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Registered user
Username: Hec

Post Number: 274
Registered: 3-2009
Posted on Saturday, June 13, 2009 - 11:05 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

If this has been discussed somewhere else, please just give me the link, and I'll read the thread.


It is important to remember that in the New Testament the covenant partners are God the Father ad His Son Jesus Christ... The new covenant is far better for us than was the old covenant in that we are not th ones who must keep the covenant contract. Dale Ratzlaff, Sabbath in Christ p. 414

I had two reactions to that. One, it sent chills down my spine. I don't have to do anything. Christ is the one! Hallelujah. I'm secured! It doesn't depend on me. Two, it generated two questions:
  1. Could someone give me the Bible basis for this statement?
  2. And if God and the Son are not separate(Trinity), how could they make a covenant "between the two of them?" Wouldn't that be like making a covenant with oneself?

Thank you for your answers,

Registered user
Username: Colleentinker

Post Number: 9988
Registered: 12-2003

Posted on Sunday, June 14, 2009 - 1:19 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hec, the book of Romans totally explains how the Father and the Son are the new covenant partners. It's a repetition of the Abrahamic covenant, in a way—Abraham went to sleep (was put to sleep, actually), and a smoking furnace and burning lamp moved among the sacrificial offerings and made the covenant.

Romans 3 explains how Jesus was the propitiation for sin for all who have faith in Him. Romans 4 explains how Abraham, like we, are justified by faith alone, and Romans 5 explains how Jesus and Adam compare and contrast: Adam, the head of humanity, sinned and put us all into bondage. Jesus died once for all sin and gives life to all who believe.

The point of the covenant partnership is that God accepts Jesus' sacrifice, and when we accept Jesus' blood to cover our sin, we are made alive in Him and His own personal righteousness is counted for us. God doesn't expect us to perform in order to receive the covenant promises of having the law written on our hearts and of His being our God and we His people. We receive those covenant blessings in Christ, not on the basis of our obedience.

As Romans 5 explains, the obedience of the One resulted in life for the many.

2. God and Jesus are two different Persons but one God; they are one substance. I can't explain this exactly, but nevertheless, they are separate persons. In a sense, though, God did make a covenant with Himself. Jesus was able to be our substitute and once-for-all atonement because he is God. He was able to pay for human sin because he took human flesh.

The reason the New Covenant is absolutely dependable is that God makes and keeps the terms of the covenant. This is the inexpressible miracle of what Jesus did. We are saved and secure because God did the saving; He, in the person of the Son, humbled Himself and took human flesh; He, in the person of the Father, suffered the death of His Son. He, in the person of the Spirit, indwells us and gives us the life of Jesus when we accept His sacrifice.

So in a sense, yes--God does make and keep the covenant in Himself. The Trinity is One God—but there are three Persons.


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