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Denisegilmore (Denisegilmore)
| Posted on Monday, February 18, 2002 - 5:56 am: |    |
I know I didn't cover all the names who were posting at the time this was happening but just as an update. Do you remember how a little old crippled up lady, that I had never met, came to my door and introduced herself. Promply saying that she heard that I read the Bible and wanted to know about the book of Isaiah. I remember well, because at that time my mind went to the story of the eunich in the desert reading out of the book of Isaiah. Well, that lady's name was Florence. What a sweet sweet lady. And do you remember the spiritual warfare that insued when an sda pastor arrived at her door for our second study? Eventually, the pastor stopped showing and Florence and I would talk about Jesus. She just couldn't wait to see Him. April of last year, she died from eating a cantelope. True enough. It was a strain of Samonela so terrible that doctors had never seen a case like that before. The cantelope was given to her while simply having x-rays and such done as she had taken a fall but was not badly hurt. nothing broken. While walking down our hallway here, she on a gurney and me walking by her side and my last words to her were "Remember Florence, God is always with you." And she said "Oh I KNOW that honey." With a big smile on her face. Two days later, she's dead. Seems that 30 people in the United States died of this same Saminela delivered via a cantelope. I miss Florence. What faith she had. Like that of a child. For me now, I see this as a miracle because Florence is now healed and not in pain anymore. Have no clue why I've just revealed this to basically John Q Public out there but I miss her tremendously. In Jesus, your sister who still grieves, Denise I had better get to bed. nite. |
Sherry2 (Sherry2)
| Posted on Monday, February 18, 2002 - 12:51 pm: |    |
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, Denise. I do remember you telling us about her. The faith of some is truly breathtaking and wonderful isn't it? I know that you probably really cherish those moments with her and will remember forever her love for Jesus, and truly the knowledge that she is safely in His hands right this very moment is precious. Take care and God bless, Sherry |
Denisegilmore (Denisegilmore)
| Posted on Monday, February 18, 2002 - 5:22 pm: |    |
Thank you Sherry, Her faith in Jesus was amazing. Infact it was always edifying for me to be with her! Now she was a woman who never faltered in her faith, nomatter what her body felt like. She was firmly grounded in the Rock and I thank my Lord Jesus for putting someone like that into my life because, next to her, I've yet to meet anyone like that. No offense to anyone and I hope none is taken. She always mourned at the fact that she couldn't go out and spread the Gospel due to her crippled condition and the whole time, she was ministering to me. I never did tell her that and should have. She was a minister without knowing this fact. Really, I was her student. Isn't it wonderful how our God works things out to be such? Praise our Lord Jesus for His ways are so much higher than ours! It will sure be great to see her again! Jesus is Lord and in Him my rest. your sister in our Great and Awesome God, denise |
In_His_Service (In_His_Service)
| Posted on Tuesday, February 19, 2002 - 6:38 am: |    |
All things work together for good, you remember the rest of the quotation. Sometimes God sends us the most wonderful blessings. It sounds like yours was special In His Grip Thomas <>< |
Sherry2 (Sherry2)
| Posted on Tuesday, February 19, 2002 - 8:40 pm: |    |
She truly was a blessing, Denise. Praise the Lord for that. I would love to see a relationship like that too. I hear women talk about the older mentoring the younger, but I don't see much of actual action. That really was cool! Bless her Lord! |