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Chris Registered user Username: Chris
Post Number: 1101 Registered: 7-2003

| Posted on Friday, February 24, 2006 - 9:07 pm: |    |
Oh Madelia, I discovered in a hurry that cold is a relative thing. I was SOOOO cold all weekend. I'm speaking as a midwesterner who is used to lots of snow and sub zero weather. However, there's a difference, those of us from cold climates heat our houses and buildings and we wear warm clothes, sweaters, coats, hats, etc. Silly me, I thought I was going to sunny southern California (which had been experiencing temps in the high 80s right before I arrived) so I brought light weight clothing. So I get to CA and it's in the high 50s, overcast, and drizzling on and off. I was cold and damp the whole time I was there. When we went back to where we were staying at night (San Bernadino Mt.) we had a big snow storm. I've also notice that southern Californians aren't big on running their heaters (assuming they even have them). I was chilled to the bone. I was so happy to get back to NE. Sure it was 18 deg. when I got home, but I had a coat, a warm house, and I finally felt warm. Crazy Californians! .....tongue and cheek of course, I love ya all.... Chris |
Seekr777 Registered user Username: Seekr777
Post Number: 410 Registered: 1-2003

| Posted on Saturday, February 25, 2006 - 7:49 am: |    |
Chris, ".....tongue and cheek of course, I love ya all." I hope you are "tongue in cheek" or next time when you come I'll tell everyone I know to turn on the air conditioner, which we have plenty of. Richard
Raven Registered user Username: Raven
Post Number: 382 Registered: 7-2004

| Posted on Sunday, February 26, 2006 - 4:43 pm: |    |
What a happy surprise at church today, the very next Sunday after the Formers Weekend, when the main song to prepare us for the sermon was "Knowing You" and the sermon was on the New Covenant, using all the classic texts in Jeremiah 31, 2 Corinthians 3, etc. I have never heard that song or that topic for a sermon in our church before. And this New Covenant sermon was in the context of each of our spiritual journey, with the sermon title of "Jars on a Journey." It felt like a gift from God, for the memory of the formers weekend to linger a little longer. (Message edited by Raven on February 26, 2006) |
Flyinglady Registered user Username: Flyinglady
Post Number: 2340 Registered: 3-2004

| Posted on Sunday, February 26, 2006 - 8:08 pm: |    |
Oh Raven, That sounds so nice. I am so glad for you. God is surely looking out for you in your journey with Him. I like the song, "Knowing You". Thank You God. Diana |
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 3448 Registered: 12-2003

| Posted on Sunday, February 26, 2006 - 8:22 pm: |    |
Raven, what a wonderful surprise! That was a gift from God. We sang "Knowing You" at FAF Friday as a memory from last week also. Colleen |
Lisa_boyldavis Registered user Username: Lisa_boyldavis
Post Number: 169 Registered: 3-2005
| Posted on Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 6:43 pm: |    |
Dear FAF Friends, Well, serves me right for not scheduling a flight for joining you on the big weekend... My uncle George died the Thursday before your weekend started. He lives in Hemet. My husband, 3 kids and I took a 10 day road trip and went to pay our respects and spend some time with the family down there (In Hemet, Temecula, etc...). Got to see a really great friend who was able to attend the retreat. She brought me literally a HUGE BAG filled with books, sermon notes, tapes, etc... She loved the weekend, but only wished that when the questioning SDA's started bringing up their arguments, that a dialogue was attempted rather than quick comments to shush the group up. I was not there so have no idea how that all went. I know some people don't have a desire to learn to but argue. Maybe that is a good description of the group that came to question. Anyway, I am really enjoying all the materiel I received, and wish I'd been with my Uncle when he died, which would have made it possible to be there that weekend. He was an unbeliever as far as we know, but there were some signs toward the end that he started opening up a door to just consider the truth. Well, I got online during your big weekend and prayed for you multiple times, asking God's spirit to Join You. Well, thank you for all the discussion.. Maybe we will come if you have it next year. Your NW Friend, Lisa
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 3481 Registered: 12-2003

| Posted on Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 11:48 pm: |    |
Lisa, There was a contingent of people from one congregation that saw the ad in the paper and came literally to argue. One of them even called out and interrupted Mark Martin at about 9:50 PM as he was wrapping with a call to follow Jesus. The pastors' responses to them were deliberately brief because they wanted to argueóin fact, some of the comments were "monologues" that took several minutes. Dialogue with them was out of the question. There was another person, however, who had been one of Dale Ratzlaff's students. His questions, while heated, were dealt with in much more detail. The problem with the "contingent" was that they pretty much monopolized much of the Q & A time, and others didn't have a chance to ask questions. Colleen |
Belvalew Registered user Username: Belvalew
Post Number: 976 Registered: 7-2004
| Posted on Sunday, March 05, 2006 - 12:00 pm: |    |
Colleen, How would I go about acquiring books, tapes, or other materials that would have been available--in particular, were tapes made of the presentations during the weekend? I really wanted to be a part of the West Coast FAF meeting, but I really had to be where I was (in a hospital bed) instead. If any of you have pictures, or access information for materials, please let me know at Thanks. |
Riverfonz Registered user Username: Riverfonz
Post Number: 1384 Registered: 3-2005
| Posted on Sunday, March 05, 2006 - 4:45 pm: |    |
Lisa, As you know, I work closely with your friend. I think the big problem with the last 90 minutes of that three hour evening meeting was that everyone was exhausted. We had a wonderful long day where everyone had personal interaction with the pastors during many seminars. I really enjoyed one of the breakout sessions with Mark Martin earlier in the day. God has richly blessed him, and I praise the Lord for his ministry. But there were definite signs during that last segment where I think he would have answered better when not battling fatigue. I think all three of the pastors were very tired during those last 90 minutes--at least I will admit I was tired! However, I want to stress that if anyone perceives any negative reaction posted above, I don't want anything to take away from what was a most blessed and spirit-filled weekend. I can't wait until the next one! Stan |
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 3489 Registered: 12-2003

| Posted on Sunday, March 05, 2006 - 10:35 pm: |    |
We're working on geetting MP3 files of the general meetings from the church. We don't have a server that can handle online audio streaming, but Mark Martin does, and he will post the audio files when we get them. We should have something this next week--we'll let you know as soon as it happens! Colleen |
Melissa Registered user Username: Melissa
Post Number: 1316 Registered: 7-2003

| Posted on Monday, March 06, 2006 - 10:59 am: |    |
One of the things I like most about Mark's website is that his audio works on a MAC! There seems to be some knack that has to be in place to accomplish that. So, I'm thrilled to know the mac-addicts in the crowd will be able to listen . |
Seekr777 Registered user Username: Seekr777
Post Number: 426 Registered: 1-2003

| Posted on Monday, March 06, 2006 - 11:33 am: |    |
Melissa, which sites do you find don't work? As a mac-addict enjoying his new intel Imac I want to know. Richard
Jeremy Registered user Username: Jeremy
Post Number: 1128 Registered: 10-2004

| Posted on Monday, March 06, 2006 - 2:46 pm: |    |
I just noticed that the site has recently had a major overhaul, including the addition of an online store, and some new messages on what happens when you die, in the audio section. I love the new design, but I noticed that the box near the bottom saying to call the toll free EGW-MYTH number which linked to this site is gone. Has that number been disabled, Colleen? I always got a kick out of seeing that at the bottom of his site. Jeremy (Message edited by Jeremy on March 06, 2006) |
Melissa Registered user Username: Melissa
Post Number: 1318 Registered: 7-2003

| Posted on Monday, March 06, 2006 - 2:59 pm: |    |
well, my church for one! They stream our praise team music and I can only listen to it on my son's pc. Very disheartening to a person with 3 macs of her own. How are those intel boxes? We've just gotten a couple to test on site here. It always presses us into a bit of a panic when they do things like that because it affects so many systems that are homegrown, with scripts etc. We have a hundred or so applications that have to be tested before we can put them into the production environment. It took forever just to convert from quark 4 to 6 because there were so many process scripts that had been written to quark we had to keep the classic environment active, which is a challenge unto itself. We're just getting ready to put the quad processors in the environment. So, we're behind a bit technology-wise, but the card factory can't shut down because apple has made changes. We always seem to be a OS version or hardware behind. We're just now rolling out tiger and they're already planning for their next cat...I can't remember if I've heard it's name yet. No getting comfortable here. It's much less complicated at home when it's just you and your stuff that has to "work". |
Seekr777 Registered user Username: Seekr777
Post Number: 428 Registered: 1-2003

| Posted on Monday, March 06, 2006 - 7:10 pm: |    |
Yes me and my Macs have much less stress when it's not my career on the line. I love the intel box but there are somethings that won't work until they come up with a "universal" version. One of the biggest is Final Cut but that is supposed to be upgraded this month or next. I also found that my oki color laser wouldn't work when connected to the Intel Imac. So I just hook my Powerbook up to the printer and using the wifi network I share the printer from the Powerbook to the Imac. It's not that hard just need to plug the printer in and away i go. Sorry to all those who don't care but i don't have Melissa's email.
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 3496 Registered: 12-2003

| Posted on Monday, March 06, 2006 - 10:50 pm: |    |
Jeremy, yes, we have that number. It's the same number as the 877 number in the Proclamation masthead. I'll have to write and let Mark know the number is operational. I didn't know it was gone; I suspect Mark didn't know it was still working. For years it had rung in a private office of a former Adventist who answered calls left on a message machine. Early in 2005 we got the number transferred to us, and Life Assurance anwwers it. I'll let Mark know... Colleen |
Cw Registered user Username: Cw
Post Number: 1 Registered: 4-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 - 11:41 am: |    |
I'm a brand new member as of today and have been reading your forum for a couple of weeks. I'm looking forward to some discussion if I can work the bugs out of my e-mail system. The bugs are actually my lack of computer skills but I'm seeking expert help. |
Helovesme2 Registered user Username: Helovesme2
Post Number: 478 Registered: 8-2004

| Posted on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 - 11:47 am: |    |
Welcome CW! Looking forward to hearing more from you! Mary |
Cw Registered user Username: Cw
Post Number: 2 Registered: 4-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 - 12:17 pm: |    |
Thank you for the prompt response Mary. It's good to know I correctly got in. I'm not a former Adventist but my 19 year old daughter is seriously dating an SDA member. I fear her marrying into the SDA church. I took an on-line course from an SDA website because I didn't think my daughter was getting all the facts from her boy friend and his parents regarding SDA beliefs. I actually got a certificate of completion for the course. Like most Christians I was very uninformed about the SDA church but the more I learned the more scared I became. My daughter's entire education has been in Christian schools and now she is believing everything her boy friend and his family is telling her about "the truth". I know no other Adventists so I hope to gain some insight on how to deal with this from members of this forum who seem to be willing to share their own experiences with SDA. The thought of being classified as the "outsider" grand parents because we don't share SDA doctrine will drive a wedge between us and our daughter and her future children if this progresses. |
Melissa Registered user Username: Melissa
Post Number: 1356 Registered: 7-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 - 1:24 pm: |    |
Cw, I also dated an SDA for about 5 years. I was in my late 30s at the beginning, and was very ignorant of their teachings. I don't know how your relationship with your daughter is now, but if you could get some truth to her about their "truth", hopefully you could prevent her from making a mistake she will regret, as the concerns you have are real threats. The things she sees in the beginning I suspect will be subtle and being "blinded" by love doesn't help either. I have a son with an SDA and the fears you talk about are also mine. And I'm starting to see some of it come to pass. There are great resources out there, if she will read them, if she is interested in the truth. You know those things about her, and the depth of what she may be interested in reading. There are some less intense books and there are some pretty deep theological discussions, just depending upon her level to absorb and willingness to learn. The most indepth book on the Sabbath is called "Sabbath in Christ" by Dale Ratzlaff. He also wrote a book called "Cultic Doctrine" that is equally compelling. Neither of these are surface books, but deeply examine the claims of adventism. He also puts out a free downloadable booklet called "the truth about the 7th day adventist truth". It is more broad in topic and not quite as deep across the varied topics. He has a website ( that you can look through a number of books on SDA topics. And check out the Proclamation magazine for your own knowledge. Bring as much scripture into the discussions as possible. Give her something to think about unadulterated from the word of God ... Romans 14, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, 1 Tim 4, and there are many others. It just depends upon what area she is most drawn to....the sabbath, state of the dead, vegetarianism? Of course, if she's got a closed mind towards anything you tell her, those resources may or may not make any difference. Don't I sound like a downer? I just know what I thought in the same position all those years ago. And I was much older than she is now. For yourself, learn as much as you can about adventism. Like you, I knew nothing about adventism, and its beliefs and the subtle differences in definitions they use for the same words. It is a big deal, and you're right to be concerned. Learn as much as you can and pray for the holy spirit to protect her and open her eyes. Welcome to FAF. We're here to support each other. |