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Grace_alone Registered user Username: Grace_alone
Post Number: 209 Registered: 6-2006
| Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 12:34 pm: | |
Since the board seems a little slow this week I thought I'd ask the question... What was the first thing you noticed and/or were surprised by when you your found your new church? What do you remember about it? How did you feel? Leigh Anne |
Bigal Registered user Username: Bigal
Post Number: 1 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 4:17 pm: | |
That these people had what I could never find in any SDA church I attended. Spirit filled worship. Freedom, I felt free to worship God. Alan |
U2bsda Registered user Username: U2bsda
Post Number: 184 Registered: 11-2004
| Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 4:20 pm: | |
I learned how little I really knew and how other Christians were not ignorant. I expected the preacher to preach a specific doctrine, but I found that the preacher preached from the Bible way more than I was used to and it wasn't simply a scripture here and there to make a point but the preacher would read 8-10 verses in the same chapter. I found myself eating a lot of humble pie |
Colleentinker Registered user Username: Colleentinker
Post Number: 4676 Registered: 12-2003
| Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 5:23 pm: | |
Leigh Anne, great question! You're rightóit's quiet today! I've been gone most of the day, and it won't take me long, I see, to catch up! Your question brings back a lot of memories. There are several things that totally impacted me. One of the primary ones was the palpable presence of the Holy Spirit. I could FEEL God there, and I would just cry throughout the worship service. (Well, I still do much of the time, but then I wasn't used to it and at first couldn't figure out why I was crying! I finally realized it was the result of the Holy Spirit touching me in my spirit, and I was actually responding to Him at a deeper level than I was used to doing in the past. Another thing that really startled me was that young peopleóteenagersóactually WORSHIPED God. They didn't just come to "see and be seen". That took months to "sink in". Who ever heard of teenagers really loving God? Another big impact on me was that the men were responsive. They actually SING, and I remember my astonishment at seeing a middle-aged man wipe tears from his eyes during communion on our second Sunday at our church. The central thing that continues to impact me but which sent me into mild shock at first was the Biblical expository preaching/teaching. I had NEVER heard anyone preach from the Bible and make it so clear and applicable. And it wasn't shallow. I realized very soon how wrong I had been about evangelicals being anti-intellectual. Our pastor, at least, is brilliant (I use that word deliberately and carefully), and he prepares his sermons from the original languages. But his preaching is clear and moving, and he exalts Jesus in every sermon, no matter whether he is preaching from the OT or the NT. His sermons challenge me to live obediently by the Spirit, and they also always come back to the gospel. Wow. Alan, welcome to the forum! I'm glad you're here, and we look forward to hearing about you! Colleen |
Tisha Registered user Username: Tisha
Post Number: 191 Registered: 3-2005
| Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 5:56 pm: | |
Wow! The first thing was the openess and welcoming attitude. Then was the feeling of joy and awe that everyone seemed to have. The singing just lifts the roof - and we are a small church! Everyone sings from the heart and gives everything to it! The kids and teens are a big part of the group - not separate, but totally integrated into the mix of young to old. The kids are so on fire for Jesus. Most of them go to public school, but are not afraid to share Jesus with their classmates. It is so swesome. The sermons are right out of the Bible and really make me think and hunger for more. It's hard to put into words - but the whole atmosphere is spirit-filled. The one thing that keeps me on my toes is the singing! We sing both new praise songs and the old time hymns. But the hymns often have different words! So, I'm singing along without looking at the hymnal and then all of a sudden I find I am sing the wrong phrase - you know - those ones that were changed in the SDA hymnal!! So, I get excited about learning the new phrases and understanding their MEANING, and then knowing why they were changed! I never understood how Christians could be so on fire for the Lord. I didn't know how to witness without understanding all the "doctrines" (SDA ones!). Now I know it isn't the "doctrines", it is Jesus. I can share Jesus - I don't have to convince anyone of a particular doctrine. I only need to tell them about Jesus. It's so-o-o-o simple. Now I UNDERSTAND!!! I guess my biggest surprise was finding Christians that could be HAPPY, JOYFUL, and ACCEPTING of other Christians! I didn't know one could be a Christian and be truly happy! But it IS POSSIBLE - in fact, I don't think one can truly be a Christian and not be happy! I don't mean at every moment, but as a general theme in life. So that was my biggest surprise!!
Grace_alone Registered user Username: Grace_alone
Post Number: 210 Registered: 6-2006
| Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 6:21 pm: | |
Tisha and Colleen, your joy is contageous!! Something that I will definitely be aware of when I worship again. Thanks for indulging me, hehe, I was getting lonely. Tisha, I can relate to your story about the hymns. Very often when I get together w/ my in-laws my sil will hop on the piano and I'll sing out of the SDA hymnal. There are several songs that I know from the Lutheran hymnal that I'll pick out, but so often I'll get tripped up on the word changes - duh, I never thought about why that was! Alan, welcome! You've got a great bunch here. Instant friends. Leigh Anne
Flyinglady Registered user Username: Flyinglady
Post Number: 2849 Registered: 3-2004
| Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 7:17 pm: | |
Alan, welcome to FAF. Tell us about your journey with Jesus when you are ready. When I walked into my BIG church, I felt like I had come home and that was before I met anyone. All the people in Guest Central were so friendly and willing and wanting to pray with and for me. Then when I took the starting point class, I found that everything that God had the Holy Spirit teach me from the Bible was reinforced by what I learned in the class and in the next class. Everyone was and is so friendly, even in the classes. I can talk to any Christian and neither of us is afraid to talk about what Christ has done for us. The love is tangible and I can feel the Holy Spirit there. The sermons are from the Bible with no extrabiblical writings. Those are my first impressions of my church. It is at this church that I heard a song about how awesome God is. That phrase has stuck with me, as all of you know. So I close with my favorite, we have an awesome God. Diana |
Timmy Registered user Username: Timmy
Post Number: 44 Registered: 8-2006
| Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 7:36 pm: | |
1. Well, What Alan said... Hey Alan! 2.What U2 said 3. What Colleen said 4. What Tisha said... I can relate to EVERYTHING that has been said so far, It's hard to believe that the same thing goes on way out there in CA as it does here in MI! A few other things that I first noticed were Drums! That is a big no no at SDAs here in MI. Then I was shocked to see the DRUMMER pause and raise his hands in praise with tears streaming down his face!!! I kept shaking my head in disbelief thinking these are the people I was taught are going to hell... The smell of coffee when you walk in the door! Talk about non-judgemental! The culturally relavent sermons and applications. After going there for about a month someone said they wanted to join a Christian group in Mexico and help build houses for those who had none. 30 people stood up and said "I'll go!" At the old SDA church, if one person would go on a mission trip it would be a big deal.They would also have to "qualify" or pass the boards approval. I can think of a lot more but thats what comes to mind first. |
Lisa_boyldavis Registered user Username: Lisa_boyldavis
Post Number: 230 Registered: 3-2005
| Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 9:00 pm: | |
My best friends for years were not Adventists and were very Spirit Filled, and my children attended a wonderful Christian School, so the environment was no surprise. We joined the church after calling literally dozens of churches and asking their pastors a million questions. So when we found the church we wanted to join, we knew where the pastor was coming from, but what stands out most were his sermons that clearly showed that he (the pastor) understood clearly THE NEW COVANANT. Whenever we have communion and he reads from the Bible that we are commemorating the New Covenant, I cry. Our experience at this church as not been one large bed of rose petals. We've stuck it out, however, and this year I'm helping with the women's retreat, helping in the nursery, subbing for the children's classes, on the missions board, etc... And am so glad we stayed. The best part, I have a neighbor who also attends our church; we go on long walks together and to the gym. To step into her entry while she's tying on her sneakers means more to me than I could have imagined. I want to be that person that makes some disconnected soul warm up inside. Pardon me, I digress Lisa B-D
Randyg Registered user Username: Randyg
Post Number: 260 Registered: 12-2004
| Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 10:30 pm: | |
I concur with what you all are saying. I came from a small Adventist church that had many of the positive attributes you all have mentioned. Friendly caring people, well done praiseful music, and a family atmosphere. In the church I now attend like many of you I wept through many of the first weeks and months I attended. It was as if each sermon was specifically meant for me. Chapters of the Bible were taught, and presented in a way that helped me deal with my problems and challenges. There was no judgment, only a kind and loving spirit. I met God every Sunday morning in that church service. The Holy Spirit was and is there. Joy and peace. I attended the Adventist church out of tradition and with my friends, but God found me in the back row of the Baptist church on a Sunday. Now you will find me, left hand side third row from the front. Pastor Tim, who preachs 5 services a weekend to 2000+ people notices if I am not there and will seek me out to see how things are going. I too have come to appreciate a drum well stuck is praise and worship to our God. Randy |
Aliza Registered user Username: Aliza
Post Number: 13 Registered: 8-2006
| Posted on Friday, September 29, 2006 - 10:50 am: | |
One of the first non-SDA things I did was attend a non-denominational conference. I got there a bit early as did some others and we were waiting for the doors to open. Everyone got to chatting with each other and all the conversations were about what God was teaching them; tidbits from their churches; joy in just knowing Jesus etc. I remember being so totally in shock because I had never seen this is an Adventist group. I kept thinking that if that had been a group of SDAs, the conversation would have been secular, not spiritual. And I so relate to the joy and tears during church worship services. It's so great to find the palpable presence of the Holy Spirit with people focusing on worship rather than how the person next to them is acting. Aliza |
U2bsda Registered user Username: U2bsda
Post Number: 189 Registered: 11-2004
| Posted on Friday, September 29, 2006 - 11:43 am: | |
Aliza, That is so true! Adventist conversations about spiritual things most likely took place in the context of Sabbath school or some other time on the Sabbath. |
Cy Registered user Username: Cy
Post Number: 55 Registered: 1-2005
| Posted on Saturday, September 30, 2006 - 7:09 am: | |
We had an older "saint" in the SDA church who often spouted off about Ellen White's injunctions against various musical instruments, like drums and guitars. Last Sunday in church we had a wonderful guitarist accompany our praise & worship songs, and it was very uplifting. Cy |
Flyinglady Registered user Username: Flyinglady
Post Number: 2853 Registered: 3-2004
| Posted on Saturday, September 30, 2006 - 10:07 am: | |
My church has a little band which has a drummer, 2 guitarists, keyboard, and 2-6 vocalists. The music has a beat to it, but the words are truly inspiring as all of the songs praise God. God told me to go here and I am so glad He did. He knew what I needed. He is so awesome. Diana |
Ardyj Registered user Username: Ardyj
Post Number: 10 Registered: 8-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, October 04, 2006 - 6:55 pm: | |
True Spritual conversation.....that's what seemed was always missing in the little SDA church we attended for 'way too long. I so enjoyed walking into the Berean Church our daughter attends, and there were people gathered in groups talking about Jesus! Wow! We were greeted so cordially and there was just such a marvelous feeling of welcome and comfort in a church family that knows the meaning of true worship!! It was fabulous! One bad memory I have in that SDA church is that there was so much conversation and bustling about during footwashing that I finally started the practice of going to the piano and playing. That did help quiet down the conversation somewhat. I say conversation because that's all it was. Very little spirituality involved at all. Just chatter about recipes, and shopping and whatever else popped into their heads. This always bothered me so much, but it just seemed no one really cared. We were so fortunate to attend communion in the church our daughter attends and it was such a beautiful spiritual experience both my husband and I had tears running down! Wow! |