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Jackob Registered user Username: Jackob
Post Number: 278 Registered: 7-2005

| Posted on Thursday, July 20, 2006 - 1:52 pm: |    |
Some time ago Stan graciously sent me the book ìThe Adventist Crisis of Spiritual Identityî by Des and Gillian Ford. Seeing the Glacier View and the events from their perspective, the book contains an article written in 1980 from The Newbold College newspaper titled THIS FORD NO LONGER RUNS. Beside having a good perspective of the events, Dennis Porter, the author, used a lot of humorous remarks in his article. Enjoy with me some of these humorous remarks. The author starts with the idea that Ford will still have his credentials if the Walter Rea challenge had not already alarmed the hierarchy. The problem of the church hierarchy was the fact that the basis of their authority, the writings and authority of Ellen White was questioned. And quote:That authority then must be sustained even though the Walter Reas of this world should prove to their satisfaction that every comma and every colon has been borrowed from elswhere. It is this angle which connects the Ford and Rea affairs
Also there was Paxtonís book about adventism with a chapter entitled ìThe Ford-Brinsmead Mateshipî, Brinsmead being a troublemaker for a long time for the hierarchy.
quote:It is entirely fanciful to imagine that the reaction of the then Presient of the General Conference, when he saw a section of Paxtonís book headed ìThe Ford-Brinsmead Mateship might have been similar to that of Henry II vis-ý-vis Becket ìWho will free me from this turbulent priest?î (Four knights were sufficient to precipitate Becket into sainthood; one hundred and fourteen were asembled to martyr Ford. A coup de grace could not, however, be administered solely on the evidence of a non-Adventist scholar. An overt act was required and this Ford obligingly provided in his P.U.C. lecture. Another historical analogy comes to mind. When Cromwell saw Scots army leave its excellent defensive position at Dunbar in 1651, he is said to have exclaimed, ìThe Lord hath delivered them into my hands.î When the noise of the hammer nailing Fordís thesis to the chapel door at Angwin was heard (on tape) in Takoma Park, the reaction may well have been similar.
The author of the article continues arguing that the new president, Neal Wilson must sustain his reputation of being tolerant, and make an investigation, saying personally in Review that it is not a ìtrialî. quote:Ford must be given enough rope with which to hang himself, a facility of which he availed himself mightily. The ìropeî consisted of six monthsí leave of absence, secretarial help, access to certain denominational records and the assistance of a ìguidance committeeî. No condemned man was ever given the means to making a heartier breakfast.
Now the author proceeds to analyze the Glacier View manuscript, published as ìDaniel 8:14, the Day of Atonement, and the Investigative Judgmentî. He perceptively sensed the thinking of the hierarchy. quote:On page 586 Ford makes the comment, ìAny administrative body that attempts to behave as though now is the nineteenth century or the Middle Ages cannot hope to retain the confidence of an educated laity.î Well said, but what on earth makes him think that the administration of this church wants to retain that confidence, or even believes in the existence, of such a laity?
The great problem of Des comes from his insistence to defend Ellen White. quote:He may spend months of research and hundreds of typewritten pages demonstrating that the concept of the investigative judgment beginning in 1844 is unscriptural, but at every turn he is confronted by a brick wall on which are inscribed the words, ìBut it is endorsed by the Spirit of prophecyî To surmount that obstacle Ford has to attempt a difficult task. He has to knock out certain bricks while prevented the whole wall from tumbling down
In my view, an impossible task. But Ford is trying to save the reputation and belief in Ellen White. The author almost is saying that his efforts are useless. quote:It is as if Ford, with his head on the block, is saying to his executioners , ìYou see Iím almost 100% orthodox and I can do you good service against the Rea-ite tribe. Please do not chop my head off.î But, logically from their point of view, his executioners answer, ìAlmost is not enough,î and down comes the axe. What do we hear him utter with his dying breath? In a closing statement obviously modelled upon that of another lone reformer (but a more successful one) before the Diet of Worms (incidentally, in line with Fordís own implied joke about Edsonís ìvisionî having been in a cornfield, one might flippantly remark that, whereas luther had a ìDietî to adress, we have only a ìcanî to contemplate), he says, ìBelieving in the priesthood of all believersî (voices: ìdamnable heresy!î) ìas well as Sola Scripturaî (cries from several Adventist theologians: ìThat includes Ellen White!î), ìI will remember that ìThe doctrine that God has committed to the church, the right to control the conscience, and to define and punish heresy is one of the most deeply rooted of papal errorsî (GC 293), and that no ecclesiastical creedal statementî (voices of various administrators: ìWe have no creed; only a statement of fundamental beliefs adopted at Dallas.î) ìshall move me one whit if obviously contrary to the plain testimony of the word of God. We can do no other.î (Voices: ìAway with him. He is not fit to live!î).
The author makes some jokes about the fact that indeed there was not a trial, if it was one, it was so secret that nobody saw it, and if the ministers gathered at Glacier View composed the jury, it was a jury composed only by adventists who certainly had not inclined to be in Des favour. Now the hierarchy asked Ford to recant. And he sudenly saw that all was politics, not theology, and quote:played what could have been a master stroke, by offering not to publicize his views. Mercifully it was a loquacious corpse and in the length of Fordís letter of August 26, there was opportunity to finish him off once and for all. What, in effect, the undertakers did was to tell the world (see Ministry, Oct. 1980, pp.12-14) that the corpse could not be trusted to lie low and keep quiet. Once Fordís alleged untrustworthiness on that point was asserted, the administration was back in the driving seat, and, accompanied by ìbeautiful prayers,î ìthe presence of the Holy Spirit,î and even appreciation to Dr. Ford for making us think, (no mean feat!) the drama drew to its preordained conclusion and the most brilliant scholar in contemporary Adventism was told that there was no longer a place for him in the work.
And finally, the author is expressing the hope that Ellen White will become anthology. quote:The time may come when Adventist scholars no longer have to write, as A.W. Spalding did to H. Camden Lacey in 1947, ìIn have the intellectual task of rearraging my concepts to harmonize with Sister Whiteís pronouncements.î If those things happen and Seventh-day Adventism ceases to be a nineteenth-century American sect and become a sixteenth-century evangelical protestant church, Fordís name may yet head the roster of martyrs whose blood was its seed.
Riverfonz Registered user Username: Riverfonz
Post Number: 1917 Registered: 3-2005
| Posted on Thursday, July 20, 2006 - 2:51 pm: |    |
Jackob, Thanks for refreshing my memory about that book. I hope there are still copies of this book in print "The Adventist Crisis of Spiritual Identity" by Desmond Ford should be must reading for all former SDAs. There was another section of that book that was written by Gillian Ford, where she tells a John Bunyan like parable of the righteousness by faith controversy in Adventism, that is just so humorous to read. I can remember reading that book while sitting on the beach, and just bursting out laughing. A stranger sitting next to me asked me 'what was so funny'? Well, it is true, you have to be a former or processing out SDA to appreciate a lot of the humor. Thanks Jackob for sharing! Stan |
Dennis Registered user Username: Dennis
Post Number: 802 Registered: 4-2000

| Posted on Thursday, July 20, 2006 - 3:34 pm: |    |
Here is another Glacier View snackbar for the soul: PRE-GLACIAL EPOCH: When people weren't so frozen in fear as now. Dennis Fischer |
Seekr777 Registered user Username: Seekr777
Post Number: 550 Registered: 1-2003

| Posted on Thursday, July 20, 2006 - 5:07 pm: |    |
Stan I did a search and found it available for $29.00 on I wish I could find it cheaper since I'd love to read it. Richard
Riverfonz Registered user Username: Riverfonz
Post Number: 1920 Registered: 3-2005
| Posted on Thursday, July 20, 2006 - 6:02 pm: |    |
It is worth the 29.00! Stan |