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| Posted on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 7:22 am: |    |
As you watch this tragedy unfold in front of your eyes via TV, let me suggest you to get a copy of the "VISION" from David Wilkerson, published in 1978. It is almost in full detail described in this book all the current events we sadly now experience TODAY and the others that we've already been experiencing through these years. I do not want to use this NATIONAL TRAGEDY to make a point, and I will not, but perhaps WE will see that God does still gives us insight on the future today as He did to Brother Wilkerson, the founder of Teen Challenge, contrary to what WE MAY honestly and with GENUINE Christian zeal defend in this forum. Let me add that we as Christians should be looking at it from a Biblical perspective. We should pray for the victims, SIDE WITH THE RIGHT, condenm the wrong and remember that the "weapons of our warfare may be not carnal, BUT THEY ARE MIGHTY! With a gasp and a sense of awe: Grace Ambassador |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 7:27 am: |    |
Correction for those who think I changed the Holy Writ: "The weapons of our warfare ARE NOT CARNAL, but THEY ARE MIGHTY" Grace Ambassador |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 8:12 am: |    |
A friend of mine just told me that EGW had predicted this event in her writings. Can any of you who have been well-versed in her writings confirm this? In His Grace Doug |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 8:47 am: |    |
I'm well versed and she did not predict any such thing. Predictions of general doom and gloom are always fulfilled eventually...... |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 8:58 am: |    |
To All: Fdauns said: "Predictions of general doom and gloom are always fulfilled eventually......" Fdauns is right. I quoted Dave Wilkerson's book in context with a recent discussion we had here. I can predict that 85% of children learning how to ride a bike will fall in that process. I will be right and still not be a "prophet". I pray that God gives us (me chiefly) wisdom to discern which ones are his sevants who will give such warnings based upon their history of respect for the Word of God, without adding anything to it, and the service they have paid to the cause of the true Gospel. This is a tragedy. As a foreigner who gave a son to the US armed forces, who, myself, have served in an anti terrorist force in the army of Brazil, all I have to say is that this is a sad day. As a minister of the Gospel, I have to smother my desire to solve this problem starting a new war. What the world needs is NOT A M-16, rather, John 3:16. Grace Ambassador Pastor of the Embassy of Grace Church |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 11:53 am: |    |
Just reading Revelation 18 gives a reflection upon today. It is a very sad day. And I agree, this has to be looked at Scripturally. It's just amazing....I have my own ideas about who was involved, and things like that as I'm sure many of you have today as well. Many people lost their lives today. Many. I'm sickened that anyone would do this period. I look forward to Christ's coming so that all bloodshed will end. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 10:53 pm: |    |
We had a prayer service at our church tonight. I'll share how we prayed because some of you might find some of the structure helpful as you pray this week--and beyond. We prayed for the victims' families. We prayed for the wounded, and we prayed for those who are still trapped. We prayed for the rescue workers that they would have supernatual endurance and strength and accuracy. We prayed for President Bush and the leaders of the nation. President Bush declares that he is a born-again Christian. Whatever we may personally think about his Christian experience, the fact that he apparently did accept Jesus at some point and still declares that to be true means we can pray for him as for a fellow believer. We can pray that he will respond to the Holy Spirit and that he will have the mind of Christ, that he will be convicted of his need to live with integrity and to make decisions with the wisdom of Christ instead of in typical political wisdom. We prayed for the foreigners including missionaries and Americans who are living in Islamic countries. We prayed that the citizens of those countries would see the contrast between the love of Jesus and the hate that has rocked the world. We also prayed for our country. We prayed that people who don't know Christ would be confronted with their need to know truth and would be drawn to Jesus. This is probably one of the most shocking and unsettling things many of us have experienced. I can only say that I praise God that now I do not have the deep fear I would have had a few years ago. God is sovereign, and he can redeem even this for himself. God IS sovereign, and he IS good, and he IS with us! Praise Him! Colleen |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 4:33 am: |    |
Colleen, Thank you for sharing your prayer thoughts with us. Yesterday morning as we (my friend, her son, my two sons and I) watched the TV, we dropped to our knees and prayed exactly what you mentioned your congregation were led to pray. It is also interesting that I do no feel the eerie strain of fear that would have gripped me years ago. Our God is Sovereign, and I praise Him. I am also thankful that we have a Believer as President. Being from TX, I am bias, but I have heard reports about his sincerity as a genuine believer. Praise God. B |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 2:01 pm: |    |
Hi friends - Thanks Colleen for sharing about your prayer service. It was very helpful - I also don't feel the deep fear I would have felt some years back, and am more confident of my salvation, but still some of the old stuff comes back to me in quick jolts. For example, as some of you know, I'm still kind of half in the SDA church, with a foot in another church (denomination), and my SDA friends are talking about how this has made them realize they're not "ready" yet, or they don't have their kids "ready" yet, and they have to get "ready" now, etc. I know how this talk makes me feel, and am curious what kinds of feelings, if any, it stirs up in the rest of you. Love and prayers, Sammi (P.S. Colleen, thank you for always reminding us of what an awesome, powerful and magnificent God we serve.) |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 3:04 pm: |    |
Hi Sammi, I hope this doesn't seem inappropriate, but instead of the fear I would have felt a few years ago -- both of the coming events, AND my standing with God -- I was actually kind of excited. Naturally, I am devastated as an American and a fellow human-being for all those who are suffering loss and personal pain. I feel great outrage and indignation that there are devils (literally, I'm sure) out there who could perpetrate such a heinous act against both our national honour, and so many innocent, unsuspecting people who had never done them any harm. But as far as my thoughts of myself and my own situation and future are concerned, my sense of expectant longing for "going home" was sharpened. My boss and I were talking and sometimes joking about whether we would have to come back to our houses yesterday... Neither of us would have been a bit surprised to have seen Jesus face to face yesterday. It is such an incredibly welcome change to feel secure in our salvation! That is one of my greatest joys as a non-SDA... I'm not afraid of God or my religion any more!!! I don't have Damocles' Sword hanging over me now! Thank you Sammi, for reminding me of how I used to think -- and how incredibly blessed I feel now, not have those thoughts haunting me any more! What a gift!!! God comfort those who mourn, and God bless the USA, Dennis<>< |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 6:03 pm: |    |
Sammi, I understand your feelings. I know that this tragedy brings deep sadness for me, but also a sense of where am I at? I've been very secure in my salvation this last year for the most part, but there are times like as of late when I haven't been faithful, and frankly I've been angry at alot of things, and I've been swearing lately...that I feel the fear of being lost again. I have a hard time sorting out the need to repent vs. being lost. Does that make any sense? Anyhow, I do feel that the whole SDA end-times is mostly crock, and what isn't, I found most Christians already know from a reading of Revelation and Daniel. And I still don't want to ever go back to that religion of spiritual bondage ever again. God bless all and help heal our nation and bring us to Himself to repentance and action that meets it. |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 8:11 pm: |    |
I remember as recently as the Gulf War worrying about what it might set into motion. (I remember the Gulf War and its start date because war was declared on our older son's 10th birthday! He's 18 1/2 now.) I remember the fear that we could be escalating into the Time of Trouble, and there was NOTHING exciting about thinking about THAT! By then, I wasn't as uncertain about my salvation as I had been a few years before, but I wasn't sure, either. By then, I'd been through a divorce and had expected God to dismiss from him forever, only to experience an awesome reassurance of his forgiveness. (I told about the incident in our story on this site.) I still didn't know for sure I was OK eternally, but my fear was more about impending doom and trouble. I remember feeling vulnerable and frightened and praying desperately for God to prevent something huge and horrible. With this recent incident I feel shock and a sense of unreality. I feel sad, and my most fearful twinge is when I realize that Roy, our son, is now registered with the Selective Service. But I honestly don't feel afraid. God knew this would happen, and he is in charge. I don't know what I would be saying if my family had been in those buildings, but I praise God that I know I am secure in him. Even if this does trigger something Armageddon-like, I'm trusting that God will keep his promises to us and will be with us no matter what happens. Thinking of a tibulation doesn't frighten me anymore because I know that God will provide what I need at the time I need it. So far he's already been faithful to do that, and even though I haven't faced anything as serious as the tribulation, I'm certain that he will be faithful even then as he is already. I sometimes wonder how I would withstand the persecution I know Christians already experience in some places. I have to trust that Jesus will be my reward. I'm just so thankful to know that nothing can separate me from his love! And I'm grateful that the uncertain future no longer holds me hostage to fear. Praise God! Colleen |
| Posted on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 6:03 am: |    |
Hi, Everyone, This is the first time I've been on the computer since the WTC was attacked. I'm so glad to read your post of "joy" and "excitement"!! I too, experienced that "joy in Christ". It was a mixed joy because I felt someone guilty that I could find joy under these circumstances. I, like most of you that posted, look back and see the difference in what I used to be like and how I am now--when confronted with a national tragedy. This time there was no fear!!! And the only reason for this is because of the wisdom and knowledge I have gained from the daily intake of the word of God. These are the texts that were brought to my mind after I heard about the terrorist attacks: "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord"---Our God is Sovereign and He is in control!!! Satan didn't TAKE these lives and neither did the men that hijacked those planes. The Lord took those lives! "In ALL circumstances give thanks for this is the will of God"---It's easy to give thanks when things go our way but Gods word says to give thanks in all circumstances. "This is the day that the Lord hath made rejoice and be glad in it"--I have found that instead of embracing fear that I have found comfort in my "position" and future in Christ Jesus. And from that view point I can rejoice. ================================================ I don't know if you listened/watched the prayer vigil that was broadcast from DC last night. I found it interesting that the name of Jesus Christ was not mentioned during the prayers that I heard. (I didn't listen to the entire thing-correct me if I am wrong--did anyone hear a prayer that was offered in the name of Jesus Christ?) ================================================= On the way to drop my kids off from school I passed a church that had this statement on their marquee: "The soul without prayer is like lungs without air". That sounds very good, doesn't it? Or does it not? A soul with prayer can be a soul that is very empty. Our nation is praying but are the prayers effective. Can prayer in and of itself be useful without the proper knowledge of the word of God? A soul that prays without True Biblical knowledge is like lungs with air that is devoid of oxygen. Air without oxygen is useless to the lungs--Prayer without knowledge of God's word is also useless. ================================================ Within an hour of the attack, God gave me the opportunity to witness to an Adventist friend. She was really scared because of what had taken place! She called me. Because of my faith in Jesus Christ I was able to exude to her the peace of God that I felt inspite of this. Her comment to me was "I wish that I could have your confidence. I suppose that since I don't then that must mean something is missing in my life". Before we said "goodbye" she said, "You know, I don't even know why I called to talk to you about this but you have told me exactly what I needed to hear". ---Isn't it amazing to see God at work?--- Our confidence in Christ-our peace in the storm will be a witness to those who know us!!!! I know that this girl prays A LOT!! But she prays without the knowledge of Biblical truth. She, of her own admission, does not read and study God's word. Her spiritual relationship is based upon prayer-prayer without knowledge. Her prayers give her no peace in the storm. Her prayers are like air without oxygen. She is not alone. There are believers like her in every church, in every denomination. They should have the confidence of Christ--but they don't. Their religion is based upon fear and guilt. These people are going to be searching for what is missing. By the grace of God those of us who have found it can be a witness to those who know us and are still searching. It is my prayer that each one of us, through the ministry of the Holy Spirit within us, will be able to touch and transform the lives of those around us. It is my desire that as "God works" that I will "stay out of His way" and let him handle the situations by not worrying about what I'll say, how I'll respond, etc.... May the peace of God with you all, Lori |
| Posted on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 6:22 am: |    |
I just went back and read the beginnings of this thread. We need to examine, from the view point of the word of God, those who predicted this particular event. We must not place our confidence in them and consider them to be "anointed", or "prophetic" because of their prediction of this event. There are MANY who will appear to be "prophets of God" that are nothing more than those who are "wolves in sheeps clothing". They may appear to have a spiritual gift--but its source may be evil and not righteous. Hebrews 1:1 says, "In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways BUT IN THESE LAST DAYS HE HAS SPOKEN TO US BY HIS SON whom he appointed to be heir of all things and through whom he made the universe". In the past God used prophets NOW HE SPEAKS TO US THROUGH THE SON. Be careful in what "books" and in which "authors" you place your confidence. We have the "mind of Christ" in written form. It is our manual for the unique lifestyle of those who chose to follow Christ!! It needs no supplementations, additions or amendments. It stands alone! Remember, the devil will use anything at his disposal to distract us from God's word. |
| Posted on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 7:55 am: |    |
Lori is right! However, David Wilkerson is far from being a wolf in sheepskin. He's been preaching what you now believe long before you ever believed it. After these many years of success with Teen Challenge (now an Assemblies of God ministry unfortunately) we would have discovered his real colors and God had already given us discernment. Obviously, we cannot contradict ourselves that "once one believes gifts are not for today, then we should not need to worry about these books and authors". But I do not want to bother you with this issue again, which appears to be very sensitive to you. ...and NO, Lori, you are right again, they did not say or mention the name of Jesus. They pray to an impersonal far away God in the likes of the "unknown God" that the Greeks worshipped in Acts. I am afraid that this is the kind of "little god" to whom they will compell children to pray if "prayer" comes back to the schools. I believe that parents who do not pray with their children in their own homes, do not have the right to demand the government to do it for them in the schools. My prayer is that genuinely zealous people as you and me will continue to pray and help Christians to see a biblical perspective in this time of tragedy. Grace Ambassador Pastor of the Embassy of Grace Church |
| Posted on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 10:37 am: |    |
I think the reason we can now feel a sense of some excitement over the events of this week is that we know that it means that opportunity has been opened for God to do amazing things. Not just in the awesome stories we are going to hear of how he divinely saved many, but in the stories of those who will be led to the kingdom of God! My husband was suddenly startled during our service Sunday to have a feeling of like an oppression come over him. It was totally out of keeping with the message that was being spoken, and seemed to have no relation to anything else. And as it came he remembered the words of a Japanese poem that we had read a few years back: "Now that my house has burned down, I can see the moon more clearly." When we had first read this, it struck us at how true it was that people make a choice when tragedy strikes of how they will respond. Either they become embittered to life in general and often to God in particular, or else they look about for some real meaning and truth. Either way, the tragedy has simply revealed what was already in their hearts. That's pretty much what has happened here in our country this week. The Lord has allowed the toys to be taken away (I would disagree with the statement that the Lord "took" the people....He did not "take" them, but allowed this to happen) to get the attention of the children. It is an act of His mercy. Take the toys away now and let the many see that they have been trusting in the wrong things. He has been far more than merciful to our country that nothing like this has happened before now! There are amazing opportunities that have been opened up to further the Kingdom thru this tragedy. Of course, we all know there will be some who will become embittered, blaming God. The tragedy has only revealed what was already in the heart of the person. Those who were already inclined toward searching for meaning for their lives, those who had any opening in their hearts, are going to be awakened to a sense of urgency. We as Christians need to be listening carefully for the Spirit's promptings now, sensitive to hear those openings in the folks around us. And this is exactly why there are the gifts of the Spirit operating in the church today. There is no way that we in our human wisdom can be aware of who is or is not open. Even by the comments that people make, are they speaking from fear, worry, bitterness....or desperate longing for hope? We can't possibly know THE words to express the gospel to them in precisely THE way that the individual processes information that will unlock the door of their understanding. We too had a prayer service at our church last night. I experienced a curious moment during the service. I'd looked out across the folks who were there. We had begun with everyone standing. But by the end of the service probably 80% were, instead, on their knees. I saw our teens on their knees, hands raised, crying out to their Lord to comfort strangers who they will likely never meet. I heard prayers expressed trusting firmly in the kindness and mercy and power of God. Voices raised that expressed no fear, but a calm assurance that the Lord was going to move in power. And suddenly I was stricken with the reminder of snide comments we'd heard in the SDA church (and yes, to my sorrow even participated in!) about those people in churches that worshipped on Sunday were "obviously not really saved" because they didn't worship on a particular day. Let's add to our prayers for this country, prayers for the SDA's who are now hearing co-workers, neighbors, and friends expressing their feelings. That the Lord will also use this time to blast some folks out of the darkness of Adventism and into the light of freedom and PEACE! |
| Posted on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 6:14 am: |    |
God allowed the TOYS to be taken away!! I can't believe that you just compared the lives of these people with a TOY--an item of amusement?!! Obviously, you AREN'T "missing" anyone in your family. And I'll leave no question as to the TONE of my post--I am disgusted and angered by that statement! Furthermore: It may make you FEEL BETTER to think God ONLY ALLOWED IT but that doesn't agree with Scripture. Job 1:21 clearly states,...."The Lord gave and the Lord has taken..." But then of course maybe Job didn't know as much as you do (he only losts ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING except his nagging wife)! (tone-sarcasm) |
| Posted on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 12:33 pm: |    |
Geez Lori, chill. I'm referring to the financial stuff, the focus on stuff, the thing of seeing security in self and job and business as usual, etc. Not the people! I guess for the rest we will have to chalk it up to viewing the world differently. To me, for someone to say, "God took them" is the same as saying, "God sent those planes into those towers and made the buildings fall on top of thousands". God already knows the span of our days, that is in His hands. But He doesn't slaughter the innocents. Instead, Satan is the one who is identified as the one who steals, *kills*, and destroys. |
| Posted on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 3:15 pm: |    |
Something under which we CAN UNITE: After the prayer service today, where I had to look on TV as if watching a sport event CHEERING AND ROOTING FOR SOMEONE TO SAY THE NAME OF JESUS AND PRONOUNCE SOLE ALLEGIANCE TO HIM, I believe we can unite under HIS NAME AND PRONOUNCE THAT HE ALONE CAN HEAL OUR SPIRITUAL WOUNDS. Two Sundays ago I preached a sermon about the propositions the Bible makes about Jesus. I do not want to advertise here, but I am pasting the latter part of my sermon and anyone can use it. I put this together and I am sure someone has seen this in another or similar way. It is a bit long and I apologize for taking so much space if one considers too much space to praise the name of Jesus, so disguised and hidden today in that service that Billy had almost to apoligize to pronounce it. Here it goes: JESUS IS: In Genesis: the seed who will bruise the serpentís head; Godís prepared sacrifice, ladder where angels descended and ascended to heaven and Shiloh In Exodus: the Great I am, and the deliverer In Numbers: the Rock In Leviticus: High Priest In Deuteronomy: The Manna In Joshua: The Captain of the Lordís Host In Judges: The Worlds Judge In Samuel: The Prophet In Chronicles: The King In Job: The Everlasting Redeemer In Nehemiah: The rebuilder In Psalms: The anointed One In Songs of Solomon: The Bridegroom In Ecclesiastes: The Preacher In Proverbs: The Wisdom In Isaiah: The Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, the one who was despised and was bruised for our iniquities. In Jeremiah: The branch of the Lord In Lamentations: He is the weeping prophet, He is the faithful one, my portion in whom I will hope, whose mercies are new every morning In Ezekiel: The Shepherd In Daniel: The Deliverer In Hosea: The husband In Joel: He is the Lord of the day of the Lord In Amos: He is the Lord of the day of the Lord In Obadiah: He is the Lord of the day of the Lord In Jonah: He is the Salvation that is from the Lord In Zephaniah: He is the Lord of the day of the Lord In Micah: The ruler born in Bethlehem In Habakkuk: The Lord of My Salvation In Zephaniah: He is the Lord of the day of the Lord In Haggai: The desire of all nations In Zechariah: The one whom they pierced, the lowly and riding on the beast In Malachi: The Son of Righteousness with healing in His wings In Matthew: The Messiah and the King In Mark: The Servant and the Miracle worker In Luke: The Son of Man In John: The son of God In Acts: The Founder of the Church and the Holy Ghost Baptizer The Justifier or Romans In first Corinthians: The head of the Body In second Corinthians: The Yes and the Amen of God In Galatians: The Blessings of Abraham upon us all, the only Mediator. In Ephesians: The Blesser in heavenly places, our redemption, the giver of our inheritance, the one in Whom God elected us In Philippians: In Whom God called us, towards Whom we press forward In Colossians: The Resurrection, the body of the shadow of things to come In first and second Thessalonians: The soon coming King In first and second Timothy: The Mediator In Titus: The Pastor In Philemon: The sustainer of Apostolic Authority In Hebrews: The Sanctifier. The author and finisher of our faith, the one with a better covenant of better promises. In James: The wisdom given freely by God In first Peter: The chief cornerstone In second Peter: The destroyer of our enemies In first, second and third John: The love of God, our advocate, our fellowship In Jude: The Lord coming with 10,000 saints In Revelation: He is the Alpha and the Omega, The beginning and the End and the Bright Morning Star. He is the name who is above every name. Above Bhuda, Mohamed, Confucious, John Paul III, and any other name that is named above the earth and under the earth. To Him be praise and Glory forever and ever Amen! Grace Ambassador, I am not ashamed of His name! |
| Posted on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 7:51 pm: |    |
Lydell and Lori...if I may at my best (but I am quite weak so please forgive me) to be peacemaker here.....Lydell you wrote: "The Lord has allowed the toys to be taken away (I would disagree with the statement that the Lord "took" the people....He did not "take" them, but allowed this to happen) to get the attention of the children. It is an act of His mercy. Take the toys away now and let the many see that they have been trusting in the wrong things. He has been far more than merciful to our country that nothing like this has happened before now! " I had to read it over acouple times before I knew your jist was financial..and I mainly knew that because I know alittle about you from our personal conversations...but see how you wrote "toys", and then in parenthesis in that same sentence explaining that part of it you used "people"....thus it appears that you were speaking of "toys" as the "people". Only because I knew you didn't mean it like that could I take it differently. Rest assured Lori, please believe that Lydell didn't mean it like that. This is a very tragic event that happened in our nation, and misunderstandings abound in our flesh. I say this after having had a fight with my husband tonight (see I'm far from saintly and got nothin' to boast in but ...yes GA, JESUS!!!:) ), please let us be kind to one another and think the best of each other when we say things that get so easily misunderstood. You two are sisters in the Lord, even if you don't agree on all thing is true, you do agree on above all names. Forgive me if I have offended...I do not wish to. God's grace and abiding peace, love and joy to you all. |
| Posted on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 8:00 pm: |    |
No no offense Sherry. You're right, I can see I should have worded it better. (Hm, maybe this is what comes of a "non-morning" person being up since 4:45 this morning? My son CLAIMS he saw me earlier this week lob the alarm clock into the living room like it was a live hand grenade when it went off at 5. But then the boy always was taken to spinning a good yarn.) And yes, Praise God, Lori and I DO agree on Jesus! Really sorry if I offended you Lori, it wasn't intended at all. |
| Posted on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 5:18 am: |    |
Howdy folks,I havent written in awile for reasons of my own,but I have been surfing this page reading,and I amglad to see that we can all agree on Jesus as being first and foremost in our lives.I think that all of us have to remember that there are a whole lot of people out there who are scared and angry who dont know Jesus,who despratley(sp?)need us to show them.I am dealing with alot of young Marines who are trying to grasp what has happened and coming to the understanding that for us war is a reality.They arent interested in all the theorectical stuff that we all have lived with in our past,they want to know that there is a God and that he sent Jesus to save them thats it.Somone mentioned that this is a golden oppurtunity to show others the truth,and i believe that this is true.We must be united in this. If my writing seems a bit out of joint it is only because me and sleep havent really spent alot of time together this past week,but before I stop scribbling,I wanted to let you know that my brother in law and his wife have been reading stuff on this sight and other info we have sent them and they said that for the first time in their lives they are not feeling all the guilt that they once had!!!! I am very excited about this. In case I dont get the chance to post again for awhile,I just want to thank everyone on this sight who has hel-ped me and mine to a better understanding of Gods love and grace.All of you have(that includes those who I have disagreed with)been a great blessing to us. Thank you,in Gods grace,Snali |
| Posted on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 7:49 am: |    |
Dear Friends, At this moment I, along with you all, am filled with a sense of sadness and, yes, guilt that I have not been more vocal in my belief in Jesus Christ as my ONLY source of salvation. While there are many viewpoints on this web site with which I disagree heartily and about which I hope in the near future to voice my own Biblically based views, the bottom line is that, I was struck with my own lack of fear about what this national tragedy would mean to me personally. I still have a question or two regarding EGW's statements in Testimonies, Vol 9, pgs 11-14 (or thereabouts) regarding New York City and tall buildings being destroyed by balls of fire from the sky and the firetrucks not being effective in any way. I voiced more re that subject on the 'Finding a new church' thread last night. One of the first Christian writers who gave me a real understanding of Jesus and how to live a truly Christian focus was David Wilkerson in a book entitled, "I'm Not Mad At God" -- he is filled with the love of Jesus and the need to share Him with every human being he meets. What a giant in God's workplace! Somehow, God has given me His grace to recognize many outside of SDAism who are his servants. Another good book by David Wilkerson is "Have You Felt Like Giving Up Lately". It came to me at a very low time in my life and was helpful to bring me out of that 'lonesome valley' of hurt and anger at God. I have a very long way to go to achieve the level of neighborly sharing of Jesus that I want to have, so I solicit your prayers to that end. The IRS issues I spoke about in another post are almost cleared up and I know that God is working to get our financial lives in order. This week has helped me to get my life priorities straighter than they have been in regard to a 'reasonable level' of materialism which I needed to understand. Prayers for growth in that area are also sought from you all. From the posts, I realize that there are many of you who have suffered much more than I have and this serves to lighten my anger at God, as well as to let me know that I am not alone in my questionings. Lots more to say . . . later Loyal Seeker |
| Posted on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 8:08 am: |    |
Dear Friends, At this moment I, along with you all, am filled with a sense of sadness and, yes, guilt that I have not been more vocal in my belief in Jesus Christ as my ONLY source of salvation. While there are many viewpoints on this web site with which I disagree heartily and about which I hope in the near future to voice my own Biblically based views, the bottom line is that, I was struck with my own lack of fear about what this national tragedy would mean to me personally. I still have a question or two regarding EGW's statements in Testimonies, Vol 9, pgs 11-14 (or thereabouts) regarding New York City and tall buildings being destroyed by balls of fire from the sky and the firetrucks not being effective in any way. I voiced more re that subject on the 'Finding a new church' thread last night. One of the first Christian writers who gave me a real understanding of Jesus and how to live a truly Christian focus was David Wilkerson in a book entitled, "I'm Not Mad At God" -- he is filled with the love of Jesus and the need to share Him with every human being he meets. What a giant in God's workplace! Somehow, God has given me His grace to recognize many outside of SDAism who are his servants. Another good book by David Wilkerson is "Have You Felt Like Giving Up Lately". It came to me at a very low time in my life and was helpful to bring me out of that 'lonesome valley' of hurt and anger at God. I have a very long way to go to achieve the level of neighborly sharing of Jesus that I want to have, so I solicit your prayers to that end. The IRS issues I spoke about in another post are almost cleared up and I know that God is working to get our financial lives in order. This week has helped me to get my life priorities straighter than they have been in regard to a 'reasonable level' of materialism which I needed to understand. Prayers for growth in that area are also sought from you all. From the posts, I realize that there are many of you who have suffered much more than I have and this serves to lighten my anger at God, as well as to let me know that I am not alone in my questionings. Lots more to say . . . later Loyal Seeker |
| Posted on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 8:11 am: |    |
OOPS - didn't mean to send that last post again! If you can remove it, Richard, please do so. Thanks, Loyal Seeker |
| Posted on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 9:35 pm: |    |
On Friday the city of Redlands had a city-wide prayer service in the Redlands Bowl. For one hour the pastors from (I believe) every church in the city prayed. The pastors and their churches were not introduced; rather, they were divided into three groups of about seven or eight each, and each group prayed for one group of people. One prayed for the familie of the victims, one for the rescue workers, and one for the President and the country. Choirs from the four secondary schools in town (including our school) each sang a patriotic song, and several civic leaders spoke. I was overwhelmed with how clearly the gospel was proclaimed IN PUBLIC for a whole hour! Those pastors prayed prayers for people to find salvation in Jesus Christ. They prayed for God's comfort and peace, and Jesus was praised and exalted over and over. My colleagues and I sat on the grass with tears running down our faces. The entire audience sang The Battle Hymn of the Republic, and we also sang God Bless America. I was completely amazed, and I thanked God for how he wastes nothing. I do pray that God will use this horrific disaster to draw people to want to know Truth, to desire meaning and reality, to know Him. I praise Him for being sovereign! Colleen |