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U2bsda Registered user Username: U2bsda
Post Number: 379 Registered: 11-2004
| Posted on Sunday, December 17, 2006 - 2:27 pm: |    |
Where does one draw the line? A person should throw out all Adventist books? Should that then extend to the internet and avoidance of all things Adventist? Should we throw all all Pacific Press publications and all our yearbooks? I see quotes of EGW here, should we avoid FA forum? I guess I don't understand the difference as to whether we read EGW at FA forum, at an EGW site, or in a book on our shelf. I do believe that for some people it may be necessary to totally avoid anything Adventist and that God will direct them to purge their house/computer of those things. However, I don't believe that God uses fear to do that for the Bible says that He has not given us the spirit of fear. I believe that a book sitting closed on the shelf has no power. It is when the book is read that lives can be impacted. I don't think I have any EGW books in my house, but I have looked at the EGW site and read portions of her books there. I do have some Adventist books in my house though. Not all books published by Adventists are bad. I do have a bunch of Adventist children's books. I know some of the words in them are not what I believe, but I do like the pictures When my children start reading the books will go away, but for now I tell the stories in my own words. BTW, I need to do that with some other Christian publications too. |
U2bsda Registered user Username: U2bsda
Post Number: 380 Registered: 11-2004
| Posted on Sunday, December 17, 2006 - 3:00 pm: |    |
Jeremy, Thanks for the link. I do believe that there are supernatural forces at work in the world. If someone wants to burn their books or if they are led to throw out their books that's fine. I just have a problem with fear as a motivator. The former sorcerers in Acts threw out their books, but the text doesn't suggest that it was due to fear of something happening that they burned them. It appears that they threw out their books because they underwent a life change and their valuable books no longer meant anything to them. I doubt that many former Adventists value their EGW books for any other reason than as a reference. Maybe some hold on to them because they haven't fully let go - those people may need to throw them out. I think we can trust in God to lead us regarding this and not toss things away because we are afraid of the devil. |
River Registered user Username: River
Post Number: 255 Registered: 9-2006

| Posted on Sunday, December 17, 2006 - 5:37 pm: |    |
U2, I think you are mistaking what people what people are saying here, they are saying that they are bringing an action to signify that they are letting go of things that have deceived them in the past and things that have the ability to bring confusion to their life and dedicating their lives completely to God. Turning over all known areas of their life to God. Not saying that they are sitting around shaking in their boots about devils or demons taking over their house. Those materials are from a religion that has itís roots in deceit. Its not about tossing out computers and such that has a potential for evil but about turning your back on something has effected your life, I was delivered from alcohol and I absolutely will not have it in my house in any form whatsoever, I know the potential of opening that door, yet under other occasions I have been around other people that was drinking the stuff and have been offered it and I answer politely, ìNo thanks, I donít drinkî but it does not bother me in the least that they are drinking, I donít flee into the bushes in fear but I have turned my back on it. Itís simply about turning your back on all of it, not part of it, and thatís what I meant about the flotsam and the jetsam. To sit around fearing about bits of paper or internet sites for uses of legitimate research or dark corners is actually a spirit of fear in its self and should be soundly dealt with but I donít read that as what is actually being said here at all. I was actually a little surprised when you made the post, I reread all the post and I couldnít see anything that hinted of that. Having said that, opening doors to those things that hender us from having constant contact with God in our every day walk with God is not good for us whether former Adventist or what and having a healthy respect too stay out of the way of those spirits that can deceive one is the better part of valor. These spirits being talked about here have a real potential for harm, we are free agents, we are free to walk where we will walk, God will not control us like a puppet on a string, his word says choose whom you will serve. I am sure that if you could ask the fellows that flew those planes on 911 what they thought about those spirits of deceit they would tell you ìNo donít listen to them there are no virgins here and the God we served was not the true God. what I am saying is Satan uses religion to deceive among about a thousand other things. I think that about covers the flow of thought here, at least I think it does as far as I can see and I sincerely hope that clears it up for you. Now I am not trying to speak for all or stand or argue or rebuke or any such thing I am simply trying to clear up what I think I have read. Is that o.k.?
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 5108 Registered: 12-2003

| Posted on Sunday, December 17, 2006 - 6:02 pm: |    |
River, you perfectly summarized what I was trying to say. No, we didn't burn our SDA books out of any sort of fear. Rather, it was part of renouncing a false prophet we had believed. Because we had allowed her teachings to shape us, even without our total awareness of it, we believed we needed to get rid of her stuff in order to act with integrity. I remember we discussed the fact that we believed they had been produced under the influence of a spirit of deceit. As such, we no longer wanted them in our home. Today I do have, on my desk, a couple of books for research purposes. I have the latest edition of "Seventh-day Adventists Believe" and a copy of the "The Clear Word" (Bible) that a former-SDA friend gave us. For a period of about two or three years, however, I had to completely protect myself from Adventist publications or preaching. It generated confusion and doubt and anxiety. And as for research, most of the research I need to do, I can do online. I don't need her stuff taking up my shelf space. Our personal conviction for ourselves is that keeping her books would have signalled a certain casualness about who we believe her to have been. But fear? Noówe've had no fear connected with purging ourselves of SDA publicationsóonly gratitutde to God for revealing reality to us. Colleen |
Flyinglady Registered user Username: Flyinglady
Post Number: 3176 Registered: 3-2004

| Posted on Sunday, December 17, 2006 - 6:13 pm: |    |
When I threw out my books by EGW it was not because of fear. It was because I had been raised believing her to be inspired by God and I found out she wasn't. I will not keep any false doctrine in my house and so out she went. I am very grateful to God for pulling me to Him and showing me what His truth is. All we need is Jesus. And as always, He is awesome. Diana |
U2bsda Registered user Username: U2bsda
Post Number: 381 Registered: 11-2004
| Posted on Sunday, December 17, 2006 - 6:36 pm: |    |
I think most formers who throw out their SDA books do not do so out of fear. In the stories related about the Heritage Singers record and the toddler's fear of the room the books/records seemed to be tossed due to fear of the devil. Keeping the books in your home does not mean that evil resides there which is the impression I was getting. I could have a satanic bible on my shelf and that would not mean that evil resided at my house. A person can disgard a belief system without throwing a book in the trash. Now, I never did have much EGW to start with so I didn't have much of anything to toss. I was one of those SDAs who dismissed EGW when I was an Adventist because she contradicted the Bible. I can understand someone who believed EGW was a prophet needing to toss their books to break free from the past bondage. If someone wants to toss away their books that is fine with me I just don't think it is a requirement for everyone and certainly don't think that if someone does not toss their books they are letting evil reside in their house. Each person should follow God's leading regarding this. We have all left Adventism differently and the ways God led us out are all unique. |
Agapetos Registered user Username: Agapetos
Post Number: 654 Registered: 10-2002

| Posted on Sunday, December 17, 2006 - 7:28 pm: |    |
I understand what U2bsda is saying, and actually I'd thought the same when the subject was first brought up, too, but didn't say anything. I also understand that there are real spirits, and often real spirits attach themselves to certain things which have attachments in our hearts, and sometimes these things need to be tossed. Just like when you get married, it's usually a good idea for most people to throw away old love letters from former flames, so as not to harbor any feelings for anyone but your spouse. It's different for everyone. Someone said that God sometimes calls certain people to get rid of certain things. I agree. The important thing is to follow God and listen to Him. I've been to groups where there is a kind of checklist of things to make sure are not in your home or in your past experience. To be sure, some of these things can definitely cause problems, but you are not going to get rid of any 'spirit' unless it is God who exposes the spirit to you and instructs you to get rid of it. We get rid of things when He calls us to, not because we think the enemy might be here or there. Someone once said, "We follow our Captain, not our foe". I have a few Ellen White books, and so do most all of my friends who have left Adventism or have left in heart but not in official membership. Although, truthfully, I'm probably going to throw my EGW books away at some point simply because I have no use for them any longer. I've kept them just in case I've ever needed to look at one for reference with Adventists here, or for some old thing I might've scribbled into one when I was a missionary. ***** I have one friend who has kept her original rosary she had when she came to faith through Catholicism some ten or fifteen years ago. For me, however, I needed to throw mine away. I was never Catholic, but I had a little keychain souvenir rosary I'd picked up in San Juan Capistrano. I would not have thrown it away if God had not exposed a spirit in my life (emphasis: in my life, not necessarily in the object). During my philosophical/depressed years, I had been fascinated with Requiems, with cemetary art, with old cathedrals. Even though I did not believe and did not have faith, it held an attraction to me. The little wine-colored rosary was nice to hold and looked beautiful. However, some years later it was left packed up in a bag under our bathroom sink. Yoko was bathing and praying when suddenly she began to see a vision that quickly turned horrific -- a heart nailed to the cross, and an image of Mary floating by. It scared her like I don't know what. So we prayed and I asked God to reveal how the enemy had got in to do this. The enemy needs an open door to do that kind of thing. A short while later I realized it was the rosary, but not only the rosary, rather it was the demonic attachment in me. And rather not just that, but it was a generational stronghold in my family: my father's father was Mexican-Catholic. I suddenly understood my fascination with cemetary art, requiems and cathedrals. There was a stronghold in me, passed down from my father's side of the family, that had an unnatural magnetic pull to those things. Because Yoko was joined to me and we are one, she shares in the things of my heart & soul, and I share in hers. An unknown demonic influence in my life tried to creep into hers, but the Lord exposed it and nuked it. I, of course, took out the rosary, gave it a brief glance, and prayed renouncing the fascination and asking God to sever the bond in me and my family to the Catholic stronghold in Jesus' name. As I did so, I actually felt the thing leave. It was like a quick cold sweat. Then I took the rosary and "passed it through the fire" of my stove. Actually, I burnt it to a crisp as much as possible. However, this wasn't necessary. All I had to do was throw it away after praying. For my friend, however, this was not necessary. I shared my story with her, I believe, and she prayed but did not feel the Lord lead her to do such a thing with her. And that's okay. He hasn't exposed any negative fruit from having it around. If negative fruit pops up, and the Lord indicates the rosary, she would no doubt do the same thing that I had done. But sometimes with these things, we do the process backwards. Instead of talking to God and letting Him point out things, we search for the things first. We hear stories from other people about things, and then we look for those things in our homes. If we find something questionable, we may even begin searching our lives for negative fruit it might have possibly produced. But there is no good "ridding" of demonic influences without the leading of Christ by His Holy Spirit. We follow our Captain. ***** A Native American sister once was led by the Lord to discern a negative spirit in her life, and it seemed to have attachment to a certain traditional bracelet she wore. So she and a friend prayed and threw the braclet into a river. But the braclet jumped out of the river and back to where they were standing! Taking authority over it in Christ's name, they again prayed and threw it back into the river, and this time it did not return. Through the experience lady had learned a lot about Christ's power over the enemy. However, the next time she saw anyone with a Native American bracelet with similar designs, she would warn them about it and tell her story. She came to view all similar bracelets as if they all had demonic spirits in them. But not every one does. In fact, there were families that made their own without any religious significance to them at all. Even Christians could did that and enjoyed making nice, traditionally-designed bracelets. The bracelets are only a problem if they have been used or made for religious purposes, or if they have had religious significance to you in your life. ***** We can only truly know these things by listening to our Captain and letting Him expose bad influences in our lives. But if we discern by object and by one or two peoples' experiences (or by our own), then we're not really listening to our Captain. Instead we're then discerning by sight, not by faith & the Spirit. This can cause us to look with fear at these objects if we see them in the houses of our friends & loved ones. We will worry about them and about demonic influence, and we may even pressure our friends to see things from our point of view and get rid of the objects. We'll assume that because the objects had a negative spiritual influence in our lives, then they must have the same in our friends' lives. But we can't assume that automatically just because of our own experience. It's necessary, first of all, to pray and leave it to God. Then, if we feel led by the Lord, we can talk to our friends and share our experiences. There are times when our friends will understand, having had the same negative fruit. Then there are times when we will be able to see the negative fruit, but our friends may not be willing to give up an attachment to the thing. In those times we must pray and leave things to the Lord completely. But then there are times when our friends' experience will be totally different than ours. And in those times, instead of forcing things to fit our experience, we need to trust that our friends know God, and that He is in control and they are not being influenced the way we were. All in all, each case calls for prayer, patience, trust in God, and listening to the voice of His Spirit instead of walking by sight. (Message edited by agapetos on December 17, 2006) |
River Registered user Username: River
Post Number: 256 Registered: 9-2006

| Posted on Sunday, December 17, 2006 - 8:14 pm: |    |
U2 Quote: Keeping the books in your home does not mean that evil resides there which is the impression I was getting. Well u2 I sort of gathered that was what you were getting and thatís why I wanted to clear up the line of thought. I have the book ìBible readings for the homeî the ìClear word Bibleî, I get the rags that my Adventist friends always make sure I get, I just toss them, I got sucked into buying the ìClear word Bibleî from one of my Adventist friends, I havenít tossed it but I donít know what research itís good for. There is certainly no requirement to toss research material as if an evil entity has attached itself to a bit of paper. Now having said that, these spirits can be present and bring suggestions the minute you pick the stuff up and open it to read. The powers of these spirits come when we open the door to them but the Bible tells us to resist the devil and he will flee from us. So obviously there is one to resist. Our eyes are gates that Satan uses to get at us and I donít care who we are, sadly there is apparently a lot of that going on in Christians lives today getting hung up on porn sites and stuff and it causes harm. That is through the eye gate, the things we are willing to behold, but the Bible says we are drawn away by our own lusts, these spirits will take advantage of those things. The meth problem is Satanic, the porn problem is Satanic, the false religion problem is Satanic and a person will do well to steer clear. That was the line of thought, to give up anything that might hender our progress, my own progress is slow enough already, so if a book gets in my way, out it goes. God knows I have slowed my own progress in the past by things I thought would not hurt my walk with God, but they did. The race we run is hard enough already without anything else stacked on top of it. Things that tend to bring disturbance to the mind and to break the peace we have with God needs to be dealt with, whatever itís form. Now I am speaking to myself here and ouch. My daughter called me and said ìDad, porn has begun to pop up in my E-Mail!! and she was very upset by this, so I went over and did a hard drive trace on her computer, turns out someone who had visited there had opened porn sites on the internet. I wiped her hard drive and reinstalled xp pro for her rather than do the grueling trace on the hard drive. Bloatware is a problem these days. Once a Christian brought me his drive to straighten out and he had been on porn sites, he was probably unaware that I could know every thing that had went on with a hard drive, bit and bytes are meat and potatoes in my world so I sent it to the bit bucket. I didnít let on too him I knew and it could have been a visitor to his house and he might not have even known. Watch who uses your computer is the moral of that story. The thing is sort of like having a side arm, the owner is responsible. River Didn't mean to skip over you Agaptos but I think this is about along the same line of thought anyway. I thought I had seen some weird things!! River
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 5111 Registered: 12-2003

| Posted on Sunday, December 17, 2006 - 9:50 pm: |    |
Ramone and River, I agree with you. God reveals when we should get rid of things that represent an avenue through which evil can gain access to us. We've had some experiences with things not related to Adventism also in which God clearly revealed we were to get rid of them because they represented spiritual compromise or danger. U2bsda, in the case of the people with the fearful toddleróthey did not get rid of those books because they were afraid. Rather, they had a hard time even believing those books could have been related to their baby's fear. The child's fear became the means by which they recognized that those books represented an evil system. Without exposing any more detail, I'll say this: the reality of the evil involved in Adventism was a fact that needed to be clearly recognized for a variety of reasons. They believe that God opened their eyes by using the most effective method (for them) that He could: the well-being of their own child. No, the book-dumping was not from fear. It was from clear conviction. Colleen |
Aliza Registered user Username: Aliza
Post Number: 135 Registered: 8-2006
| Posted on Monday, December 18, 2006 - 5:54 am: |    |
U2bsda, at the point I threw out my EGW books, it was as Colleen said about taking a stand and renouncing my belief in EGW. Unlike you, I had an extensive amount of material. At that point in my life, I didn't really grasp the reality of what Ramone and Colleen are saying about the more dramatic spirit world manifestations. In fact, my guess is all of us here in the Western world have a problem with that unless we've seen it or been involved in foreign mission trips. To most of us we can only cognitively accept or understand Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. There are books out there full of "shoulds" and "should nots" surrounding items in your home. Unfortunately that may just shift us from one legalistic mindset to another. As we walk in the Spirit, we will continue to be guided for specific issues as others have mentioned. Aliza
Agapetos Registered user Username: Agapetos
Post Number: 655 Registered: 10-2002

| Posted on Monday, December 18, 2006 - 7:51 am: |    |
**nodding head to Aliza** I hear ya sister!! I know exactly what you mean. Boy, have I been there! What an awakening! |
River Registered user Username: River
Post Number: 257 Registered: 9-2006

| Posted on Monday, December 18, 2006 - 8:50 am: |    |
I just wanted to make a few remarks about this spirit world that is out there. In ones everyday life one will hardly ever see one of these spirits manifested in a recognizable way, I realize that that some may never have seen these manifestations, I personally just have to go on what I have seen to make these statements and not necessarily that I am 100% correct or that I make myself out as an expert or some such. I have said I was involved in deliverance ministry for a time and what I have seen had to be supernatural manifestations, I have also been involved in the science arts, electronics, pure logic, space physics, mechanical engineering, so I am familiar with the laws of physics somewhat, I know that if I build a circuit board to transmit magnetic wave into space that if I use certain components to act upon the magnetic spectrum it will act in a predictable way, I know that if I sit here on this thing (computer) and build a program and then compile it into machine language it will act in a predictable manner but I am bound to pure logic. So I am no stranger to patterns of behavior. Of course being involved in the sciences, I just canít get away from looking for patterns of predictable behavior and pure logic, I may not be the smartest kid on the block but I donít feel I just fell out of the turnip truck either. Now when I first saw these manifestations they did not fit in my world of logic and physics, no logical pattern of behavior but over a period of time I did see that there are logical patterns of behavior. The Bible holds the most beautiful and pure logic that I have ever seen. Now these spirits are conniving, deceiving, cunning, crafty and dumb as a turnip all at the same time and it is the dumb as a turnip part that gives them away. Here is how you can recognize them, they act with inanity, belligerence, disdain, cruelty, knowledge without wisdom, hatred, pride, arrogance, malicious intent, twist truth and will not acknowledge it, self willed regardless of consequence and rebellious, this is their pattern. Now a case in point, I was involved in an exorcism of a young woman about 25 or 30 years old who was about 4 feet tall, skinny, had a normal but light squeaky voice that you might expect of someone of this stature, now I was an inexperienced Christian so I mainly kept out of the way, as they began commanding this thing to reveal itself this woman began to speak in a deep vociferous gravelly voice and when commanded to come out of her it sounded more like a rebellious kid, ìI donít want to!!î ìYou canít make me!! ìI want to stay here!! ìYou canít make me goî eyes glowing with pure hatred, pure anger this process took at least an hour, when the thing finally went she had a look of peace, contentment and in her normal voice began to give praise to the Lord Jesus. I will sayî Donít try this at homeî. My advice, not that it has been ask for, is to not dabble with it the occult, donít experiment with it, donít go looking for it, stay away from it, donít give it place, this young woman had been involved in the occult and it took her captive. Your super education is no weapon against these things, disdain of it makes you vulnerable, not believing they exist makes you vulnerable, scientific convoluted nonsense makes you vulnerable, lack of communing with God makes you vulnerable, depending on you own knowledge and abilities makes you vulnerable, not recognizing their potential to deceive makes you vulnerable. I have heard it said on here ìI studied my way out of Adventismî and I strongly disagree, what you did was ìbecome willingî to be lead out by the Holy Ghost. Once taken captive you couldnít find your way out of a paper poke. Once taken captive you have no assurance of ever being set free or that even your children will be set free before you and even your children are taken to the grave, a case in point, ìWaco Texasî, Jim Jones, no need to go on. Now I donít want to sound fear mongering here, if we lean on the Lord and his word for protection, for provision, for sustenance he will sustain and give us a peace that we will not be able to understand considering our present imperfect logistics. I give him praise. What I am trying to do is simply to remind myself and anybody else that takes an interest, of the ground on which we find ourselves presently deployed. Now that I have said the magic words ìBecome willingî just think of your Adventist friends, family, coworkers, what ever, that brings me, not necessarily you, to how do I help them become willing to let go and begin to see the false hood, I have to sit here and say this morning that I am fast coming to the point to where I just have to say ìLord its your moveî my knowledge and understanding has/is fast coming to fruition, I have been kept on the back side of your desert in your school, I am in your hands, do what you will. And that my friends is the ground on which I find myself presently deployed. I am the typical male example, find the problem it and fix it, put in a new transistor or something, make it work and Gods way is for me to let him work through me and you to fix it and let him do it his way. The clay said to the wheel, what will I look like? And the wheel said to the clay, why ask me, it is the potter who turns me fast or slow and we both spin together. The clay said to the potter, what will I look like? The potter said to the clay, wait and see. River IMO
Flyinglady Registered user Username: Flyinglady
Post Number: 3177 Registered: 3-2004

| Posted on Monday, December 18, 2006 - 9:06 am: |    |
River, I have to agree with you about studying my way out of adventism. I did have to be willing to study and God and His Holy Spirit taught me. I did not do it by myself. Diana |
U2bsda Registered user Username: U2bsda
Post Number: 383 Registered: 11-2004
| Posted on Monday, December 18, 2006 - 9:35 am: |    |
River, I agree that people can only study their way out of Adventism when they become willing. I remember praying before I left Adventism that the Lord would help me be open to wherever He wanted to lead me. And when the moment came where I was presented with truth from the Bible my heart was open to it. That truth came in and broke down barriers and destroyed yokes and I was never the same again. Praise God! You can have a book about the occult sitting on the shelf. The book in itself does not do anything until we become willing to let it become an influence in our life. That is why one can walk by the ouija board in the store or hold a satanic bible in our hands without it impacting us. Personally, I haven't dealt with deliverance yet. My spouse has cast the devil out of someone though. I don't doubt those things are real. I do know we can approach those situations without fear because the One who lives in us is greater than the defeated devil. |
River Registered user Username: River
Post Number: 258 Registered: 9-2006

| Posted on Monday, December 18, 2006 - 10:01 am: |    |
Well u2 my good buddy, friend, pal, pard and brother in Christ, you watch my back and I will watch yours and together hand in hand we will travel yon unknown roads with our captain and commander leading. (Heb 13:20 KJV) Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, (Heb 13:21 KJV) Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. River
River Registered user Username: River
Post Number: 259 Registered: 9-2006

| Posted on Monday, December 18, 2006 - 10:15 am: |    |
"The one that lives in us" and how much of that space does he presently occupy 10% 20% 30% even 80%? |
U2bsda Registered user Username: U2bsda
Post Number: 384 Registered: 11-2004
| Posted on Monday, December 18, 2006 - 10:56 am: |    |
I believe all born-again believers who have received the Holy Spirit can rest assured that He is there 100%. As a believer we have become partakers of the divine nature and have been grafted into the vine. We are one with Him. Now, how much we allow Him to work in our lives is a different story. He can reside 100% within us, but we may live our life in the flesh trying to be good on our own power and fall flat on our face. That 100% is why we can walk with confindence before the defeated devil because the One who lives in us is greater. |
River Registered user Username: River
Post Number: 260 Registered: 9-2006

| Posted on Monday, December 18, 2006 - 11:58 am: |    |
Amen Bro, (Rom 8:31 KJV) What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? (Rom 8:38 KJV) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, (Rom 8:39 KJV) Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. River |
Riverfonz Registered user Username: Riverfonz
Post Number: 2406 Registered: 3-2005
| Posted on Monday, December 18, 2006 - 9:58 pm: |    |
Jeremy, I just read this quote of yours about the Heritage Singers: "Long before we met, when my husband was a member of the Adventist Church, he purchased a record by the Heritage singers. The first several times he listened to the music, the record was fine. There was nothing amiss. Then came the evening when he put the record on to play and a chorus of demonic voices over-rode the sound of the singers. Frightened, Chet listened till the chanting had ended, then started the record again. The second time through, the chanting was gone." 'Why, you might ask, would demonic spirits decide ìout of the blueî to record their voices on a record by the Heritage singers? I think the answer lies, not with the singers, but with the fact that much of the Adventist Church doctrine comes from the writings of Ellen G. White, a prophetess who obtained her information from a spirit (angel). This spirit used to wake Mrs. White in the middle of the night and order her to write. It would then dictate page upon page of spirit rhetoric as she scrabbled to keep up, tossing each page to the floor when it was filled. When daylight came, her secretary would gather the handwritten pages of notes which would later be transcribed for inclusion in one of her many books." ------------------------------------------------- Jeremy, I just don't believe for one moment what these people wrote. The Heritage Singers are a perfectly fine group of singers, and I understand that several of them are not even SDA. This is where the anti-SDA paranoia just gets me. These young people are singing about the gospel of Jesus, and not of Satan. I have heard them many times. Yes, let's objectively talk about how bad SDA doctrine is, but these 'ghost' stories about the Heritage Singers I just can't buy--Sorry Stan
91steps Registered user Username: 91steps
Post Number: 137 Registered: 8-2005

| Posted on Tuesday, December 26, 2006 - 1:40 pm: |    |
I keep getting the Review for months after I resigned from the Church, I keep sending them back marked REFUSED and they kept sending them. So I attached a Post It Note with a brief message telling them I resigned from the church and if they send me anymore they will hear from my attorney. Funny how they stopped coming to me, now they come to my wife. She tosses them in the trash. |