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Archive through February 27, 2006Seekr77720 2-27-06  11:30 am
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Username: Snowboardingmom

Post Number: 40
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Posted on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 11:49 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I'm just reading this thread for the first time. I can't wait to go on the link above and read what's been happening on that thread about the Sabbath.

I was a colpourter for 3 months one summer when I was 17. I had a passion for getting the "truth" out, and dedicated my entire summer to it. Now I cringe at how many EGW books I gave to people (I was one of the top sellers in MI for that summer).

Anyway, when I would sell the books, I would call them "devotional books". I would personally talk about how Desire of Ages would show you Christ like no other book. (The thought just sickens me now how I would say that Desire of Ages would show you more of Jesus than the Bible! I just didn't think about it back then, but that was really what I was saying. And I believed it!). And the way I would sell the Great Controversy would be to say that it was a great book for people who love history. I would go on about all the history in the Great Controversy. I completely left out all that other stuff (the whole second half of the book).

Every now and then (not too often actually), people would ask what denomination I was a part of. I would say part of the Christian Church. If pressed, I would say Seventh-Day Adventist, but didn't bring it up unless really pressed. As a result, I sold a lot of books. Ugh....just writing that makes me sick and feel so bad for all those people that I unknowingly decieved. I had no idea...

Anyway, that's what we were taught. And it worked.
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Username: Colleentinker

Post Number: 3458
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Posted on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 3:03 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Grace, I know how you feel. God's forgiveness covers even those sins if deceived ignorance. He wastes nothing, and He redeems everything we submit to Him.

He calls us and works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will (Ephesians 1:11).


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Username: Jorgfe

Post Number: 190
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Posted on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:41 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Colleen -


"Why on earth do they feel a need to conceal that if they believe it's truth?"

I think it is because they know full well that what they are presenting is not in the Bible. There is also this sense of pride (I know, I used to be an Adventist) and smugness in knowing that Seventh-day Adventism is THE "Remnant Church" and "has the light, eg the Spirit of Prophesy". They also teach (via Ellen White's book, Great Controversy) that all other so-called Christian religions are part of Apostate Protestantism because they worship on Sunday and have the Mark of the Beast and "just don't know it yet", but you wait until the "Time of Trouble comes and then they will all become Seventh-day Adventists. They teach that their "inside knowledge" gives Adventists a "leg up" on everyone else. Sounds kind of like what Satan told Eve at the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, doesn't it?

I have found in my own experience that I considered myself to be fairly literate, until I recently started attending non-SDA fellowships. Now that I reflect back, I see that it was "Ellen White false doctrine" literacy -- not Biblical literacy. I had had "Councils on Diets and Food" drilled into me from childhood, but knew nothing from the book of Hebrews. What Bible I did memorize was all proof-text based. My theological pride has been stripped away, and I am asking myself what DO I actually know that is based on the Bible?

People like Johnny C and Linda do the Adventist Church a great favor by exposing Adventist teachings for what they really are. Everyone needs to know what Ellen White "really" said! I couldn't believe that Johnny C came right out (#109) and said:


"Our Lords' last commission to the apostles was to go and teach all the world to observe all things He had commanded them. The new covenant of which you speak will come. I do not understand it to be ushered in, however, until Jesus is finished in the temple that the Lord pitched and He once again utters those famous three words, "It is finished". He returned to heaven to continue His work. He sent the Comforter to dwell with us in the meantime.
Johhny C"

You can tell that the other posters wondered what planet he stepped off of!

I also liked the reply (#66) from Passer-by to Linda:


"Linda: I'm not nearly as smart as everyone here, but I'm smart enough to sense that something is just not right with your answer to Jeremy. Forgive me if I'm wrong about that, but perhaps it would be helpful if you could let us know your theological allegiance in this discussion, whether a non-alligned Sabbatarian or an SDA apologist. Thanks."

I could tell that the Holy Spirit was truly with you, Jeremy and Stan as you each patiently responded with Biblical answers.

Gilbert Jorgensen
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Posted on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:58 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

And don't forget about Melissa, as she also did a great job posting over there.

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Posted on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 10:00 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I am somewhat amazed at how adventists found that discussion. I also was quite shocked at JohnnyCs comments that Gilbert posted above. B has said the same thing about the new covenant not being in place yet, and won't be until after the second coming. When asked about the scripture where he said it came with his blood, he tap dances around it only being partial. It is truly amazing mental gymnastics. Surely that should tip the hand to any non-SDA Christian that something is more than amiss there.

But ultimately, it's quite sad. They are looking for something that will never be satisfied by observing a holy day. I thought all of "our" posters have been incredibly gracious and thorough even in response to heavily sarcastic tones.
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Username: Riverfonz

Post Number: 1362
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Posted on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 11:30 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I think it is possible that some of those SDAs who found that blog may have come here to lurk and found it advertised. However, I believe it was not by accident they found that sight. They were there by divine appointment. Well done everyone who participated, and may it all be to God's honor and glory.

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Username: Jeremy

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Posted on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 1:14 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Those ideas about the New Covenant come from EGW. Look at how she mutilated God's Word:


"Thus will be realized [with the Investigative Judgment] the complete fulfillment of the new-covenant promise: 'I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.'" (The Great Controversy, chapter 28 "Facing Life's Record," page 485, paragraph 1.)

Of course, elsewhere she says that our sins being remembered against us no more cannot happen until Satan bears our sins and atones for them!

BTW, the latest post by Johnny C is amazing, and he even starts talking about "God and the Earth Mother"--I have no clue what he's talking about, but he sure is far out there.


(Message edited by Jeremy on March 03, 2006)
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Username: Belvalew

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Posted on Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 10:36 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Forgive my ignorance. Who is Johnny C?
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Username: Jeremy

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Posted on Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 11:38 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Johnny C is a guy who's been posting over on the challies.com blog (where some of us have been posting, in response to an article about the Sabbath). Here is the link: http://www.challies.com/archives/001639.php

The blog is run by Tim Challies--he is a Reformed believer and is the one who wrote the article that started the long discussion.

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Username: Belvalew

Post Number: 975
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Posted on Sunday, March 05, 2006 - 11:53 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Thanks. I went to that blog and spend the better part of the afternoon slogging through the comments. Johnny C seems to be rather cocky given that he hasn't anything substantial to say. Does it have the same effect on you as it does on me when Adventists start parroting their beliefs on various topics? Particularly when it comes to the Sabbath and law keeping! I received a message from a dear friend in response to a forward I had sent her that was defending the law (she obviously views me as a libertine!). I know that she is sincere, but it is the same old party-line that I could almost quote it word-for-word before it came off of the page. I dearly love her. I'm amazed by her intelligence in most things, by am also dumbfounded by the thoroughness of her Adventist indoctrination. As someone mentioned on Challies' site, "It appears that the formers are able to listen to the law-keepers, but the law-keepers are deaf to anything the formers have to say."

Such is life. We continue to pray!
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Username: Colleentinker

Post Number: 3491
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Posted on Sunday, March 05, 2006 - 10:43 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Amen, Belva!
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Username: Flyinglady

Post Number: 2361
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Posted on Monday, March 06, 2006 - 11:11 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I have to say Amen, also, to your comments.

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