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Username: Dinolf

Post Number: 32
Registered: 8-2005
Posted on Saturday, February 04, 2006 - 11:03 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear friends

I just had look into Genesis 6 and the story about Noa. In Gen. 6:2 there is a story about the Sons of God. I know there is different interpretations in various translations, but I like to ask the question if there is any EGW quotes that give any "light" about how to understand this passage?
I know you out there has a lot of EGW experience :-)

Sola Biblica

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Username: Jeremy

Post Number: 1050
Registered: 10-2004

Posted on Saturday, February 04, 2006 - 12:08 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Here is what EGW says about that event:


"The race of Cain, spreading from the place of their first settlement, dispersed over the plains and valleys where the children of Seth had dwelt; and the latter, in order to escape from their contaminating influence, withdrew to the mountains, and there made their home. So long as this separation continued, they maintained the worship of God in its purity. But in the lapse of time they ventured, little by little, to mingle with the inhabitants of the valleys. This association was productive of the worst results. 'The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair.' The children of Seth, attracted by the beauty of the daughters of Cain's descendants, displeased the Lord by intermarrying with them. Many of the worshipers of God were beguiled into sin by the allurements that were now constantly before them, and they lost their peculiar, holy character." (Patriarchs and Prophets, page 81, paragraph 2.)

Registered user
Username: Dinolf

Post Number: 33
Registered: 8-2005
Posted on Saturday, February 04, 2006 - 1:23 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Thanks Jeremy. You always has it :-)
At least there was no speculation or "light" about fallen angels or giants interfering with humans. But the very detailed story about the race of Cain and Set - where is that to be found in this context? I guess it¥s an EGW expansion of the story, or can it be found in other Bible passages?

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Username: Jeremy

Post Number: 1053
Registered: 10-2004

Posted on Saturday, February 04, 2006 - 2:09 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

No, it was just made up by Ellen. For some reason, she thought the world needed a hundred times more material than God has provided for us in His Word!

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Username: Dane

Post Number: 125
Registered: 4-2004
Posted on Saturday, February 04, 2006 - 4:59 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Actually, Ellen was simply the issue in a manner common to her day. You will find the same general idea, including Seth's progeny living in the mountains, laid out in "Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible" published during the mid-1700's.

I find it interesting that the ancient Jews were also divided on the meaning of "sons of God".
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Username: Colleentinker

Post Number: 3342
Registered: 12-2003

Posted on Saturday, February 04, 2006 - 6:41 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dane, you're right that Ellen's writings definitely reflect many of the theological understandings of the writers of her day. She was a product of her times.

Her problem is that she didn't quote her sources, and she claimed God gave her these insights.

Apparently not.

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Username: Lindylou

Post Number: 127
Registered: 1-2005

Posted on Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 1:03 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I've also been curious about this chapter of Genesis. I've wondered why we can't take it at face value. It is not a salvation issue - just a point of curiosity. My version says:

"When the human population began to grow rapidly on the earth, the sons of God saw the beautiful women of the human race and took any they wanted as their wives....In those days. and even afterward, giants lived on the earth for whenever the sons of God had intercourse with human women, they gave birth to children who became the heroes mentioned in legends of old."

Somethings going on here - that we cannot explain in this side of things. I find it intriguing. Obviously, if giants were the result of this union, one of the parents was unusual. If the sons of God were Cain's relations - it gives rise to the question that there were other people on earth besides the original family of 4.

Bottom line to me - there is a lot we DON'T know - and the story related in Genesis is just a small piece of the big picture. How arrogant I once was as an SDA to think I had it all wrapped up in a nice tidy package as to how all things began and how they will end.

Stories such as this one - only serve to tell me that I am just a little peon in a big universe. But God loves me with Amazing Grace anyway!
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Username: Flyinglady

Post Number: 2277
Registered: 3-2004

Posted on Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 3:12 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I used to believe as you did, that as an SDA I knew it all. It is amazing to me how much I did not know once I started reading the Bible and how much is left unexplained by God. But at this time, that is fine with me. I know the important thing and the important Being, who is God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Some one once said it is not what you know but who you know. I like not having all the answers and that God loves me with an Amazing Grace.
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Username: Colleentinker

Post Number: 3345
Registered: 12-2003

Posted on Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 7:26 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I agree, Linda. And the Genesis chapter does suggest that something we can't explain was going on. The giants on the earth seem directly related to the sons of God and the daughters of men.

I've wondered often if the Greek myths of a pantheon of gods and of heroes (Atlas, etc.) might have derived from whatever was going on in Genesis 6. Myths, after all, usually flow from reality at some original point in forgotten history.

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Username: Wooliee

Post Number: 51
Registered: 6-2005
Posted on Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 8:04 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

It is going to be so exciting spending eternity learning all these things we just don't know. Chris Rice sings a song called Deep Enough to Dream, and it's about all the mysteries of God that we don't yet know and how awesome it will be to discover them. God is endlessly amazing and captivating, and I love to close my eyes and think about that sometimes.

Here are the words to that song:

Lazy summer afternoon
Screened in porch and nothin' to do
I just kicked off my tennis shoes
Slouchin' in a plastic chair
Rakin' my fingers through my hair
I close my eyes and I leave 'em there
And I yawn, and sigh, and slowly fade away

Deep enough to dream in brilliant
colors I have never seen
Deep enough to join a billion people
for a wedding feast
Deep enough to reach out and touch
the face of the One who made me
And oh, the love I feel, and oh the peace
Do I ever have to wake up

Awakened by a familiar sound
A clumsy fly is buzzin' around
He bumps the screen and he tumbles down
He gathers about his wits and pride
And tries again for the hundredth time
'Cause freedom calls from the other side
And I smile and nod, and slowly drift away


'Cause peace is pouring over my soul
See the lambs and the lions playin'
I join in and I drink the music
Holiness is the air I'm breathin'
My faithful heroes break the bread
and answer all of my questions
Not to mention what the streets are made of
My heart's held hostage by this love


Do I ever have to wake up
Do I ever have to wake up
Do I really have to wake up now
Registered user
Username: Belvalew

Post Number: 927
Registered: 7-2004
Posted on Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 8:40 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

If one were to carefully read the Bible they would find themselves being referred to other books that are not in the cannonized scriptures. For instance, the books of Jasher and Enoch, and many more. Jude makes reference to The Book of Enoch when he mentions Michael contending with Satan over the body of Moses. You can do internet research on some of these ancient books, and some of them may mention these so-called giants, the offspring of fallen angels and human mothers.

Colleen, I agree with you that the legends that remain about these beings could have inspired the pantheon of the Greek and Roman gods. They must have been awesome individuals, and very powerful as well. It is clear that they contributed to all of the chaos that made God choose to wipe out that entire race of beings, and humankind with them.

I remember talking to my son the other day about some of the stories told in scriptures, how whole complex stories are told in one paragraph. That means that a whole lot of information, some of it pertinent, has been boiled away and we are left with the residue. No doubt we are reading truth, but what kind of truth, and it would be so nice if we could find dependable sources that would flesh things out and make them more understandable.

My take above, I learned from listening to Gene Scott's readings from the Book of Jasher. It would be great to lay one's hands on that book, but it is a rare book. I do hope that the image of angels mating with humans is not too shocking for some who are reading here. It is merely speculation if you don't really have the official cannonized version, so don't get the idea that I'm hanging my hat on that explanation. Dr. Scott also makes the speculation that the disembodied spirits of those same hybrid beings could possibly be the demons that we are still contending with whenever possessions are being dealt with
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Username: Violet

Post Number: 323
Registered: 2-2001
Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2006 - 7:34 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Are these the same sons of God in Job 1:6? They presented themselves before the Lord as did Satan. If these were just men then why did God ask Satan where he came from? Would they not of all been from earth? I have also heard the text in Jude 6 being these same creatures as they mated angels with women they were not keeping their own domain. This is why they are kept in a certain place of darkness until the judgement.
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Username: Belvalew

Post Number: 934
Registered: 7-2004
Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2006 - 1:49 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

What I'm going to recite to you now I received from an Adventist source, but it made sense. The Sons of God mentioned in Job were the representatives from each of the inhabited planets. Satan, being the Power of the Air and the ruler of all fallen beings on our planet from the time of The Fall, went to these meetings in heaven as our Ruler/Representative.

As for the unique beings that were the result of angels crossbreeding with humans being kept in the pit, or places of darkness until the judgment, sounds right to me.
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Username: Jeremy

Post Number: 1066
Registered: 10-2004

Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2006 - 9:31 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Belva, Belva, Belva. Quit listening to SDA nonsense. :-) There are no other inhabited planets with perfect beings on them. The Bible says that the whole universe is infected with sin. And God's Word also implies that Earth is the only inhabited place in the universe:


"For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (He is the God who formed the earth and made it, He established it and did not create it a waste place, but formed it to be inhabited),
'I am the LORD, and there is none else.'" (Isaiah 45:18 NASB.)

The sons of God in Job are not beings from other planets--they are angels, and it says that Satan came, who is a fallen angel. Satan is not our "Ruler"!

Violet, I agree that the angels in Jude verse 6 could very well be the ones that Genesis 6 talks about, especially considering the fact that the parallel passage in 2 Peter 2 mentions them sinning right before it talks about Noah--just like it does in Genesis 6.

Also, notice that Peter says that God cast them into hell, which SDAs say doesn't even exist!

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Username: Belvalew

Post Number: 935
Registered: 7-2004
Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2006 - 10:47 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Jeremy, that "I am the LORD, and there is none else." could also mean that there is no other God, which we do agree with. Somehow I cannot believe that when I look up into the stars at night, knowing that there are so very many of them and that for every star there could be several planets revolving around it, I cannot accept that they are all sterile and lifeless. God is a God of life.

I suppose there are many mysteries yet to unfold, and I'm willing to wait for that.

Okay, I suspected that I couldn't really trust what the Adventist teacher had to say, but it did at least give one answer for why Satan was there and was talking about this earth as if he was in charge of things. I have another question -- do you think that Satan still has access to these "angel meetings?"
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Username: Colleentinker

Post Number: 3370
Registered: 12-2003

Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2006 - 11:28 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Belva, I've also wondered that. I suspect maybe not. Colossians 2:14-15 tell how Jesus disarmed them and humiliated them in front of the rulers and authorities nthe heavenly places. Whatever it is that goes on, I don't think Satan's prestigie or role have been the same since the cross.

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Username: Flyinglady

Post Number: 2286
Registered: 3-2004

Posted on Thursday, February 09, 2006 - 5:03 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I remember something and I cannot remember where, that says God will create a new heaven and a new earth. If it has not been contaminated by Satan, why does God need to create a new heaven and a new earth. And I do not mean heaven itself, but the heavens which include the stars, planets that we can see.
That could also be a "EGWism"!!
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Username: Jeremy

Post Number: 1068
Registered: 10-2004

Posted on Thursday, February 09, 2006 - 5:33 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

In 2 Peter it says:

"But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells." (2 Peter 3:13 NASB.)

Very good point, Diana! This must mean that the heavens are contaminated by sin.

EGW contradicts God's Word once again by saying that there are "unfallen beings" on "unfallen planets."


(Message edited by Jeremy on February 09, 2006)
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Username: Flyinglady

Post Number: 2292
Registered: 3-2004

Posted on Friday, February 10, 2006 - 7:11 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Look where God has allowed men to go: the moon, instruments on various planets, cameras way out in space. These are all man made items that are contaminating the universe.
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Username: Jjustinn

Post Number: 16
Registered: 3-2005
Posted on Sunday, February 12, 2006 - 7:53 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I took a mythology class once and we were discussing stories that are parts of every major belief system.

One story that is always included is a story of a flood. However, in pretty much every non-judeo-christian story there is talk of giants before the flood. And usually they are not supposed to be there.

The professor then read some of the Book of Enoch to us and it goes into depth about the giants before the flood. Apparently (I'm going from memory) a group of bad angels started making babies with people, they also taught women how to use eyeshadow. Anyway, there were big crazy things running around.


Start with Chapter 7
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Username: Pheeki

Post Number: 750
Registered: 1-2003
Posted on Monday, February 13, 2006 - 9:08 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Who do you think really wrote that book? It seems like a bunch of lies to me.
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Username: Belvalew

Post Number: 949
Registered: 7-2004
Posted on Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 9:01 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Actually Justin has attached us to a website containing the translations of very old scripture. At one time these texts were a part of scripture and are occasionally referred to by other books. In particular you will notice that Enoch is quoted by Jude.

These books were not cannonized because the committee that was reviewing books for cannonization felt that the information was not necessary, or that the texts themselves had become corrupted in one way or another over time. The books of Enoch, Jubilees, and Jasher in particular are frequently referred to in cannonized text.
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Username: Helovesme2

Post Number: 407
Registered: 8-2004

Posted on Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 10:30 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

:-) The book of Enoch was quoted by Jude, but we have no certainty that it was THIS book of Enoch. I've not seen enough evidence to make an informed conclusion at this point, and am interested to see what can be found, but would be very cautious with this book and also with Jubilees and Jasher.
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Username: Belvalew

Post Number: 950
Registered: 7-2004
Posted on Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 10:47 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

That is why I said they were not included because they had become corrupted. There were no copies available that did not included the Greco-Roman influences. I've made no secret of the fact that I enjoy listening to Gene Scott tapes, and at one time, while I could still access his 24-hour network I had it on in my home all day long. Gene used to read from these books, as well as other more modern, and current day books, and then would provide sound biblical teaching to help counteract some of the confusion that these books might be presenting. I agree with you. These books should never be taken as equal to the scriptures, but they will help you to understand some of the historical/mythological beliefs that have colored the thinking of various cultures down through the ages.

A lie does not need to be a lie in whole to still be a lie. All you have to do is change one little fact, blurr one point, and the whole testimony is compromised. If you would find the truth within the lie, then you must treat it like an archeological dig. Some of these older books will inform you about the nephalim, about the sources of sourcery. Where did mankind get his ideas about astrology? There are many things that can be learned from them, but they are not to be used as sources of spiritual enlightenment.

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