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Belvalew Registered user Username: Belvalew
Post Number: 1049 Registered: 7-2004
| Posted on Thursday, June 22, 2006 - 3:38 pm: |    |
I have a friend who was recently involved with the tedious effort of clearing out her mother's house after her mother was moved to a nursing home. There was 40+ years of accumulation to deal with, as some of you may have already experienced. In the back of a closet, amongst stacks and piles of Adventist magazines, journals, and periodicals she came across a First Edition of Patriarchs & Prophets, published in 1890. She told me it looks like it hasn't been opened more than four or five times so it is in pristine condition. If any of you would like to acquire this book she would be willing to sell it to the highest bidder. If you know of anyone who might, likewise, wish to acquire this book (pre-edited version) please let Colleen know and she can put you in touch with me. I will then put you in touch with my friend. |
Dennis Registered user Username: Dennis
Post Number: 762 Registered: 4-2000

| Posted on Thursday, June 22, 2006 - 7:06 pm: |    |
Speaking of early SDA books, I have a hard-cover book, copyrighted in 1887, by Dr. John H. Kellogg entitled, "Sunbeams of Health and Temperance." This 229-page book is in fair condition (measures 10 by 12.5 inches and contains several full-page pictures). I have often wondered what its value is today. Maybe the Kellogg Foundation would be interested in acquiring it. Interestingly, in the back of the book are some large, full-page advertisements--including one from the Medical and Surgical Sanitarium in Battle Creek, Michigan. It is described as "The Oldest and Most Extensive Sanitarium, Conducted on Rational and Scientific Principles, in the United States." Additionally, under the subtitle of SPECIAL ADVANTAGES are the following: An elevated and pictureque site. Remarkable salubrious surroundings. "Water of extraordinary purity" --Prof. A. B. Prescott. Baths of every description. Electricity in every form. Massage and Swedish movements by trained manipulators. Pneumatic and vacuum treatment. All sorts of Mechanical Appliances. A fine Gymnasium with a trained director. Classified dietaries. Unequaled ventilation, perfect sewerage. Artificial climate created for those needing special conditions. Thoroughly aseptic surgical wards and operating rooms. All conveniences and comforts of a first-class hotel. Incurable and offensive patients not received. Not a "pleasure resort," but an excellent place for chronic invalids who need special conditions and treatment not readily available at home. RATES REASONABLE. For circulars Address...SANITARIUM, Battle Creek, Mich. On another page is a small ad for "The Alcohol Detector" with picture. It says, "The accompanying cut shows a new and very simple apparatus, by means of which Alcohol may be detected in beer, wine, and cider, as well as in the stronger liquors. The apparatus is so simple that a child can use it. The alcohol is made visible by a blue falme burning at the mouth of he flask. PRICE, SECURELY PACKAGED, $1.25. Address, GOOD HEALTH PUB. CO., Battle Creek, Mich. The Sanitarium Food Company advertised graham crackers for ten cents per pound and granola for 12 cents per pound. A tract entitled, "A Live Hog Examined" is only ten cents. Of special interest to women is a full-page advertisment by the Sanitary Supply Company. It features their famous shoulder hose and skirt supporters. In another interesting ad by the Sanitarium is their training school for nurses (TERMS: Students pay board and tuition in labor the first year. Wages are paid the second year.) Dennis Fischer E-mail: