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Javagirl Registered user Username: Javagirl
Post Number: 157 Registered: 6-2005
| Posted on Saturday, February 18, 2006 - 9:35 pm: |    |
Stan, since you started this thread, Im hoping you will notice this up here! Thanks for the report on the weekend! Have you ever heard of Sovereign Grace Ministries? I am checking out a local congregation, and was curious, especially regarding their "essentially Reformed" theology. Here is a link, if you have interest, or any comments I would appreciate it! First time I have noticed Reformed theology matched with a charismatic element-but then I havent looked much either! JavaGirl |
Riverfonz Registered user Username: Riverfonz
Post Number: 1333 Registered: 3-2005
| Posted on Saturday, February 18, 2006 - 11:25 pm: |    |
Hi Javagirl, With great enthusiasm I can recommend Sovereign Grace Ministries. C.J. Mahaney is one of the most inspired writers (meant of course in the Biblical way) that you will ever find. He has just released a great book on the subject of humility. Yes, there is a move in the charismatic direction of some Reformed ministries that I believe is healthy. You will see many of us refer to Wayne Grudem's systematic theology, he is also Reformed and charismatic, but in a much more Biblical sense than some of pentecostalism. You will obtain much grace from this ministry! Stan |
Seekr777 Registered user Username: Seekr777
Post Number: 396 Registered: 1-2003

| Posted on Sunday, February 19, 2006 - 1:46 am: |    |
Stan, I looked at the web page for Sovereign Grace and was interested to note that the church in Pasadena is on the campus of William Carey where I've attended conferences for years and been greatly blessed. The church that was there before has since moved to a larger building. Richard PS: I was very blessed this evening at the conference and went out to have pie with some afterwards.
Javagirl Registered user Username: Javagirl
Post Number: 158 Registered: 6-2005
| Posted on Sunday, February 19, 2006 - 6:06 am: |    |
Thanks Stan, I was taking the "back way" home the other day, and saw they are building a church 5 min from my house. The sign said Sovereign and Grace and Cross way......words forefront in my mind these days, so how could I not check it out . If they serve coffee I'll be hooked.... I loved this article on spiritual gifts... This describes my experience and understanding thus far. I lived without the power of the Holy Spirit to regenerate and convict and empower me my whole life. I simply cant tolerate the absence of this experience in a church family. |
Riverfonz Registered user Username: Riverfonz
Post Number: 1336 Registered: 3-2005
| Posted on Sunday, February 19, 2006 - 10:55 am: |    |
I agree Javagirl, I just now scanned the article, and it looks great. We are headed out of town, so I look forward to taking the article and reading it. These folks are definitely on the right track. Stan |
Leigh Registered user Username: Leigh
Post Number: 63 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Monday, February 20, 2006 - 7:23 am: |    |
Hi Javagirl, I'm so glad that you found the Sovereign Grace site. We are members of a church that uses many resouces from Covenant Life Church / Sovereign Grace Min. even though our church isn't a "church plant" of theirs. (Covenant Life church is the church that CJ Mahaney used to pastor before passing the torch to Joshua Harris . Some of you may know Joshua Harris from the book he wrote as a teenager - "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" ) We are also only about an hour and a half away from that church. Last year some of the worship leaders from Covanent Life came to play and speak to our youth group. My favorite book by CJ Mahaney is "The Cross Centered Life." It is a very small book, but is a great encourgament to me. Last year I bought a case of 20 and gave them out as Christmas presents. Our church uses some of the worship songs put out by Sovereign Grace Ministries. One of my favorites is "O Wondrous Love" O Wondrous Love Verse One O wondrous love That will not let me go I cling to You With all my strength and soul Yet if my hold should ever fail This wondrous love will never let me go Verse Two O wondrous love That's come to dwell in me Lord who am I That I should come to know Your tender voice assuring me This wondrous love will never let me go Chorus I'm resting in the everlasting arms In the ever faithful heart The Shepherd of my life You carry me on Your mighty wings of grace Keeping me until the day I look into your eyes Verse Three O wondrous love That sings of Calvary The sweetest sound The sinner's ever known The song of your Redeeming Son Whose wondrous love Will never let me go Verse Four O wondrous love That rushes over me I can't escape This river's glorious flow You overwhelm My days with good Your wondrous love Will never let me go Steve & Vikki Cook ΡΆ 2001 Sovereign Grace Worship Leigh
Riverfonz Registered user Username: Riverfonz
Post Number: 1341 Registered: 3-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 4:00 pm: |    |
Leigh, Thanks for posting "O Wondrous Love". When worship comes from a heart that is set free by sovereign grace, then beautiful songs of praise will spring forth from that. Here is a short book review on C.J. Mahaney's "Living the cross centered life" I will now be forced to find a copy after reading this. Stan |
Riverfonz Registered user Username: Riverfonz
Post Number: 1344 Registered: 3-2005
| Posted on Thursday, February 23, 2006 - 5:21 pm: |    |
Speaking of "O Wondrous Love" I was reading this AM from another highly recommended book J.I. Packer's "Knowing God", and his section on Adoption. This is really an inspiring chapter, as the term and topic of adoption has been underemphasized compared to justification. I can't state it like Packer does, but he emphasizes that God chooses us in Christ and not only justifies us, but he adopts us as children into His family. That relationship is eternal. God's love for His children is exactly the same love God has for His Son Jesus! That is an awesome concept. In other words, what chance does Jesus have to lose the love of the Father? Then what chance do we as His children have of losing our Father's love and keeping? Yes, "O Wondrous Love" indeed! Stan |
Jeremy Registered user Username: Jeremy
Post Number: 1110 Registered: 10-2004

| Posted on Thursday, February 23, 2006 - 8:14 pm: |    |
Great thoughts, Stan. And also, in Paul's day in the Roman world, adoption was permanent. If you had children born to you, you could disown them--but you could never disown children that you adopted. This is why the term that the Bible uses, adoption, is so important and precious and wonderful! Once they were adopted, they were part of the family forever. Also, Jesus said: "Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever." (John 8:35 NIV.) Jeremy |
Javagirl Registered user Username: Javagirl
Post Number: 163 Registered: 6-2005
| Posted on Thursday, February 23, 2006 - 8:32 pm: |    |
Ive never heard that distinction Jeremy, about adoption vs natural born. thanks Leigh, I stopped in only briefly to look around on my way to another service I had committed to. I read on their website that they had their own music, and that kind of freaked me out because it sounded like too much control for me. However, when I got to the service, I heard a popular worship song that was not put out by Sovereign Grace, and I was relieved. The people seemed very friendly and warm, and the worship was enthusiastic--I just couldnt stay that day. Stan, they had tables full of books, most of which were discounted. I saw that Cross Centered Life book "on sale". They also were giving out a free book to first time visitors, but alas I could not stay to the end to collect it at the welcome table...might be worth the visit tho . Java |
Leigh Registered user Username: Leigh
Post Number: 65 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Friday, February 24, 2006 - 12:18 pm: |    |
(Java)Lori, I'm glad that they played other music besides their own. I can see how that might seem a little controlling! They do have some wonderful songs, though. God will lead you to where he wants you to be. Jeremy, thanks for the post. Facinating! Stan,I read "Knowing God" about a year ago. I want to read it again. I remember that section on Adoption and found it very comforting. Speaking of being chosen and adopted, I like this article on election by CJ Mahaney.
Riverfonz Registered user Username: Riverfonz
Post Number: 1345 Registered: 3-2005
| Posted on Friday, February 24, 2006 - 2:48 pm: |    |
Jeremy, Thanks for that excellent clarification on adoption! That really accentuates the point. Also, how many adopted children choose their father? Wow, what a concept, it was the Father that chose us. What greater assurance than this. Leigh, Thank you so much for that outstanding link. I have read a lot of Reformed material, but that article puts this whole doctrine of election and pre-destination in such a gospel centered perspective, that it made my heart jump anew with the joy of being chosen, accepted, and kept in the Father's love through Jesus. This article is must reading for anyone interested in a very balanced, and easy to read treatment on God's marvelous gift of grace! Javagirl, The only possible reason that a ministry who is committed to restoring the great doctrines of grace to an evangelical world who has largely forgotten these truths, is that they want the words of the music to be Biblically correct. There are many hymns as well as contemporary songs that are not really based on scripture. So, I see this as a way of wanting to glorify God with their music. But, there is a very exciting trend in contemporary praise and worship music to be scripturally based. In fact the words of so many contemporary songs as I see folks posting them on this web site are just as inspiring if not more inspiring than many of the old hymns which I love as well. Sola Gratia, Stan |