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Toria Registered user Username: Toria
Post Number: 11 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Sunday, April 02, 2006 - 9:13 am: | |
This is not my first posting, but I would like to introduce myself. My name is Toria and I am 56 years old. Someone posted that they had only dipped their feet in the river that most of you have been swimming in. That describes my time in Adventism (only 6 years - 5 as a member). I was raised in the RC system, but walked away from it in my late teens. I knew there was a God, but had no relationship with Him for many years. In my early 30's (a divorced single parent), I lost someone very dear to me through a terrible accident. While at the hospital with his family, I overheard the minister of their church explain to them that this was God's will. God's way of punishing a sinner. I don't know what his sin was. I remember telling them (and God) that I wanted no part of such a God. He could stay out of my life...I turned my back on God. For the next few years I went throuth the motions. I worked to support my son and myself. My son was my one reason for living. I always felt empty and alone. One day while sorting my books, I found a Bible that someone had given me years earlier. I had never read it. Holding it I found myself on my knees talking to God. I told Him I knew He couldn't forgive me for what I had done/said, but I wanted Him to know how very sorry I was for saying it. A few days later I turned on the tv and there was Billy Graham talking about how God will forgive any sin, if we are truly repentant. By the time that program was over I was on my knees, crying uncontrolably, asking forgiveness and asking Jesus into my heart/life. Here I have to say that since then I have had many good times and also many difficult times. But I have never felt empty or alone and always knew I would be given strength to deal. I started reading that Bible back then and have read it through many times. Ten years ago I met the wonderful man who is now my husband. We later moved to this area, and I started looking for a church where I could study the Bible and fellowship with other christians. The SDA church had an 'event' & invited the public. I attended and soon found myself part of a Bible study group, attending services, etc. A year later I was baptized. If something didn't feel right at times, I guessed it was ok. I was a new christian, and these people knew better than I. I was asked to teach the children's Bible class. When I reviewed the lessons, I knew I could not teach from there, so I gave each child a Bible & told them we would have our lesson from the Bible only. I was replaced the following week. I was given books by EGW and strongly encouraged to read them. I very soon had questions that no one had answers for that I could accept. About then I got my first computer & immediately started researching the SDA church & EGW. That's how I (thankfully) found you guys. I experienced a whole range of emotions. I felt betrayed, hurt, angry, deceived... It was some weeks before I could write a polite letter to have my name removed from the church books. I know that within the SDA church are many devout christians. I miss the friendships I enjoyed with some of them. One lady is still my friend and I am thankful for that. I received a letter from another lady asking if I had lost my mind? I had the truth and walked away from it. How could I turn my back on the TRUE church? The pastor said, in an e-mail, if I had questions, he would answer them later. He then made a half-hearted attempt, again via e-mail, to get me to read some literature, which I refused. I am thankful I was not in that river long enough to learn to swim. When the time is right, God willing, I will find a place to fellowship and worship. This time I will be very careful. Sorry for the long post. Thanks for listening. God Bless toria |
Belvalew Registered user Username: Belvalew
Post Number: 1009 Registered: 7-2004
| Posted on Sunday, April 02, 2006 - 9:56 am: | |
Dear Toria, Never apologize for opening your heart, long or short post style. I'm very glad that you found this site and that you feel good about posting here. I will pray with you that Jesus will lead you to the right company of believers so that you won't need to feel misled ever again. God is not a God of confusion. You will know deep inside when you have found your right fit. God be with you and your family in all of your day-to-day. Belva |
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 3671 Registered: 12-2003
| Posted on Sunday, April 02, 2006 - 10:26 am: | |
Toria, I am very happy to hear your story. What a lot of trauma and disappointment you have experienced. I understand your feelings about the people's responses at your former church, and about your feeling betrayed and angry. Praise God for Jesus and for rescuing you! You can always debrief here among us! Praying for you... Colleen |
Flyinglady Registered user Username: Flyinglady
Post Number: 2429 Registered: 3-2004
| Posted on Sunday, April 02, 2006 - 3:55 pm: | |
Toria, Welcome to FAF. You are welcome here. Ask any questions you want and some one will answer. About your feelings of betrayal and anger, that is how I felt when I found out about EGW and the other beliefs of the SDA church two years ago. I will be praying for you. God is leading you and holding you. He will not drop you. God is awesome in all He does. Diana |
Wolfgang Registered user Username: Wolfgang
Post Number: 74 Registered: 10-2005
| Posted on Monday, April 03, 2006 - 4:44 am: | |
Toria praise God you were opened to His leading. This is a good place to learn and be encouraged. I hope you will find a body of believers that will also provide that to you. Your just a prayer away here,Dawn
Toria Registered user Username: Toria
Post Number: 13 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, April 05, 2006 - 11:15 am: | |
Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers. It is good to have a place like this to visit and sometimes share. Yes, there has been a lot of trauma in my life, but since I gave my life to Jesus way back when, things never seem to be more than I can handle. Probably because He is always there holding me up. As Diana likes to say... He is so awesome. Blessings toria |