Dennisrainwater Registered user Username: Dennisrainwater
Post Number: 128 Registered: 8-2000
| Posted on Saturday, June 17, 2006 - 9:28 pm: | |
Hi all, I was in conversation with my dad recently, and he brought up a point that got me to wondering... Is it live, or is it Memore.... No--make that, "Is it Bible, or is it EGg White??" The point he brought up was the idea that I remember parroting as an SDA years ago: 'The only thing that anyone would have to do to prove the Bible wrong is to rebuild on, and inhabit the land that was once Babylon. Because the Bible said it will never be lived in again until the end of time. Now I could spend some time studying the Bible for an answer to this--and I WILL. But for the sake of expediency I'm wondering if anyone here has studied this question out. DID the Bible say that, or is it one more instance of us "remembering" the Bible through the words of Ellen? Part of what provoked this topic of conversation was discussion about the reports that were circulating a few years ago stating that Saddam Hussein was trying to rebuild the old city of Babylon. Anyway, if anyone has any knowledge on this subject that they can share, it would be helpful. Thanks, Den<>< |