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River Registered user Username: River
Post Number: 8127 Registered: 9-2006

| Posted on Thursday, July 04, 2013 - 7:32 am: |    |
I’m sorry you have been hurt in the past by some of our Adventist brothers and sisters. How many times have we all seen that statement in one form or another? The statement was in this month Proclamation! And the typical answer, “I was not hurt by my Adventist brothers and sisters.” I wanted to examine the statement to see what I could glean from it. Is it a condescending statement? Yes, I believe so. Is it a belittling statement? Yes, I believe so. Is it a tack or ploy? Yes, I believe it is a tack or ploy to first belittle and discredit anything that the person has to say before trying to justify Adventist teachings. To convey the message that if a person is so small that they would leave the church because of hurt feelings, then how can anyone listen to what they might have to say? The first thing the honest person wishes to do is to set them straight with the truth, but even if they do set them straight the message has already been sent. Is it the intention of the person sending the message to hurt and belittle the other person? Possibly not, but we need to remember that the spirit behind Adventism is out to kill the messenger, and will use any means to do so. The ploy is meant to throw you off balance, and it works every time. Its not the truth, it is a lie, but then neither is Adventist doctrine the truth. Me…I think its about time we come up with a different response than to raise our shield in defense, but rather keep boring right in there with the word. Our shield is faith, not self protection from lies, our breastplate will withstand a false accusation so it might be better to ignore it, and to bore right in with the word of truth. |
Gcfrankie Registered user Username: Gcfrankie
Post Number: 943 Registered: 1-2007
| Posted on Thursday, July 04, 2013 - 10:50 am: |    |
Amen River! My stock answer to sda's who say this is 'if you feel this way then thank-you for it has sent me into the word of God to learn the truth.' Their ploy is to make the person who left to feel guilty and want to come back. They just do not get it, the fact that someone can study their way out and see the falsehood of their teachings. Guilt is the operative word. Gail |
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 14511 Registered: 12-2003

| Posted on Thursday, July 04, 2013 - 10:58 pm: |    |
Oh, River...I love your last sentence above! That is exactly right. Thank you! Colleen |
Punababe808 Registered user Username: Punababe808
Post Number: 484 Registered: 4-2012
| Posted on Saturday, July 06, 2013 - 8:55 pm: |    |
I immagine all us formers have heard the line, "I'm sorry you've been hurt" and the folks saying those words truly are sincere. Having said that, when someone knows their particular religion has all truth, every other religion has only error then it's logical to understand the condescending arrogance in that twobit apology. It's also easy then to understand how people who know all truth and know everyone else only knows error can and do say hurtful comnents to and about others. I will give an example from back when I would have been around 17, about 45 years ago but still fresh in my memory. We were country people, farmers. Had a family not far form use. a few miles who were very devout SDA who owned and ran a huge turkey ranch. My family had plant crops, not livestock. Me and my parents went to church at the SDA church around 17 miles away in the Big city. This was the home church of Mr. and Mrs. Turkey Rancher. One old bitty who knew I lived close to the turkey ranchers asked me at church if I knew how ccc come they didn't make it to church that day. I told her yes, I knew because my dad wasn't at church either, I'd came with just my mom. I told her our area had a big rain during the night and the farmers, especially the ones with alot of poultry and animals had a lot of work that they needed to get cleaned up asap. Instead of compassion and kind words she responded with one of the most hurtful statements I've ever heard from a SDA. She told me at the final judgement God will hold us to be true to the Sabbath and there was no provision to break the Sabbath to take care of crops or turkeys and those people should find jobs more acceptable to God so they can have Sabbath off. I remember feeling so sad for Mr. and Mrs. Turkey Farmer because they worked very hard and paid tithe to that church and still got dissed. |
Gcfrankie Registered user Username: Gcfrankie
Post Number: 946 Registered: 1-2007
| Posted on Monday, July 08, 2013 - 8:40 am: |    |
I have come to the conclusion the only reason they make this kind of an apology is not because they sincerely want you back but it takes money out of their coffers and count away from their church membership. Forget the spiritual needs that people want. |
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 14521 Registered: 12-2003

| Posted on Monday, July 08, 2013 - 5:01 pm: |    |
Gfrankie, you definitely have a point! You know, if they can decide we've been "hurt", then they don't have to deal with the implications of our doubts and doctrinal conclusions. We're just miserable people with an axe to grind. Colleen |
Flyinglady Registered user Username: Flyinglady
Post Number: 10035 Registered: 3-2004

| Posted on Tuesday, July 09, 2013 - 9:39 am: |    |
I have been told this on CARM. I replied that if I was going to leave adventism b/c of being hurt, I would have left when I lived in Montreal, Quebec. The church there was so oriented to doctors, that I was ignored b/c my husband was not a doctor. The members also had their seats and heaven help that one that took it, even a visitor. I was asked many times to move or crowded out. That was in 1970/71. I stayed in adventism until 2003(even after my name was taken off the church books sometime in 1982/83. Awesome God had a reason for my being there. Diana |
Freeatlast Registered user Username: Freeatlast
Post Number: 898 Registered: 5-2002

| Posted on Tuesday, July 09, 2013 - 12:48 pm: |    |
I was hurt deeply by the theology and lifestyle of Adventism, not any individual Adventist(s). In other words, I was hurt by something that cannot offer me an apology, and that I cannot forgive. |
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 14527 Registered: 12-2003

| Posted on Tuesday, July 09, 2013 - 7:29 pm: |    |
Freeatlast, that is such a good point. The false doctrines and the warping of the organization cannot be forgiven. We can allow God to redeem the damage, and we can turn Adventism over to Him for justice and give up our "right" for revenge or personal grudge-holding, but Rather, Adventism is something from which we must protect people. Colleen |
Flyinglady Registered user Username: Flyinglady
Post Number: 10037 Registered: 3-2004

| Posted on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 - 11:00 am: |    |
Colleen, AMEN to your last sentence. One of my God given duties is to tell other Christians about adventism. Almost every Sunday after church I meet some one who knows God and nothing about adventism. God gives me the words to say. I recently gave Ratzlaff's book "The Truth about Adventist Truth" to Pastor and Mrs Plumber. Thank you awesome God for using me. Diana |
Asurprise Registered user Username: Asurprise
Post Number: 3149 Registered: 7-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 - 1:33 pm: |    |
Colleen, I agree! Adventism is a doctrine of demons the same way as RCC, J.W. and LDS. All of them keep people from accepting Jesus' FINISHED work! It's perhaps more dangerous because people can be more easily decieved into accepting the interpretations that Adventist leaders put on scripture whereas the other cults are more obvious. (Of course the other cults have their ways to decieve too, such as the Mormon religion focus on "the burning in the bosom" to tell them if something is true.) |