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Mwh Registered user Username: Mwh
Post Number: 355 Registered: 4-2006

| Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 2:21 pm: |    |
Just read this blog post today: Talking about a new SDA Bible, now including some of the works of EGW. Have anyone seen it? Would be nice of a picture of it, its name, more details etc. Jesus I love you! |
Flyinglady Registered user Username: Flyinglady
Post Number: 3087 Registered: 3-2004

| Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 5:04 pm: |    |
Mwh, This is the first I have heard of that book. It is not a Bible. This is something else we need to pray about. Diana |
Cforrester Registered user Username: Cforrester
Post Number: 40 Registered: 7-2004
| Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 5:57 pm: |    |
I'm still looking for a link to the actual product that I saw in the ABC. I can't find it; I may drive down there tomorrow and write down the details and maybe take a picture. It's sort of a bad area: yesterday I took the motorcycle down and someone rear-ended me. I hate when people drive like me... Also an Adventist insisted to me that it's not a Bible nor considered one. I absolutely agree, but the lines get blurred when her works are published to look like a Bible. |
Flyinglady Registered user Username: Flyinglady
Post Number: 3092 Registered: 3-2004

| Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 6:01 pm: |    |
Cforrester, I searched the ABC on the internet but could not find anything like you have described. So, please, get a title/name/description so we can find it on the internet. Thanks Diana |
Susans Registered user Username: Susans
Post Number: 219 Registered: 8-2006
| Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 6:10 pm: |    |
Sorry, weather is wreaking havoc on my wireless DSL...double post deleted. Susan (Message edited by SusanS on November 30, 2006) |
Susans Registered user Username: Susans
Post Number: 220 Registered: 8-2006
| Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 6:10 pm: |    |
I searched too, Diana, and could not find it on their web site. It may be published by someone else (although I can't imagine any reputable bible publisher doing such a thing) or perhaps an independent publisher and carried in the store. The closest ABC to me is 4 hours away and I'd like to get my hands on one of those if it wasn't so expensive! It shows to me just how far the SDA church is going to try to counteract the anti-EGW sites AND people who are studying the bible for themselves! One sort of disheartening thing as I was looking over the ABC site is the Great Controvery curriculum for elementary students now. I know it's been discussed on this forum, but somehow seeing it there brought it home...and made my stomach queasy. Susan |
Bigal Registered user Username: Bigal
Post Number: 46 Registered: 9-2006

| Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 6:15 pm: |    |
Interesting, there are 15 versions of the Clear Word in the Bible section of the ABC website, but it is just a paraphrase I guess. There are 6 KJV/NKJV and 2 NLT. Alan |
Flyinglady Registered user Username: Flyinglady
Post Number: 3094 Registered: 3-2004

| Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 6:50 pm: |    |
Bigal, Didn't you know it is not a Bible, according to the SDAs on CARM. I saw those versions and just shook my head. Diana |
Bigal Registered user Username: Bigal
Post Number: 47 Registered: 9-2006

| Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 7:07 pm: |    |
Oh, I use to think it was a Bible. About a year ago I found it under a stack of other versions we had laying around. It was my wifes Clear Word that she got from her mother. I asked her if I could throw it out and she readily agreed. Alan |
Raven Registered user Username: Raven
Post Number: 653 Registered: 7-2004

| Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 8:08 pm: |    |
That new SDA Bible must be huge if it is the entire "Conflict of the Ages" series in with the regular Bible. If they put all EGW's writings in there no one could carry it! My husband, Ric_b, bought a Clear Word after we left the SDA church and after we threw out all our EGW books. He got it mostly to make a list of all the major distortions. He's up to 7 pages so far, covering the topics of Perfection, Law/Sabbath, and Diet. |
Javagirl Registered user Username: Javagirl
Post Number: 327 Registered: 6-2005
| Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 8:43 pm: |    |
I feel physically sick to my stomach--the Bible bound together with EGW, to make it appear equal--actually progressively superior. OT, NT, then EGW, for the greatest light. I don't find it surprising, curious, or predictable. I find it blasphemous. Oh how I wish Jesus were walking this earth. I think overturning tables would seem a mild reaction. Who would DARE!! |
Constance Registered user Username: Constance
Post Number: 3 Registered: 11-2006
| Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 9:31 pm: |    |
Wow...I had not heard of this yet..... I will for sure be Praying! |
Cforrester Registered user Username: Cforrester
Post Number: 44 Registered: 7-2004
| Posted on Friday, December 01, 2006 - 4:59 am: |    |
I'd be interested in his list. I've also done a little comparison and I know that Ratzlaf has a list too. The clear word I got off alibris is cute - whoever owned it did their own little protest: over the "Bible" they put two little smiley stickers. |
Insearchof Registered user Username: Insearchof
Post Number: 102 Registered: 8-2005
| Posted on Friday, December 01, 2006 - 12:19 pm: |    |
If this is true, I guess it was only a matter of time. I have noticed an almost belligerent attitude lately with SDAs where EGW and the Sabbath are concerned. An almost 'in your face' behavior if you will. I got a mailing from the ABC a few days ago that had a large color spread on the Clear Word in leather. If I recall there were no other Bibles on sale. How sad... ISO
Raven Registered user Username: Raven
Post Number: 657 Registered: 7-2004

| Posted on Friday, December 01, 2006 - 12:32 pm: |    |
Cforrester, just email us at and we can send it to you. |
Loneviking Registered user Username: Loneviking
Post Number: 522 Registered: 7-2000
| Posted on Friday, December 01, 2006 - 1:09 pm: |    |
What? You folks didn't know about these? They aren't new. Some 15 years ago they were around at the independent camp meetings put on by The Firm Foundation folks. You could buy this set from Firm Foundation and if I remember right this was printed by an independent SDA academy in Oklahoma. I guess the official church finally figured that this product was another way to make money and somehow wrested the rights from Firm Foundation. Bill |
Raven Registered user Username: Raven
Post Number: 658 Registered: 7-2004

| Posted on Friday, December 01, 2006 - 2:07 pm: |    |
In looking at Hope International's website (Firm Foundation), I found a Bible called "The Holy KJV and The History of Redemption" - is that the one? That sounds about right to me, Bill, that "the official church finally figured that this product was another way to make money". I wonder if it's exactly the same as what the ABC is selling. It was around $40-$50 on the Hope International site, and according to Cforrester's blog around $90+ at the ABC. |
Helovesme2 Registered user Username: Helovesme2
Post Number: 732 Registered: 8-2004

| Posted on Friday, December 01, 2006 - 2:23 pm: |    |
What you're describing sounds somewhat like the 'Three Volume Set' that includes much of EGW's writings bound into three rather hefty books. I first saw it shortly before the EGW CD ROM became readily accessible. I had one of those sets. Had to have it to attend the SDARM Missionary Training School I graduated from in 1995. |
Cforrester Registered user Username: Cforrester
Post Number: 46 Registered: 7-2004
| Posted on Friday, December 01, 2006 - 2:28 pm: |    |
Ah, so this might be what I saw. KJV Holy Bible and the History of Redemption |
Loneviking Registered user Username: Loneviking
Post Number: 523 Registered: 7-2000
| Posted on Friday, December 01, 2006 - 3:46 pm: |    |
Hmmm, no I haven't seen the KJV and the History of Redemption. As I remember it, the Three Volume Set came out first, but it was too big and contained more than just the Conflict of the Ages. So, somebody thought of binding up the Conflict of the Ages set with the EGW Study Bible. It was a black leather cover and was smaller and thicker than the EGW Study Bible. I remember that Elder Spear had one at the independent campmeeting at Running Springs, California around 1992 or 93. What I wonder is if this is the EGW Study Bible that is being used? Is that Bible even published anymore? Maybe I have a collectible?! Bill |
Susans Registered user Username: Susans
Post Number: 226 Registered: 8-2006
| Posted on Friday, December 01, 2006 - 7:07 pm: |    |
Oh yes, it's still being published as I saw it on the ABC site when I was looking around Susan |
91steps Registered user Username: 91steps
Post Number: 135 Registered: 8-2005

| Posted on Sunday, December 10, 2006 - 5:12 am: |    |
Just like the Book of Mormon? Someone once told me that there are over 80 versions of the Bible in print!!!! Not languages, different versions. |