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Polgarahh Registered user Username: Polgarahh
Post Number: 8 Registered: 9-2013
| Posted on Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 4:28 am: |    |
There are many things that can prove this "bold" statement I made in the title true. I will give here only one, imo, most prominent. The others are welcome to add other We all know that a white obelisk "decorates" the grave of James and Ellen White. This obelisk was paid and ordered by Ellen G. White herself after her husband had died. Among other things, an obelisk is a phallic symbol used by the Freemasons and many heathen religions who practiced sexual orgies as a way to worship their deities. The first person ever to use an obelisk was Nimrod, who was, surprisingly enough, symbolized with the constellation named ORION. Coincidence? As a deeply devoted person, I do not believe in coincidence. |
Freeatlast Registered user Username: Freeatlast
Post Number: 908 Registered: 5-2002

| Posted on Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 10:36 am: |    |
Indeed, Ellen's writings are replete with Masonic references ("all-seeing eye", "architect of the universe", etc.). She also makes reference to Jesus having given her a green cord to hold whenever she needed Him - a clear reference to Masonic ritual. James White - and I also believe other Adventist founders - had close connections to Freemasonry. |
Asurprise Registered user Username: Asurprise
Post Number: 3229 Registered: 7-2007
| Posted on Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 12:42 pm: |    |
I don't know how accurate it is, but here's a website called, "The Occult Roots of Seventh-day Adventism." And here's a website called, "How did Ellen White Know?" talking about how she "knew" the secret sins of others, even on the other side of the world. (Iit must have been embarrassing to Ellen White herself at times when she was found out to have had access to the information [or misinformation in a case involving Kelloge,] from people or newspapers before she related it in "vision!") Here's a website about Freemasonry being at the core of Adventism. (It makes sense. Demons would definitely want to distort the gospel and keep people from being saved!) |
Mjcmcook Registered user Username: Mjcmcook
Post Number: 1259 Registered: 2-2011

| Posted on Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 12:46 pm: |    |
Asurprise~ Thanks for the 'links' ! I will 'bookmark' them on my computer~ I have read the information they have before but forgot the links~ I especially like the 'jesusisfreedom' link regarding the masonic beginnings of adventism. ~mj~ |
Asurprise Registered user Username: Asurprise
Post Number: 3230 Registered: 7-2007
| Posted on Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 1:29 pm: |    |
How ironic that with Ellen White's negative views towards a husband and wife having intimate relations; that she was "honored" at death with a symbol representing the very thing she hated! |
Polgarahh Registered user Username: Polgarahh
Post Number: 9 Registered: 9-2013
| Posted on Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 1:58 pm: |    |
As I said, the first obelisk in history was erected (and "invented") by Nimrod, symbolized by the constellation of ORION. I admit, when I read this particular item of information, I choked (I did not suspect EGW being an ocultist at the time). She was particularly obsessed with this constelation (saying the New Jerusalem and Jesus will come from the Orion constellation). Having read this and having considered this literal bomb (at least for me), I suddenly realized that EGW was not sick and having visions BELIEVING they are from God. No, quite the contrary, this particular information shows that EGW was AWARE of her ocultism, that she DELIBERATELY deceived the people, that she INTENTIONALLY lied about being sent the visions from God etc. A first degree deception, I'd call it. Also, William Miller was also a Freemason. This simply cannot be UNINTENTIONAL. I also read minutes from the General Conference that took place in 1919 (they are huge, but believe me, it's worth it). Not only that EGW deceived early adventists, but also, General Conference WAS AWARE of her being a false prophet already in 1919, and already then decided to KEEP THIS INFO TOP SECRET and to prepare the defense for the event the people somehow realize that EGW was nothing but an ocultist and liar. These minutes were hidden from the publich for 50 years. And 50 years later (General Conference in 1970 and then in 1980) the same issue was addressed again. And the same decision was made once again: we will keep the truth about EGW hidden from the people in the church. It simply cannot be an unintentional lie, they cannot say any more: We did not know, we were seduced, we believed, we are sorry etc. The minutes can be found on this URL: They are now available to the public at the official SDA sites. Probably because they are so massive and they believe that no-one has the nerve and time to read them all. PS: And for the record, I am not a conspiracy theorist, actually, I am allergic at such people. But still, there are conspiracies in the world we should know about. This is one of them, and one HUGE conspiracy whose goal is deception for the purpose of obtaining HUGE amounts of money OVER DECADES. (Message edited by polgaraHH on October 17, 2013) |
Mjcmcook Registered user Username: Mjcmcook
Post Number: 1260 Registered: 2-2011

| Posted on Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 2:20 pm: |    |
It is a grim reminder that egwhite was an 'open vessel' just waiting to be filled. Without the 'indwelling' of the HOLY SPIRIT anyone is subject to this kind of spirit of darkness, making it's home in them. GOD promises 'believers' that once we have been 'born again' of the 'SPIRIT of GOD' we do not have to fear. We can be harassed by darkness, but not indwelt. ~mj~ |
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 14629 Registered: 12-2003

| Posted on Friday, October 18, 2013 - 10:40 pm: |    |
I totally agree. EGW was not an unknowing victim of darkness. She was ocultic, and she received visions from demons. She wrote about her handsome guide. Adventism is so far from being what people believe it to be.... |
Butterfly_poette Registered user Username: Butterfly_poette
Post Number: 364 Registered: 5-2011

| Posted on Saturday, October 19, 2013 - 6:03 am: |    |
I heard about Miller being a Freemason. I read he left the Freemeasons though. |
Polgarahh Registered user Username: Polgarahh
Post Number: 11 Registered: 9-2013
| Posted on Saturday, October 19, 2013 - 6:57 am: |    |
Maybe he left the Freemasonry, but the Freemasonry did not leave him (meaning that he and his followers such as EGW and her husband kept the Mason symbols even after the "birth" of SDA church. |
Craig Registered user Username: Craig
Post Number: 31 Registered: 2-2011
| Posted on Saturday, October 19, 2013 - 12:29 pm: |    |
To anyone who thinks Colleen's post seems a bit hard-edged, don't. When the pretty mask is removed from Adventism, it is shocking to see who is behind it. Who do you think would want to keep people in fear and bondage, not knowing the beautiful truth of the gospel that sets us free from the condemnation of Law so that we can worship and praise our God for his AMAZING GRACE (UNdeserved favor)? Who would want us to think it's by OUR efforts, OUR works (and don't give me the baloney about "with Jesus's help"), or it's how WE vindicate God? Who do you think would want us to think that we are only bodies and breath, keeping us from understanding and entering the incredible blessing of the new birth? And by the way, who do you think would want us to think it's ok to MURDER an unborn child because it hasn't taken a breath and so isn't a soul? WHO? Who do you think would want to keep us in doubt about our salvation, forcing us to constantly examine our lives and our failures, becoming weighed down with guilt and fear, hoping that Jesus won't come today because we are not ready? Who do you think wants us to focus on our obvious faults to where we beat ourselves for our sinfulness and our shame keeps us from fellowship with Christ? Who do you think takes the scriptures and misquotes it, torturing its clear meaning so that we can hardly understand it without the aid of a "prophet" instructed by an "angel of light" but who plagiarized most of what she wrote? Who would want us to remain in an endless cycle of failure or to become blinded by our own self-righteousness? Who would want us to arrogantly separate ourselves from fellow Christians (if we were really Christians) because of our "superior" theology and law keeping, thereby isolating us from those elements of the Body of Christ that could fight the cancer engulfing us? Who? Who do you think wants to keep the sincerity and zeal for God (but not according to knowing)among "evangelical" Adventists to stay locked up in theological error so that that sincerity and zeal cannot benefit the whole Body of Christ? Who do you think has put PRIDE in the hearts of Adventist leadership and many members so that they cannot repent? Who do think wants us to become so obsessed with health and especially diet that we forget that the "kingdom of Heaven is not food and drink" or that Jesus "declared ALL foods to be clean" or that "the flesh availeth NOTHING"? WHO? Who do you think? Certainly not our Savior! Not the Holy Spirit! Not our Father! But Who, WHO? You KNOW who. Craig |
Mjcmcook Registered user Username: Mjcmcook
Post Number: 1262 Registered: 2-2011

| Posted on Saturday, October 19, 2013 - 12:56 pm: |    |
I say Amen and Amen to you Craig~ So, I will ask 'Anyone' who is reading this blog, and is still feeling 'comfortable' going to worship in an adventist church, with the people there, that believe the things Craig wrote in his post #31, WHY? WHY? would you want to continue to do that? ~mj~ |
Foofighter Registered user Username: Foofighter
Post Number: 296 Registered: 7-2005
| Posted on Sunday, October 20, 2013 - 12:23 pm: |    |
Kudos Craig...that really says it all about the deviousness and deception of Adventism. |
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 14632 Registered: 12-2003

| Posted on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 - 7:42 pm: |    |
Craig, thank you. You so articulately said exactly what needs to be said! Thank you! And MJ, thank you for your challenge. Why would you continue in something intentionally deceptive once you realized the errors? Colleen |
Gcfrankie Registered user Username: Gcfrankie
Post Number: 953 Registered: 1-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 - 12:03 pm: |    |
I don't know if any of you remember being taught or hearing it said in the church how satan can mimic God's teaching? This was more or less said to discourage anyone from leaving the church and going to a true christian church. Gail |
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 14641 Registered: 12-2003

| Posted on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 - 8:49 pm: |    |
Yes. That's true. I remember hearing that EGW said the most dangerous deception was a little bit of error mixed into a lot of truth. Wow...who was talking about whom? (Although I've come to believe that Adventism has a lot of deep error...) Colleen |
Nowisee Registered user Username: Nowisee
Post Number: 1411 Registered: 5-2009
| Posted on Thursday, November 07, 2013 - 10:55 pm: |    |
And what enemy would want it taught to thousands that satan is the final bearer of our sins (scapegoat)? Or that the blood of Christ carries sin defilement to the "heavenly sanctuary"??? |
Rioranchoprays Registered user Username: Rioranchoprays
Post Number: 2 Registered: 3-2014
| Posted on Monday, March 03, 2014 - 4:48 pm: |    |
I don't know if it's OK to post to a very old post. But here goes. I have been reading all of the old Proclamations on line. One of the articles mentions that EGW warned about not believing in soul sleep because otherwise a person might be led into spiritism. Now to see that she had ties with spiritism as well. What a revelation! |
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 14750 Registered: 12-2003

| Posted on Monday, March 03, 2014 - 10:18 pm: |    |
It's fine to post on any post, regardless of age ;)! And yes, what a contradiction, isn't it? Colleen |
Rioranchoprays Registered user Username: Rioranchoprays
Post Number: 36 Registered: 3-2014
| Posted on Sunday, March 23, 2014 - 6:18 pm: |    |
Well, I had to check out what you guys were saying. I google Ellen G White and Spiritism. I found this link to Truth or Fable. The link exposes EGW's dreams from her dead husband that she felt were from God. This whole link is absolutely amazing. Check it out! Thanks for exposing the truth to me. |
Mjcmcook Registered user Username: Mjcmcook
Post Number: 1388 Registered: 2-2011

| Posted on Sunday, March 23, 2014 - 6:23 pm: |    |
YES~ it is a wonderful 'link'!! It is great to give to anyone who wants to really know, "The Truth and Nothing but the Truth," about 'egw' ! I have used it so many times and passed it along to others. ~mj~ |
Resjudicata Registered user Username: Resjudicata
Post Number: 28 Registered: 4-2014
| Posted on Friday, May 02, 2014 - 7:09 pm: |    |
I have fought HARD, all of my life since I have left the church with over 30 years of no contact, to avoid accepting this idea. It makes me sick to the stomach and I hate the idea of it, but I can no longer make any sort of rational and honest argument against it. It is what it is. |
Mjcmcook Registered user Username: Mjcmcook
Post Number: 1438 Registered: 2-2011

| Posted on Friday, May 02, 2014 - 8:09 pm: |    |
The deeper you delve into this subject the more smarmy it gets! as if it could~ However, when you really think about it, how could it be any other way? I finally had to accept the fact, egw was channeled(by satan)~ no way round it. Her glowing descriptions of her "angel of light" as he guided her hand across the page.....who else, but satan would give her words like that? it is sickening and evil. The Good News... JESUS can Break Every Chain that binds us!!! HE has done this for me and HE is doing it for you! ~mj~ |