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Former Adventist Fellowship Forum » ARCHIVED DISCUSSIONS 4 » Terri Schiavo and President Bush » Archive through March 26, 2005 « Previous Next »

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Username: Denisegilmore

Post Number: 217
Registered: 10-2000
Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 8:10 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Here's an article to read that answers many of your questions and enlightens people to the facts. This was written a few years back:

Terri does not have a disease. She is brain damaged. And yes, it is true she did speak and even on the 18th of March when her attorney said to her something to the affect of 'Terri, all this will be over if you will just state that you want to live.' At that Terri did indeed come out with "I waaaaaant!.....I waaaaaant!" this was all she could get out before the police heard her enlongated words and quickly escorted the attorney out of the room. That day Terri's tube was pulled.

Nurses have also testified that they would feed Terri jello and other soft foods and she had no problem with these soft foods.

Michael Schiavo found out and made sure they were not allowed to do that again. He also did say "when is that &%#@@% going to die!" or words very close to that. He was, according to testimony, very upset that Terri wasn't dying fast enough for him.

He also has two children from a woman he is currently living with and plans to marry as soon as Terri Schiavo is murdered by him. He began this relationship several years ago and fathered two children thus far. Apparently he cannot marry this other woman until Miss Schiavo is 'out of the picture.'

Also note: On the charge of Michael Schiavo attempting to murder Terri with insulin--This was found to be unfounded by the Doctors. There is no clear cut explanation as to how puncture marks ended up on Terri Schivos' arms.

Another VERY IMPORTANT reality in this case is the evidence of X-Rays showing the broken bones all over Terri's body and the fact that the Doctor stated that she was deprived of oxygen due to stranglation at the time she was brought by Michael Schiavo in to the hospital years ago when this first happened. This evidence was NOT allowed in as court evidence as a possibility of fowl play. This is still not allowed nor spoken of by media nor attorneys due to Judge Greer's orders.

Personally, by all rights, in my opinion, Judge Greer should leave the Church. As Paul told the Corinthians of the man sleeping with his mother "Cast him out...." For surely this Judge Greer, being a "Christian," knew God's Word and common sense but has refused to use them over and over and over again with regard to Terri Schiavo. He has still shown no signs of changing but instead left the Church rather than change. It doesn't take much common sense, Judge, Christian, Non Christian or what have KNOW that murdering an innocent person is down right wrong! It is even sickening in the way this has all taken place! But it does take "compassion" and "doing the right thing" to NOT do what he has done. Even many Athiests have the compassion and the wherewithall to know this is an absolutely imcomprehesible crime and injustice to Terri Schiavo. However--we can still pray for him that he come to his senses and even if nobody will join me in that prayer, I will pray for the very Judge Greer that is percieved by me as an enemy. That is what is expected of us as Christians--to pray for them and not hate them. I do not hate the man and will continue to pray for him. I do however hate his actions and his sin in this case. Blatant sin that is now nationally known as well as it is nationally known that he is another acclaimed Christian. And please, before anyone becomes angry with me for saying such a thing, remember Scripture tells us to judge amongst ourselves. We are also told that we will be judging angels and men so we had better get an idea on how to discern and make a correct judgement. Hopefully that is worded so as not to offend. That is not my goal at all. In fact, just the opposite. It's just the Truth. Let none of us despise Truth.

I offer this from one of our founding fathers as well. Please read this carefully and see how a Government should run (this includes all forms of Government):

" In 1832, Noah Webster published his History of the United States, in which he wrote:

"The brief exposition of the constitution of the United States, will unfold to young persons the principles of republican government; and it is the sincere desire of the writer that our citizens should early understand that the genuine source of correct republican principles is the Bible, particularly the New Testament or the Christian religion.

"The religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and His apostles, which enjoins humility, piety, and benevolence; which acknowledges in every person a brother, or a sister, and a citizen with equal rights. This is genuine Christianity, and to this we owe our free Constitutions of Government.

"The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all of our civil constitutions and laws....All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery and war, proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.

"When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers just men who will rule in the fear of God. The preservation of a republican government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty;

"If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made not for the public good so much as for the selfish or local purposes;

"Corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded.

"If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws."

"Corruption of morals is rapid enough in any country without a bounty from government. And...the Chief Magistrate of the United States should be the last man to accelerate its progress."

Terri Schiavo wouldn't be in this situation if the courts and the Judges therein, followed the Constitution of the United States. Rather than pretend it doesn't exist.

And while it is true that several years back we didn't have feeding tubes, please keep in mind that until this last century we didn't have any of the medicines nor medical technology we have today.

All Terri Schiavo needs is "FOOD AND WATER." That is NOT a medical requirement so much as it's a God Given requirement for every single human being alive today.

I have more to add that will hopefully show how this all played out. Currently however, the new Judge turned down re-inserting Terri's feeding tube. And for whatever reason, this did not surprise me considering how this world is going. let us pray to God Almighty that she lives long enough to make it through the Superior Court proceedings that her parents are now turning to for help.

Is this a "Culture of Death?" In my estimation--Absolutely.

Whatever happened to common sense in our government and the public at large? Whatever happened to human decency, morals, God's precepts and compassion in our world? Whatever happened that now we have our children growing up witnessing a case of an innocent human being, who is very vulnerable, being starved to death by the United States Government?? The murders of such innocents have far exceeded those of Hitler and Stalin put together. And we dare call this a Christian nation? To be honest, I fear for our Nation unless it takes a drastic turn. It used to be a Christian Nation....I believe that's forever gone now. Not that there are no Christians but by majority poll in this case of Terri Schiavo and many others like the disabled, senior citizens and babies, the majority is for death of these 3 groups. There's a sad statement, is it not?

The Netherlands is what we are looking to imitate. Has anyone checked out the legal murders of these 3 groups in the Netherlands? You will be in for a shock. We are headed in the very same direction.

Just some ramblings from a sleep deprived cripple.

With love to you all and keep those posts coming. And for a certainty, enlighten others to the atrocities in the United States so they don't or hopefully won't (as some choose to) stick their heads in the sand pretending that none of this could happen in the U.S.A.

I love you all, in Christ, for your compassion and your interest to speak for those who are being trampled upon. This is a compassion given you by God Himself and surely it is blessing not only myself but many lurkers out there who thought they were the only ones who cared besides the non-believers. May God Bless all of you for such love and concern that you each are showing.

Until later today or perhaps tonight--please keep praying.


Registered user
Username: Denisegilmore

Post Number: 218
Registered: 10-2000
Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 8:28 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Words of Sabra:

"Are we playing God? If God wanted her here, wouldn't He have healed her by now?"

This remark is very offensive and to be sure there are many, believers and unbelievers alike offended in the same manner.

Sabra, are you now advocating that if someone is disabled, they are better off dead? Or should be dead? If this is the case, A suggestion could be made that you have not read your Bible.

An explanation would be nice.


Registered user
Username: Denisegilmore

Post Number: 219
Registered: 10-2000
Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 8:32 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

It's either that Sabra or that you are a complete and very real "bigot." Which is sad if you are.

Still, your offensive remark needs an explanation.

Registered user
Username: Denisegilmore

Post Number: 220
Registered: 10-2000
Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 8:44 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Terri Schiavo doesn't live in another country. Just deal with the facts not these hypothetical situations. And it is readily apparent as well that you don't speak to people who are disabled nor will you venture near one who is disabled like Terri Schiavo. How do you know how she feels? And who gave you the authority to decide, based on how you would not want to live, to make a blanket statement about Terri's own value of her very own quality of life?

That's either ignorance speaking or arrogance. I choose to believe it's ignorance and would like to enlighten you that many people are quadraplegics and hooked to ventilators, yet they are very happy with their life.

Many people do not know this. But I've known people personally who are very content with their life.

Please, before making a blanket statement, based on "your values for yourself" do not assume that your values regarding "quality of life" apply to everyone that is not like you.

That's why so many are dying today. Others decided their "quality of life" is worth keeping them alive based on their own set of standards for themselves.

This is why we have such a struggle and now hopefully you can understand our plight to live. Please ask questions or read from the many links I've given up above to educate yourself from the disability community themselves. Who alone are the experts.

In Christ.

Registered user
Username: Melissa

Post Number: 810
Registered: 7-2003

Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 10:00 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Denise, I think we see a very public face in Joni on how the disabled are able to contribute to society. I don't know what you think of her accomplishments given the severity of her disability, but I was also fascinated to see the compassion for Christopher Reeves after his accident and his 9-year confinement to his wheelchair. I have never heard of anyone calling for their killing, just the opposite actually as people marveled at the things Christopher Reeve specifically was able to accomplish in the medical and societal arenas. Having my own disabled daughter, it is a learned understanding. I think it is ignorance and fear that many react from, not hate or complete disregard. I know my mother used to be adamant she didn't want to live in a nursing home...until her father was put in one. Now, she says it wouldn't be the worst place to live. And though my grandfather has repeatedly said he doesn't want to live that way (saying he's ready to "go up"), they continue to feed him and visit him and care for him. A lot of us have a lot to learn about those things we do not personally experience on a daily basis. I guess that's why it is easy to make some of the idealistic statements some people make, and my point about advanced directives, I guess. When you take away the ideals, and put it into practice, that's where you find out the benefit of the ideals. Denise, you are right about the medical advances, but in some cases, I do think we've ultimately prolonged suffering, not preserved life. I had a graduate level course in medical ethics, and worked in a children's ICU for a period of time, and I can tell you the decisions that parents are forced to make (that used to not even be options) are heart-wrenching. In some cases, I think it would clearly be better if the "choice" or "decision" didn't come to the parents. None of the options are desirable, yet one has to be chosen. Certainly, medicine has enabled a number of people to be able to live longer, fuller lives, but the flip side is also true. I had a neighbor in college who's mother-in-law was dying of cancer. She was kept medicated because she was in so much pain. If she was allowed to wake up, she just cried and begged them to help her. It was an awful, slow and painful death and the entire family suffered for her. It's hard to see that prolonging her life helped anyone, especially her. I'm not advocating killing the disabled, but I am saying I see cases where expediting the obvious would seem more humane. But this again is comparing apples to oranges. The disabled are not the same as the terminal.

I still don't understand why Mr. Shiavo doesn't divorce Terri and be on with the life he has obviously already moved on with. I would suspect her parents might even understand that choice.

I have also done some preliminary research on the netherlands and their "euthanasia" policies. My research is very dated as it was when I was in high school, but most of the stuff I read at that time was terminally ill patients who were in incredible pain, not merely handicapped people. Maybe that has changed in recent times. I do know there is a belief that society will eventually move to "euthanize" all disabled people, but I HOPE that is merely fear talking and not actual reality coming. I know you fear these types of proceedings, Denise, and view them very personally. I would suspect most here are trying best we can to imagine or empathize. But as you probably know, until you're living it, there is no way to truly know what it's like or how you will feel. (Just like leaving adventism, right?) Please be patient with us when our ignorance sounds offensive. I'm sure it is not intended to be that way.
Registered user
Username: Denisegilmore

Post Number: 221
Registered: 10-2000
Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 10:03 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Raven, Goldenbear, Richard, Bb, and Melissa,

Thank you for standing up and speaking out. With regard to the hospice, Terri's been in hospice for years. She is not terminal. If you read this article here:

This will show you that she has been in hospice for many years and nursing facilities.

And Raven, you are absolutely correct in your post on everything else and your sentiment. Thank you!

Richard--God Bless you!

Bb--You are absolutely correct. You have been reading I see....this is wonderful. Thank you for speaking out. God Bless you and your household!

Goldenbear, if we went by our own United States of America Constitution, we'd never be discussing deliberately starving to death one of the most vulnerable citizens who has committed no crime in her life -today. Yes, because our Government does not abide by the U.S. Constitution but is doing away with it, now we are needing to get advance directives and there will be more chaos to come--this I believe to be so. See, in my opinion and from observation, reading un-biased, un-bribed/and/or threatened articles and other than our own media, our Government is becoming a dictorship. Soon, the Global Identification Cards will be in your wallets and handbags. It's already been announced. The chip is already made. There's a whole lot more I'd like to say but will save it for another thread---maybe.

Melissa, I agree with everything you say and especially was I edified with "the least of these" that you cited from Scripture. Thank you!

As to Bush's motives, there are many. If he is seen by Christians (and he knows they are his major voting bloc for this act or that) as one who is standing up for the innocent, then he has a better chance of passing this "Social Security Reform Act" and other bills and acts that are detrimental to us all. This is why I question his genuine Christianity, concern for the underdogs and middleclass of this world, the disabled, and what's more even his pretense at opposing abortions. He does not oppose abortions, nor stem cell research. Infact when it comes to homosexuals, he holds to the same doctrine that Clinton did.

So when you ask what his motives might be, there are many. And fearfully they are not good--like this war in Iraq for example. If someone can tell me and prove to me that we are "liberating" Iraq and giving them "freedom" I'd probably fall over. Sadly We have done no such thing. Rather, things are far worse for them and now look at the countries arming themselves with nuclear bombs because they know as well as the rest of the world knows that President Bush went to war against a country that did not threaten us once.

But the United States has so many countries threatened now and to top that off the United States are killing their own (sound like Saddam? our supposed reason for war??) that these countries are arming themselves do not see us as me. They are ready to nuke us.

How is it that Americans are blind to this? It's even in our very censored and pre-boxed news media. And all the countries around us, those supposed "third world know nothing heathen", can see the reality for what it is and are at the ready to defend themselves so that when we Americans decide that they too, need this "Freedom" "Democracy" and "Liberation" that we gave to Iraq and are currently giving to our "own" (like Terri Schiavo, the Elderly, and the Children) that they'll be ready and waiting for us to just go ahead and try?....wowza.

Those are just a few of the motives. Why Bush is doing these things is the very thing I ask whenever Hitler comes to mind. See, I too, have questions.

Of course I'm sure you may or most likely see things another way but one way or another, we are both going to find out and hopefully, to be honest, you are right in that he has no motives for helping Terri Schiavo other than good old Christian love and compassion. I really pray that is the case. Something, besides all the news I read that are not owned by our Government, tells me he's not all that benevolent nor caring. Again, my prayer is to be wrong, wrong and wrong. That's the truth.

But although we may disagree politically, let that not be a cause of being enemies with one another as that would be a terrible thing. I love your posts because your heart shines right throught them...a good heart! God Bless you! And thank you for speaking up with your great compassionate heart!

In Christ.

P.S. My political stance really doesn't matter but then again Bushs' does.
Registered user
Username: Tisha

Post Number: 14
Registered: 3-2005
Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 10:12 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

In defense of Sabra - I know I have asked a lot of hard questions as a Christian. I have often questioned God and His will. I'm not perfect! However, asking questions is what led me out of the SDA Church. Just because the question being asked sounds "harsh" does not mean that I have come to any conclusion. I'm always asking questions.

"Are we playing God?" is a common question when dealing with life and death issues. Only God knows our hearts.

My dad had Parkinson's and had a feeding tube for the last 7 years of his life. He didn't want that at first, but finally gave in. He had a very hard time during those years, but was able to participate in many family events, and gave us so much joy just having him around. Every so often he would get pneumonia and need to be hospitalized, given antibiotics, etc. Eventually he would get better and come home. But each time he was less able to function than the time before. Eventually he was back in the hospital again due to a fall from his wheelchair. He just couldn't seem to get better. Then he got pneumonia again. He had Advanced Directives stating that he was not to be resuscitated. We decided to not give him antibiotics this time and within a few hours we took out his feeding tube. He was given morphine to keep him comfortable. He died three days later. It was hard, but I know that was what he wanted. And we had a good visit before he died. He knew Jesus as his Saviour and I know he is saved. He so looked forward to being in heaven and having a disease-free body! He was ready to go.

I don't know what to believe about Terri's situation. It seems that she has some functioning. And I wonder what the motivations of her husband are. Why doesn't he just divorce her and move on? I cannot judge because I just do not know. Only God know the heart.

I do know that it isn't wrong to ask hard questions. If we are judged harshly here on this Forum for asking questions it will not be a safe place to ask for feedback, be supported during our transition, etc.

Denise - Please have patience with all of us. We all have different backgrounds, different "buttons" that get pushed, different perspectives on things. But we all have in common the will to trust God's ways even when we don't understand them. Let's support each other in that most important common ground.

In Christian Love - Tisha
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Username: Colleentinker

Post Number: 1658
Registered: 12-2003

Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 11:13 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

We each stand before God, accountable for our decisions and motives. We must allow the Holy Spirit to work in each of us and be willing to admit that we cannot make judgments about how we deal with each other's life and death decisions when they are made with prayer and submission before God.

Melissa's comment that we are not dealing with the disabled but with the terminal is a good one. If people did not have medical intervention available, what might happen? I'm not advocating removing feeding tubes. But I am saying that we cannot judge and berate one another for personal decisions that now are possible that a few decades ago were not even options.

I pray that God will make our "love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that [we] may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the furit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ--to the glory and praise of God." (Philippians 1:9-11)

Registered user
Username: Denisegilmore

Post Number: 222
Registered: 10-2000
Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 2:38 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


In a post of yours above, I did neglect to differ with you on a few certain items. You and everyone here are so wonderful to speak with that this is a great way to educate some of you so that perhaps you may have a better understanding of where we stand in the disability community.

I'm not very good at writing and once it's done and posted and then I read it--it just doesn't have the soft heart that it was typed with. This seems to elude me in typing. Even though it's in my heart, putting things into words is very difficult to convey for me. This has caused some serious miscommunications on this forum and there was no way to rectify them as the wording just doesn't come when I try this typing of emotions.

Still, I'm praying that you will all be patient with me. As assuredly, no matter how my post seems to read, my heart is soft as they are being typed. Even to Sabra it was a soft heart, not an angry heart as it appears when I read it myself on screen. So if it appears angry, rude, or any other negative, please clarify with me so I can then attempt again to portray what's in my heart. Although I might add, that there will be times when I am indeed angry and with an explanation mark it's hard to tell if someone is angry or excited and happy. So clarification is always welcomed by me. Okay, now on with the post to you Melissa.

When you speak about the accomplishments of Joni, Chris and all the others in the disability community that have made names for themselves and somehow earned this BADGE OF HONOR from John Q Public, this is precisely what the public wants or better worded, "expected" from us in this community of disabilities. And when most of us achieve no great accomplishments or we are so incapacitated that we appear to others as some other than humans, then the public wants those of us who do not fit to their "expectations" (one way or another) to not be seen nor heard. Infact, the prevailant preferrence is that we be dead! So how do they do this? Well, it's quite simple really. Play the "mercy card."

Now I don't know about you, but it's never occurred to me that murder was mercy. Especially if we didn't invite the death.

It's amazing that this is employed when if we wanted to die there is no Law to stop us from killing ourselves all by ourselves. IF we wanted to die so bad, you'd think there would be dead cripples all over the sidewalk from jumping out windows! Or thousands dead in their homes every single day of the week just from our own meds we take that can kill! Doesn't that strike anybody odd that we don't hear of these types of events by crippled/lame/disabled (put whatever word makes you feel comfortable with here)people?

This is as true today as it was 50 or 100 years ago. Nothing has changed and this is another reason why it's such a tragedy for Terri Schiavo--she didn't nor couldn't conform nor produce something of the publics expectations. Rather, people like her are more likely to be hidden in a dark room somewhere--say "a nursing facility" or "the grave."

The public is not disability friendly. Not unless we meet their qualifications to be considered as people with real emotion, real physical pain, real love, real anger, real contentment, real sadness, real fear, real humor (most especially at ourselves!) and other such things as to have the public feel 'comfortable' around us. You know--"worthy to live among the living."

So, in this light, you are very correct in that "fear" is a major component amongst the able bodied people. Fear of what they could become, fear of not knowing what to say, fear of not knowing if they are allowed to enquire about our disability, they fear the look of some of us. They fear that we are contagious, they fear that God forbid, one of their children will end up like us and so on.

We see it on their faces every day. We hear it in their voices how uncomfortable they are with us due to this fear factor.

It is also very very true that many people loathe us simply for being "not like them." There are many people who cannot stand the thought of having someone in their company who is somehow a 'defect.' They are the genuine bigots and might I say that this is a good portion of society. We were called by Hitler "useless eaters." And this same term is being tossed around today. Not only that term but "Unproductive" is another handy term for us.

So much loathing from them that when we want the Federal Laws to be upheld such as the ADA, they treat us with such contempt openly that it's like a spark that sets off an entire forest fire.

They hate the idea that we demand to be allowed to go where we want. This means we need access. Like sidewalks, curb cuts, movie theater spaces for wheelchairs, ramps to every court house or any other public building in America so that we can get inside with the rest of society. Lifts on buses so our wheelchairs can get on the bus. They hate and will even refuse to treat you if they are a Doctor because you cannot read the forms of very small print they want you to sign regarding the payment agreement and yet when we mention that we cannot read it, and we ask could they perhaps read it to us or is there a bigger print edition they get very angry. As though we have no right to read what we are signing. So with their attitude, while all the waiting room is watching (which is humiliating in and of itself) we too take our stance and remind them of the ADA that was implemented in 1990 and how they are in violation of Federal Law.

This causes many of us to be refused treatment by a Doctor simply because we couldn't read the small print, they wouldn't read it to us, they were in a hurry and were put out at the audacity that we ask for what we needed. So what is their recourse? They deliberately do the "humiliation factor" because others too are put out in that waiting room because we cannot see what we are signing so you hear the grunts and squawks from the people in the waiting room to top this off. Then the very mention of ADA incites a near riot! Yet, the entire time, we were within our rights, we were polite and they were in violation of Federal Laws.

We even see as we go shopping in our wheelchairs the pitying smiles from strangers. Those types of smiles we loathe. Why pity? That's a Jerry Lewis gimmick to make a quick buck. He plays on pity each and every single year with the same story over and over and over and all this to get rich!

And each and every year we are at his Telethons..protesting his bigotry. He actually stated that "If you don't want pity! Stay in your *&^@%%$#! houses!!"

We hate that! We don't want pity. We want to be included as an equal nomatter what we look like, nomatter what limits we have, nomatter what in-abilities are assigned to us--we would like to be included into the human race with all the social events accessible to us, stores, churches and home gatherings.

We would like to be able to know that the Doctors of the United States of America would acually keep their Hippocratic Oath they took! So that should anything happen that put us in a position that we could not speak nor communicate, we would still know that the Doctors of America actually care and did everything in their power to keep us alive and out of pain to the best of their ability (as some pain is intractable, I know, I deal with it daily). Unless of course we had a DNR order pre-written, which anyone can get disabled or able bodied.

Here's another thing. If a person who is disabled has had it and wants to die, do we ever hear of anybody talking them out of it? Or is it more like, we "honor their wishes ala Dr. Jack K?"

Yet, let someone who is not disabled but instead one who is able bodied state that they want to commit suicide and what happens? Oh well! You have "Suicide Prevention" Teams storm trooping the door, family and friends gathered around you to talk you out of it, psychologists, Pastors, shrinks, therapists, group therapies ad naseum.

Do you see the double standard now?
Is that Equality?
Are the Disabled considered as worthy to expend the time to talk out of suicide and then offer counseling to them?
Or is it "I don't blame you. It must be very hard to live like that" or "God will forgive you, He understands" or "I know a Doctor who is a "Right to Die Doctor" he will help you in your transition to the other side"????

Death with Dignity???
What happened to Life with Dignity???

Is it Dignified to Choose Death?

We are all made to feel it is, just watch the movies and see the tears for the person who was offered no counseling for a new profound disability, no rehabilitation, no support structure to speak of as there are too too many people that would rather not look at that person, no offer of hope to them, just pity and hopelessness....So we kill them "out of mercy."

I mean...can you see something wrong with this picture?? Watch Million Dollar Baby and pretend the person just happened to turn black instead of into a quadrpledgic and see if you can make the same case stick.

Now you mentioned Michael Schiavo and why he doesn't just divorce Terri. From what I understand, he can't according to his Catholic Faith. Although the Catholic Faith Defense Recently in Defense of Terri's Life Wasn't honored.

No, he says he has around $50,000.00 left of her "what was supposed to go for her rehabilitation but instead he used up over a million on his attorney). My guess is that he wants this money that's left. But I could be wrong. More than likely, now this is my hunch from the evidence over the years, is that if he divorces her, then her parents will get custody. If that happens, then she would get her rehabilitation. If that happened, she would be able to tell us what happened that fateful night prior to being taken to the hospital. And I don't believe Michael wants this information out--I believe the man would be in some big trouble.

As to the Netherlands Melissa. It has gotten out of hand over there now. They are now killing at will primarily. This is the disabled, the seniors and that saddest I read recently, the defected children. Recently one child who had a cleft lip. That is where America is going to go unless all of this stops. Including abortions.

And on your last point about those who are in extreme pain. I believe that has been addressed with the fact that anybody can commit suicide. You don't have to have a Doctor to do that. Nor should that practice continue. All that is doing is giving Doctors the right to commit Murder with Immunity. And from there it's a down hill slope to the Netherlands.

Praying this post is worded so that it is showing that I'm speaking with passion at times but mostly with love in this discussion with you in our trying to understand one another. If it is percieved as angry in parts, I'll readily admit that in parts there is need for anger. The ADA has been a Federal Law for 15 years and to date we are still fighting to get it enforced or implemented so that we can live our lives in a quality of which we would like. And everytime we turn around, the ADA is being chipped away by our very Government who is supposed to see to it's enforcement. Crazy huh?

Well, this is a start of why it is such an injustice of what is done to Terri Schiavo. And hopefully it is a start in understanding why she means so much to us as a community at large. Her case will indeed set a precedence.

All the other matters were in response to you Melissa as you have described to me how perhaps it is needed to understand each other. Am I correct (I hope)? And I too ask for patience from everyone.

Oh Melissa and others, these are but a start of issues. But for now, Terri Schiavo is heavy on my mind and I haven't checked my mail or the news in about two hours trying to get this typed so it is worded in a way that doesn't offend.

With that I shall sign off here to check news on Terri Schiavo. Please keep praying for her and her family.

With Love in Christ Jesus.

Registered user
Username: Denisegilmore

Post Number: 223
Registered: 10-2000
Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 2:47 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hello Tisha and Colleen,

I have just finished a very lengthy post to Melissa that took me over two hours and when it was finally posted after many times of corrections of spelling and wording of things, I saw your posts.


I did read the first sentence in your post and felt it very important to immediately respond to let you know that you need not defend Sabra as my words to her were not meant as an attack. As you will see in the very lengthy post I've just finished to Melissa explaining how I have a hard time putting into words what is in my heart.

Once it's posted, it looks angry to me as well and yet it was never meant that way at all.

Hope this helps some. I'm going to write a line or two here for Colleen and then read your post.

God Bless you Tisha.


Dear Colleen,

I've not read a line of your post yet as it was imperative to write to Tisha after reading her first line. Hopefully I've explained myself with regard to Sabra in the Post to Melissa.

Now I'm about to read Tisha's post and yours as well. Then I must check on Terri Schiavo to see what's happened since I have spent over two hours typing to Melissa. This is not easy for me to type out emotion from my heart.

After I check on Terri's Condition and the situation there, I'll need to take a break for my eyes and then will come back to respond.

God Bless you too.

Registered user
Username: Tisha

Post Number: 15
Registered: 3-2005
Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 4:40 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Denise, Thanks for being so open and honest in your last post. I can see how passionate you are for the cause of those who are disabled.

I can understand in some small way what you are talking about ADA and access to all those things most able-bodied people take for granted. I have a disability and my employer refused to give me parking near my office. I would have had a walk of about two miles! I had to raise a big stink and threaten legal action just to get a parking space. And that is not assigned - just within a lot nearer to my office!

I know that in email "conversation" it's hard to convey the nuances that a face to face would.

So, I guess asking for clarification before jumping to conclusions would be better for me!

I in no way think murder is OK. And just because someone doesn't fit the "normal" model of humanity does not mean that they should not have life, even if it doesn't look like what I would want! WOW - Even I don't know what I would want when faced with a life different than what I know now!

I know that because of our medical advances there are times when life is extended beyond anyone's expectation. I struggle with when to fight for life and when to let go. I still think that is up to God ultimately. But we do make decisions every day about how to treat illness or disability. When a child is born prematurely or with a life-threatening birth defect, we do all we can to help that baby live. When there is cancer we fight it with all our medical knowledge. But at some point even the best medical care isn't enough and we decide to let go. I'm glad I don't have to face those decisions often.

In cases like Terri's, I don't have enough imformation to make a judgement. From what I have seen, it seems like she DOES WANT LIFE, and has every reason to live. But without medical intervention she would have died. I don't think it is right for her husband to "pull the plug" against her wishes. I am suspect of his motives. Which is the lesser sin in his religion - divorce or murder? But sin is sin - so who can judge. And without all the facts I can't know if it is murder or a natural result of a terrible accident. I can only guess. That's why I leave the judgement up to God. If I was asked to make that decision, I would be investigating every angle, every detail of this case. And most of all I would be PRAYING CONSTANTLY that I would be guided in that decision by the HOLY SPIRIT. Since I am not in the position to make that choice, I will pray for those who are. That is "all" I can do, but that is the most important part!

I feel so inadequte trying to make my position clear! I guess I better just "shut up" and "listen" for awhile!

Thank-you Denise for being patient with me! I admire your passion! Keep on being YOU! I'm learning from you, too.
Registered user
Username: Foreverscout

Post Number: 7
Registered: 3-2005
Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 6:16 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I had to share a little piece of what I found at another website that I have found:

>Regardless of the circumstances of her collapse, the court awarded custody to Michael and then continued to allow him custody after he collected the malpractice settlement, halted rehabilitation efforts, refused to file care plans for his wife and sought to have her starved to death.

Sometime during all of this turmoil, Michael went back to college to earn a degree and began to live with his ìfiancÈî with whom he has fathered two children.

At some point, Terriís parents and Terriís husband had a falling out and Terri was subsequently put in ìlock down.î Only approved visitors could go into her room. No decorations were to be allowed, no pictures were to be there of the family to smile at her and offer her comfort. No more taking a spin in the hospice courtyard, her younger brother, Bobby said.

Mary was told no lip gloss for her daughterís chapped lipsñBob was reprimanded for bringing in a cell phone in order to try and have a speech therapist help Terri talk. Suzanne, Terriís younger sister, was scared even to bring her young daughter around a place where a police officer was hired to make sure no one tried to rehabilitate or help Terri.<

I found this at

I believe that we owe it to Terri to try every means we have to save her life. Only when there is no brain activity is there a true death. Who are we to say what quality of life is? Only God can decide.

Our job is to learn and show love and compassion, just as Jesus would.


Registered user
Username: Denisegilmore

Post Number: 224
Registered: 10-2000
Posted on Thursday, March 24, 2005 - 1:41 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Colleen and Tisha, this post is in answer to Sabra and I'll have to write to you two tomorrow as my eyesight is having a vey rough time still.

It's late so this will be a brief post--which I'm certain you are all probably saying to yourselves "whew! thank goodness!" :-)

Sabra, "Are we playing God" was one question you had asked. I'd have to answer that one "yes and no." The reason for this type of answer is due to the many areas of science now, such as cloning, that, in my opinion, is in fact dealing in an area of which man should not venture. So yes, in this area it is of my opinion we are indeed playing God by the fact of trying to create a human being by other than natural means with the semen and the seed.

Another area for my "yes" answer is when mankind decides who lives and who dies and therefore acts upon these philosophies that are man-made. Now....

One may rationalize to themselves that any medical technology or medicines that saves a life then 'must' be "playing God." To which I'd have to disagree or answer "no". For even Luke was a Doctor, Jesus we know as the Great Physician. There were obviously doctors prior to Luke and along with Luke in his lifetime.

And due to the very stories in the Bible. Such as the woman with the issue of blood who had gone to many doctors prior to encountering Jesus. She spent 12 years bleeding and trying to find some doctor who could help.

But in no case is there recorded in the Bible of any doctor who murders people like her for her disability. And I believe that even yourself would have to concede that bleeding every day for a solid 12 years from -you know where- is a disability and could probably be quite a hindrance or disablement to what she did or did not do. Or rather could and could not do specifically because of her disability. And this is not even speaking of her pain nor of the "quality of life" she must have had all those years.

Remember, the women in those days had to stay "outside" the camp during that time of the month (which her months turned into 12 years of isolation)--much like the blind and the lame staying out of the Temple then also. Or the lepers being "outside" the city.

All through Scripture we find no doctor terminating people. They are "physicians" not "executioners."

So with Terri Schiavo not being healed, well now, neither am I and many others. However this does not mean that God does not want us to live. Many who are disabled (you've probably read or seen or even know quite a few yourself) have given such an encouragement to others that it is so obvious that God is using even their disability to Glorify Himself through them.

Others are indeed being healed. Some by todays medicine and technology and some by a Miracle. I do believe Miracles still happen because not only have I seen them with my own eyes but I'm listed as a Miracle in two separate hospitals over a few different things.

Disability does not mean nor signify that someone is not supposed to live because God didn't heal them. Not even the Apostle Paul was healed and he prayed 3 times for his thorn to be removed. But God did not wish him to be healed nor dead. How would we have most of the New Testament without Paul? Does this help answer your question?

And while I'm here, if it appeared that I came off as angry, that is not the case. It was the case that there was an amount of frustration thinking (without asking--assuming a more appropriate word) that you had equated being able bodied with that being the solid answer that God is allowing one to live. Or the dis-abled body that that somehow equated that they were somehow cursed and shouldn't be here amongst the living because God hadn't healed them. Therefore they should die.

Because you are not new to this forum and we've spoken before, it actually shocked me that you asked for I had thought not only what you've already read in the posts before this one but also my brain was hit with an entirely different subject matter and that was "oh no, Sabra has been taken in by these faith healers!"

And you should know me by now Sabra, my brain cannot multi-task. It's lucky to "single-task!"

Does this help clear the air between you and myself? If not, let's begin a different thread to deal with our personal thoughts on this together so that we may make ammends. I'm willing if you are. Besides, we may end up learning from one another.

Blessings on your head Sabra.

Love in Christ.

Registered user
Username: Denisegilmore

Post Number: 225
Registered: 10-2000
Posted on Thursday, March 24, 2005 - 1:51 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


That is one wonderful site you have given a link to on the coverage of Terri Schiavo! Thank you very much. And also i wanted to let you know that through you God bless me because many things I've been saying and feeling are so eloquently confirmed on that site! It is now one of my favorite sites marked.

May God Bless you forevermore for opening up and helping defend Terri Schiavo right to live along with the full coverage of much history and facts.

There is more I'd like to say but my eyesight is fading--so until tomorrow. Please Pray as I'm sure you are doing for Terri Schiavo. She needs all of our prayers.

Please feel free to send more if you have any and also, it's nice to meet you.

In Christ.

--God is so wonderful in how He works!

denise (I sure hope this is all making sense and my spelling is correct.)
Registered user
Username: Foreverscout

Post Number: 8
Registered: 3-2005
Posted on Thursday, March 24, 2005 - 1:04 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

You can't possibly know what your words mean to me. I had to go and compose myself after crying. My makeup is ruined and gosh I hardly ever wear this stuff.

I had to turn off the background noise of the tv and get down on my knees and pray in the silence. Thanking and Praising God. God You are wonderful! God You are All Powerful! God You are Majesty! God You are all Love! And He cares for you and He cares for me. Thank you God, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Holy Spirit. Amen

And Thank you Denise.

You see Satan is constantly whispering in my ear how useless and unworthy I am, how the life I led before, how my many sins can never be forgiven. He tells me that I am no one to anyone, that what I do means nothing. That all is lost anyway. I know that this is not unique to me, but it doesn't stop the pain. I was raised in my mother's spirit of depression and pessimism and have struggled against it all my life. But with God I will overcome!

I want my life to be a blessing, I want my Light to so SHINE! before men. That all will know without one spoken word. Lord make me yours! And please keep me humble. And most of all Lord, let me remember that this starts in my own home. It's so easy Lord with others, it's so difficult here with my husband and children. This is my prayer. Amen.

Denise, there are political sites that defend Terri. and I subscribed to nytimes online because of a few editorials that supported Terri, its news that appears so far to be somewhat balanced, (if anyone knows different, please correct me!). is a new site that I have discovered and am still investigating. Of course you can learn much by going to

I have written letter after letter after letter after letter....... to senators, and to others in politics. Only a few have written back. I speak up to people about Terri, I talk with my children, especially with my daughter because she is almost 17 and I believe she speaks with her friends sometimes. And of course I pray.

The news is now that Judges will not step in and save Terri's life. It seems to me that they are all backing up this Judge Greer, it's a good-ole-boy network. Amazing when he has broken his own Florida State Laws! It's all about law, they've forgotten the people the law was designed to protect in the first place. Judges then and now, mindless of the people.

Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God.

Registered user
Username: Denisegilmore

Post Number: 227
Registered: 10-2000
Posted on Saturday, March 26, 2005 - 7:58 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear ForeverScout,

I need to paste some of your statements here and make a comment:

"I was raised in my mother's spirit of depression and pessimism and have struggled against it all my life. But with God I will overcome!"

Do you realize that you have already overcome through all of your depression and pessimism? Yes! For in that state of mind, God has put such a faith in you that you have taken many steps out, all the while you were "disabled!" Talk about Glorifying your Father! You have and are doing just that and didn't even know it. Isn't our God a Wonderful God?!

Here's something else you said:

"I want my life to be a blessing, I want my Light to so SHINE! before men"

Not only did you bless me and only God knows how many others with your words of faith, courage and compassion but have you noticed that it silenced any naysayers that may have come along? Talk about being a LIGHT! Here you are, depressed--and this is a terrible thing to have to deal with--you are a pessimist from the environment with which you grew up--which makes everything look very gloomy. And yet you showed by your very words that you have "hope!" You had placed your hope in the very God that created you! Do you realize how many people cannot do either of the two things that God has given you the power to do? Talk about a miracle!

I know what depression is and it's hard to speak out, it's hard to leave the house, it's hard to enjoy anything, it's hard to care about anything, it's hard to voice your opinion....and yet--listen to your own testimony:

"I have written letter after letter after letter after letter....... to senators, and to others in politics. Only a few have written back. I speak up to people about Terri, I talk with my children, especially with my daughter because she is almost 17 and I believe she speaks with her friends sometimes. And of course I pray."

Now if that isn't testifying to the Power of God, I don't know what is. You've done by the Power of God what most all others would not have done. Here you are with a living passion and spreading the word to others of this passion to enlighten them also and you think you that you may not have anything to offer? Ha! Even I cried at reading your post! And I too, had to stop and pray--just like you! Isn't this amazing?

You state this and I'm sure pray it:

"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God"

Foreverscout, if you haven't been showing and speaking the very compassion of God from your own testimony then I surely don't know of any testimony. Your heart is beautiful and full of passion. Did you know that the word Passion also means Suffering? Yes, it has that meaning. That is why when Mel Gibson put out his film called the Passion of Christ, it is meant "the Suffering of Christ."

Passion has with it a great emotion deep within the heart. And you have that passion and you have compassion all living within you. And yet here you are speaking up for Terri, writing letters for her, telling others, posting on this forum and even voicing your opinion with many great links...and believe me, those links are great. Your post has blessed me so much and I know for a fact it has blessed others. And here you thought your light was under a bushel. It's beaming from the top of the mountain!

And clearly, your eyes are wide open because you said this:

"It's all about law, they've forgotten the people the law was designed to protect in the first place. Judges then and now, mindless of the people."

You hit the nail right on the head with that statement! Your spirit, your heart, your actions, your praying, writing letters, testifying to other of this injustice, weeping in your heart for another and forgetting yourself is the best testimony I've ever heard!

And all the while, you were suffering with depression/pessimism and guilt feelings, you clung to God Almighty and surely He has put a right spirit in you and a clean heart for there is no other way you could have been doing what you have been doing, speaking, not only at your home but publicly and to the law-makers, Praying to our Lord with much weeping over another...God is an absolute Miracle worker. And the amazing thing is He does these things when and how we least expect them.

I just love you Foreverscout, In Christ Jesus my heart is overjoyed because of Him working through you.

Those political sites are wonderful sites! And I've already got site (of course) but many others most likely did not. Thank you for your testimony, your beautiful heart of compassion and the blessings many must have felt by reading your post. And yes, the links too because they enlighten people a great deal and this is a much needed thing.

Sadly, I fear Terri Schiavo has been murdered by our court system, including the Supreme Court. She hasn't deceased yet, but it's a matter a few days unless a miracle happens. Let us continue praying. As you stated in part:

"The news is now that Judges will not step in and save Terri's life. It seems to me that they are all backing up this Judge Greer, it's a good-ole-boy network."

And an evil network at that!

If she does die, the President and all the Presidents men show themselves to be hypocrits when it comes to anti-torture laws. Not only so, in my opinion, it also shows a pathetic weakness in Congress for allowing the courts to ursurp Congressional power. And we all have much to fear.

May God's Blessings fall on you and your household forevermore. In Christ Jesus Name. This i pray for you and yours. Amen and Amen.

Your sister in Christ Jesus.


Registered user
Username: Denisegilmore

Post Number: 228
Registered: 10-2000
Posted on Saturday, March 26, 2005 - 9:16 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear ForeverScout,

I need to paste some of your statements here and make a comment:

"I was raised in my mother's spirit of depression and pessimism and have struggled against it all my life. But with God I will overcome!"

Do you realize that you have already overcome through all of your depression and pessimism? Yes! For in that state of mind, God has put such a faith in you that you have taken many steps out, all the while you were "disabled!" Talk about Glorifying your Father! You have and are doing just that and didn't even know it. Isn't our God a Wonderful God?!

Here's something else you said:

"I want my life to be a blessing, I want my Light to so SHINE! before men"

Not only did you bless me and only God knows how many others with your words of faith, courage and compassion but have you noticed that it silenced any naysayers that may have come along? Talk about being a LIGHT! Here you are, depressed--and this is a terrible thing to have to deal with--you are a pessimist from the environment with which you grew up--which makes everything look very gloomy. And yet you showed by your very words that you have "hope!" You had placed your hope in the very God that created you! Do you realize how many people cannot do either of the two things that God has given you the power to do? Talk about a miracle!

I know what depression is and it's hard to speak out, it's hard to leave the house, it's hard to enjoy anything, it's hard to care about anything, it's hard to voice your opinion....and yet--listen to your own testimony:

"I have written letter after letter after letter after letter....... to senators, and to others in politics. Only a few have written back. I speak up to people about Terri, I talk with my children, especially with my daughter because she is almost 17 and I believe she speaks with her friends sometimes. And of course I pray."

Now if that isn't testifying to the Power of God, I don't know what is. You've done by the Power of God what most all others would not have done. Here you are with a living passion and spreading the word to others of this passion to enlighten them also and you think you that you may not have anything to offer? Ha! Even I cried at reading your post! And I too, had to stop and pray--just like you! Isn't this amazing?

You state this and I'm sure pray it:

"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God"

Foreverscout, if you haven't been showing and speaking the very compassion of God from your own testimony then I surely don't know of any testimony. Your heart is beautiful and full of passion. Did you know that the word Passion also means Suffering? Yes, it has that meaning. That is why when Mel Gibson put out his film called the Passion of Christ, it is meant "the Suffering of Christ."

Passion has with it a great emotion deep within the heart. And you have that passion and you have compassion all living within you. And yet here you are speaking up for Terri, writing letters for her, telling others, posting on this forum and even voicing your opinion with many great links...and believe me, those links are great. Your post has blessed me so much and I know for a fact it has blessed others. And here you thought your light was under a bushel. It's beaming from the top of the mountain!

And clearly, your eyes are wide open because you said this:

"It's all about law, they've forgotten the people the law was designed to protect in the first place. Judges then and now, mindless of the people."

You hit the nail right on the head with that statement! Your spirit, your heart, your actions, your praying, writing letters, testifying to other of this injustice, weeping in your heart for another and forgetting yourself is the best testimony I've ever heard!

And all the while, you were suffering with depression/pessimism and guilt feelings, you clung to God Almighty and surely He has put a right spirit in you and a clean heart for there is no other way you could have been doing what you have been doing, speaking, not only at your home but publicly and to the law-makers, Praying to our Lord with much weeping over another...God is an absolute Miracle worker. And the amazing thing is He does these things when and how we least expect them.

I just love you Foreverscout, In Christ Jesus my heart is overjoyed because of Him working through you.

Those political sites are wonderful sites! And I've already got site (of course) but many others most likely did not. Thank you for your testimony, your beautiful heart of compassion and the blessings many must have felt by reading your post. And yes, the links too because they enlighten people a great deal and this is a much needed thing.

Sadly, I fear Terri Schiavo has been murdered by our court system, including the Supreme Court. She hasn't deceased yet, but it's a matter a few days unless a miracle happens. Let us continue praying. As you stated in part:

"The news is now that Judges will not step in and save Terri's life. It seems to me that they are all backing up this Judge Greer, it's a good-ole-boy network."

And an evil network at that!

If she does die, the President and all the Presidents men show themselves to be hypocrits when it comes to anti-torture laws. Not only so, in my opinion, it also shows a pathetic weakness in Congress for allowing the courts to ursurp Congressional power. And we all have much to fear.

May God's Blessings fall on you and your household forevermore. In Christ Jesus Name. This i pray for you and yours. Amen and Amen.

Your sister in Christ Jesus.


Registered user
Username: Foreverscout

Post Number: 12
Registered: 3-2005
Posted on Saturday, March 26, 2005 - 12:27 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

First of all, God Bless you Denise for all of your kind words, they are soothing to my soul. It gives me great solice to know that my words are not in vain. I had thought afterwards that my great passion would cause people to turn away from me. I am sure some things that I have shared about about my experiences with God would make people think that I am a nut case, (you can check out my other posts). You see, I believe that God speaks to me, not in an audible voice, but in the way of thoughts given to me that I can not call my own. I pray, he answers. Have you ever had that? I know I am not the only one, yet people often look at me funny when I say it. But I think that here is the place that I will share my whole self and see what happens.

I wrote another letter to Jeb Bush:

>Dear Govenor Bush,
>I do understand what executive powers are. >What I don't understand is why you wouldn't use >them now. You have fought the hard fight this >far, why would you stop now?
>It is Judge Greer who has overstepped his >powers, not you!
>Don't give thought to what men say, this life >is but a blink of an eye, think of what you >will say when called before the throne of God.
>Please don't stop now, Terri doesn't have much >longer.
>God be with you now, as the right thing to do is not always the easy thing to do.
>You are in my family's prayers,
>All that Evil needs to prevail, is for good men to do nothing...<

I am afraid though that Gov. Bush is thinking of his political future and that may be why he is not going to fight any longer. He is looking at the polls that say 70% of the people think Terri should be allowed to be let go.

"Let Go", what a passive term. A way to make the murder seem less murderous I presume. No one is comfortable calling it what it really is. Let us turn our faces away; let us choose to see only what is not painful; let us not gaze upon the humanity in the eyes of the disabled; let us choose to believe that they are not truly human, for that makes them like us, and we can not kill those like us.

Those 70% do not know the whole story. Of course, some of them would not care anyway. That is why we must fight for Terri and others who can not speak for themselves, like the unborn. To open the eyes that can be opened and fight against the rest.

Open the eyes of my heart Lord, and Move me to Action!


Registered user
Username: Flyinglady

Post Number: 1263
Registered: 3-2004

Posted on Saturday, March 26, 2005 - 12:34 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I received the following link that may clear up a lot of why the judge and others are doing what they are doing. It is not something with which I agree, but it explains a lot. I hope you can get to it from here.

Registered user
Username: Foreverscout

Post Number: 14
Registered: 3-2005
Posted on Saturday, March 26, 2005 - 1:42 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I found this in a New York Times article today. I get the nytimes online.

>Barbara Weller, one of the lawyers, said she had been in the woman's hospice room on the day the tube was removed.

The motion before Judge Greer said that "at one point during her visit, Mrs. Weller attempted to elicit a direct statement from Mrs. Schiavo regarding her end of life wishes." It went on, "Mrs. Weller told Mrs. Schiavo that this whole matter could end if Mrs. Schiavo could articulate one sentence: 'I want to live.' " The motion continued, saying that Ms. Schiavo "attempted to verbalize the sentence. She managed to articulate the first two vowel sounds, first articulating 'ahhhhhhh' and then virtually screaming 'waaaaaaaa.' She became very agitated, but could not complete the vocalization attempted."

The Schindlers argued that their daughter seemed to be trying to say "I want," and that her feeding tube should be reinserted to determine whether she could communicate.

George Felos, Mr. Schiavo's lawyer, called the motion "outrageous" and "an abuse of the legal system," saying the issue of whether Ms. Schiavo can communicate had been addressed in previous hearings. The sounds were nothing more than a reflex caused by touching her, he said.

Judge Greer said he would rule on the motion by noon Saturday.<

I haven't heard any news yet, though I doubt Greer will change his mind. It takes a great strength to admit when we are wrong and speak it publicly. And I don't believe the man has any compassion anyway. Changing this ruling would require both.

God forgive us all for what we have done and for what we have left undone.


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