need to completely break free from the Sabbath influence and abandon the day. Because of the powerful spiritual place it holds for SDAs (and it replaces the reality of Jesus), it must be abandoned for Adventists to really experience their freedom in Christ. Adventists thank God for the Sabbath, honor people who honor the day over personal desiresóbut seldom verbally praise God for Jesus. Colleen |
Ric_b Registered user Username: Ric_b
Post Number: 662 Registered: 7-2004
| Posted on Sunday, December 10, 2006 - 6:05 am: | |
Colleen, I am not certain if the need to break free from the Sabbath is true 100% of the time for SDAs. But I will certainly concede that it is very frequently the case. At the time that my wife and I left, I believe that I can say the day we worshipped on didn't matter to me one way or other. But perhaps my experience being a convert is quite different from those who are raised within SDAism. Perhaps the fears that just maybe Jesus isn't enough didn't run nearly as deep. But even in my case, it was some time after being convinced that the Sabbath was completely fulfilled in Jesus before I was comfortable doing activities related to wage earning on that day. I would work around the house or about anything else EXCEPT my job on Sabbath afternoons. But that gradually faded away as well as the understanding took root within me. |
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 5085 Registered: 12-2003
| Posted on Sunday, December 10, 2006 - 6:11 pm: | |
Rick, I'm willing to say there could be exceptions to my perceived "rule"óbut I do suspect that someone not raised in Adventism may have a different level of "tie" to the day. At any rate, God knows, and He leads us each to the places of surrender and submission He knows we need to deal with. Colleen |
Aliza Registered user Username: Aliza
Post Number: 130 Registered: 8-2006
| Posted on Sunday, December 10, 2006 - 7:02 pm: | |
Colleen, I'm in agreement. Looking back I don't think that when first coming out of Adventism that I would have understood your point as I hadn't pinpointed totally that Sabbath focus replaced the focus on Jesus. And since I was one born into Adventism I especially needed to cut completely from the day. Now however, it really doesn't matter. In fact for the summer I was going to church on "sabbath" since I was working Sunday and attending the Saturday night service and there was a very late sundown time. But having been away from the SDA culture for sometime, there was no longer any baggage attached to it. Aliza |
U2bsda Registered user Username: U2bsda
Post Number: 371 Registered: 11-2004
| Posted on Sunday, December 10, 2006 - 8:46 pm: | |
I didn't have a clean break with the Sabbath as I would occasionally attend Friday night services at non-SDA/non-Sabbath churches. I don't think I needed to disassociate myself from services on Friday or Saturday as leaving Adventism or shortly after I left Adventism. The services I attended were nothing like Adventism and when the Sabbath break happened - it happened deep within my spirit and there was no point of confusion after that. So then and now I will attend services on any day of the week. I was born and raised in the church and Saturday was Sabbath to me every day of my life. Maybe it helped that I quit attending all Adventist services/churches about 8 months before that Sabbath-break happened within. I was attending "Sunday" churches while "keeping" the Sabbath at home during those 8 months. I do feel a little funny though when my family asks me where we are headed on a Friday night or Saturday and our destination is a church service :p I don't have a problem with going to a non-SDA church on Friday or Saturday, but I do have a problem with worshipping a day as I think Adventists tend to do. |
Agapetos Registered user Username: Agapetos
Post Number: 641 Registered: 10-2002
| Posted on Sunday, December 10, 2006 - 8:49 pm: | |
Aliza, the "Sabbath" is already over by the time Saturday night rolls around, don't you know! **wink** |
Grace_alone Registered user Username: Grace_alone
Post Number: 344 Registered: 6-2006
| Posted on Monday, December 11, 2006 - 7:15 pm: | |
So let me get this straight. You have to work on the Sabbath too??? Again. As if there aren't enough rules to follow! Leigh Anne |
Susans Registered user Username: Susans
Post Number: 258 Registered: 8-2006
| Posted on Monday, December 11, 2006 - 7:54 pm: | |
Nurses (like me) can work on Sabbath, because it's "doing good", however, many have been made to feel (and I've been told this) that they should donate the money made on Sabbath to the church (which I never did ) Susan |
Flyinglady Registered user Username: Flyinglady
Post Number: 3153 Registered: 3-2004
| Posted on Monday, December 11, 2006 - 8:02 pm: | |
What GALL!! What NERVE!! I cannot think of anything else to say. I have heard of that happening Susans, but your the first one I have spoken to that it has happened to. Diana |
Grace_alone Registered user Username: Grace_alone
Post Number: 345 Registered: 6-2006
| Posted on Monday, December 11, 2006 - 9:33 pm: | |
That is pretty outrageous. Susan can't make money, but the church sure can! Give me a break. I have a dear SDA friend who works at our local Christian radio station. She has her own program of all Contemporary Christian music and even shares scripture on air between songs. She actually got grief from someone at her church for working during the last hour of Sabbaths during the summer! She's so on fire for the Lord that I was really hoping the situation would open her eyes to what's wrong in the church, but I imagine at least it chipped away some. Leigh Anne |
Aliza Registered user Username: Aliza
Post Number: 131 Registered: 8-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 4:19 am: | |
Leigh Anne, I'm not a bit surprised at what happened to your friend. A few years ago I was involved in a purposefully nondenominational ministry founded by SDAs. The goal was the gospel, not to make people SDA. Not only was it not accepted, but it was roundly condemned by most SDAs because it wasn't making people SDA. A huge waste in their eyes and not true evangelism to just talk about Jesus! Aliza |
Lydell Registered user Username: Lydell
Post Number: 757 Registered: 7-2000
| Posted on Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 6:58 am: | |
Ahhh, I'm reminded of the time the SDA pastor here went to counsel one of the members who was working on the sabbath....he was a fireman. It was okay for those who worked in the lab at the local hospital to work on the sabbath. But not okay for the fireman to work. |
Grace_alone Registered user Username: Grace_alone
Post Number: 346 Registered: 6-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 8:42 am: | |
Aliza and Lydell, I'm sure Jesus would've gotten busted as well! There really isn't much difference between the SDA church and the Pharisees, is there? |
Jeremy Registered user Username: Jeremy
Post Number: 1642 Registered: 10-2004
| Posted on Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 10:10 am: | |
The following reminds me so much of the SDAs: "Therefore some of the Pharisees were saying, 'This man is not from God, because He does not keep the Sabbath.'" (John 9:16a NASB.) The SDAs would say the exact same thing! Jeremy |
Bobj Registered user Username: Bobj
Post Number: 74 Registered: 1-2006
| Posted on Sunday, December 17, 2006 - 3:36 pm: | |
Jeremy I just wanted to let you know how much I've appreciated the many helpful references you provide. I almost always learn something helpful in my walk with the Lord. Many thanks Bob